VOL. 3, Issue 9

September 2024

Scottish Rite

The Ashlar

Valley of Columbus, Orient of Georgia

Serving Scottish Rite Masons in the Chattahoochee Valley

Personal Representative's Message

Philip E. Harris Sr., 33° 


Personal Representative 

to the SGIG

Greetings Brethren,

I want to congratulate Honorable Brother Harry Ross, 32° KCCH for an outstanding presentation on the Consistory Degrees (31° Inspector Inquisitor and the 32° Master of the Royal Secret). The points he brought up were thought provoking and interesting.  I know that Brother Harry put a lot into the presentation and I thank him for that.


I am happy to announce that I have appointed Illustrious Brother John Ohrt, 33° as our Chairman of the Executive Committee.  I actually appointed him after Illustrious Ted Collins, 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Orient of Georgia appointed me to serve as Personal Representative.  He has been serving for the last three months or so and has done an excellent job.  We have many issues to face and he is steering the committee in a great direction and accomplishing much.  Please congratulate Brother John when you see him.



Our next Lodge of Perfection meeting will be held on September 20th.  We share dinner and fellowship at 6:00PM and open the Lodge at 7:00pm. The program of our September Lodge of Perfection meeting will be our annual feast of Tishri where we give thanks for the many gifts we have been given as well as a feast of several toasts.  Our guest speaker will be Right Worshipful Brother Mark Bradley, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Georgia.  Your significant other is welcome to attend this open meeting.  In fact, bring friends and non-Scottish Rite Master Masons as our guests.  It will give them a little insight into what the Scottish Rite is all about.


Importantly, our annual Dove Shoot will be Saturday, September 14th.  You can go to our website and pay with a card to reserve a spot, but they are going fast. Registration for those who have paid will be from 1-6 PM on Friday, September 13th and 7 AM to 1 PM Saturday September 14th. There is space for RV overnight parking for $35, so shooters can be set-up first thing Saturday morning when the fields open at 7:30 AM. The event is on the Jones Farm again this year: 4 miles south off Hwy 520, on State Hwy 41, Weston, Georgia, with about 100 acres of corn fields and about 80 field spots. Food will available for purchase from 11 Am to 1 PM Saturday and of course our “Table of Cheer Raffle” will be held Saturday around 1 PM. 

I want to thank Honorable Brother Rossie Ross, 32° KCCH as Dove Shoot Chairman for securing the fields for us from our Worshipful Brothers, Darryl and Phillip Jones. He is doing a wonderful job and will need help in all aspects of executing this event.  From setting up our headquarters spot for the shoot, food preparation and selling, ticket taking, setting up signage, etc.  

Sponsorship is key to the success of this event.  If you have a business or know of a friend that does, please consider sponsorship.  This makes up a considerable part of the donation we will be making to RiteCare.  Contact either myself, Honorable Brother Rossie Ross or Brother Jim Davis for more information on sponsorship of our RiteCare Dove Shoot.

It is not all work.  It is a fun experience and a great way to fellowship and promote the Scottish Rite. Please let me know if you want to help by cell, text or email at my contact information listed below.  This is our key fundraising event for the Valley of Columbus’ RiteCare effort.


We have met with Dr. Kalynn Pistorio, Associate Professor of Special Education with Columbus State University, to seek out opportunities to expedite testing for children that must be diagnosed before autism therapy can be administered. This seems to be a barrier to get a child into therapy quickly. More to come on this soon. 

As mentioned at our Lodge of Perfection meeting, some may say that the Scottish Rite is nothing but a group of old men getting together for dinner, but I say we make our community better by supporting our RiteCare philanthropy.  Our RiteCare partner is KNR Therapy, Inc., that owns and operates the Autism Learning Center, LLC, here in Columbus.  We support this very important service through donations from our brethren and fundraisers, such as our Dove Shoot. 

The Orient of Georgia has launched “The Power of 3” with a very aggressive goal of generating $3 Million in 3 Years.  This is all about “Children. Charity. Community”.  Power of your gift:  $33.33 recurring monthly gift can support multiple children and purchase much needed supplies.  $300 supports a child for one academic year. $3,000 supports 10 children for one academic year.  Every gift, no matter how small or large is very much appreciated.

Four ways to give:

The Scottish Rite Foundation of Georgia, Inc.

P. O. Box 7927

Warner Robins, GA 31095

Brethren, it is an honor serving you as your Personal Representative and with Faith, Hope and Charity, in my heart, I send to you my warmest Fraternal Regards.

Warmest Fraternal Regards,  

Key Notes from the Valley

Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2024 Officers 

Lodge of Perfection

Chapter Knights Rose Croix

Council of Kadosh


Joseph F. Oelgoetz, III 33°

Scan here for our online petition(https://scottishrite.jotform.com/222923700194957)

General Secretary


Dear Brethren, 


I am happy to report that our brother, Illustrious Roger Buterbaugh, 33°, is on the mend.  He even visited the Scottish Rite Center with his lady Donna last week.  He is still healing from his surgery and needs rest.  But he would love to have either phone visits or personal visits.  Please contact Donna to determine a good time to visit.  She can be reached at 706-575-3118.  Please, no drop-ins.


It is with sadness that I report the passing of Illustrious Brother Thomas Edward Tante, IV, 33°.  Ed passed away on Tuesday, August 6th.  A wonderful Masonic Funeral Rite was performed at his Celebration of Life Service on August 12th.  Performing the Masonic Rite was Worshipful Brother Kevin Nishimura who did an outstanding job.  

Ed practiced law in Columbus for nearly 50 years partnering with Honorable Brother Joseph Powell, 32° KCCH in their firm Powell & Tante, Attorneys at Law.  Ed served in many capacities during his Masonic journey.  He served as Worshipful Master of Columbian Lodge No. 7, was a York Rite Mason and very active in the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus.  He was Degree Director of the 32 Degree and was Treasurer for the Valley.

The Valley is planning to perform a White Rose ceremony for Ed at the September Lodge of Perfection on September 20th.


In an effort of improved communication, we have added a Telephone invitation service.  Coupled with our monthly newsletter, the Ashlar, and meeting email blasts, the use of the phone invitation system will provide three ways to communicate the happenings and invitations of the events of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus.  The plan is to send out the “Phonevite” message either the Friday or Monday before the monthly Lodge of Perfection meeting.  

It is critical that we are using your correct phone number and correct email address.  If you have not noticed that you are getting these informational calls, the Ashlar or our monthly email communication, call the office and leave a message as to your name and the phone number and/or email address you want to be used.  You can call 706-322-3091 and leave a message, or you can email me at colsec@gascottishrite.org.


We have had a building firm look at the building foundation and they are recommending a rebuild of the foundation in several parts of the building, especially in the front section where the offices of the Personal Representative and General Secretary, and the library are located.  The Executive Committee is in the process of securing a second recommendation/quote.  The cost is in the several thousands of dollars.  We are in the process of getting a second opinion. We should receive this second opinion by our next Lodge of Perfection meeting. You will be hearing more about the details of the issue, cost and fundraising possibilities. The Valley of Columbus Scottish Rite Center means a lot to many of our members.  It holds a lot of history of the Scottish Rite in middle/west Georgia, along the Chattahoochee River valley.  More to follow in the coming months.

In support of the building there are current ways to contribute is to provide a donation via a check or via our website:  scottishritecolsga.com (indicated building fund).  Additionally, we have a brick program.  For $100 you can buy a brick and you can place three lines of type on the brick.  Great for yourself, your family, your Lodge or as a memorial.  Go to our website or look further down in this newsletter to “Buy a Brick”


It is that time again when dues notices for the 2025 Masonic year will be mailed from Supreme Council.  In the mailing you will be receiving your 2025 Scottish Rite Dues Card.  This does not mean that your dues are paid.  It simply is a cost-effective way of getting your dues card to you.  You still must make payment.  You can do that via debit or credit card on the Supreme Council’s website (scottishrite.org), on the Valley’s website (scottishritecolsga.com) or send in a check to:

Scottish Rite Center of Columbus

P. O. Box 727

Columbus, GA 31902-0727

Dues are the lifeblood of the Valley.  They provide the funding so that we can continue to provide a satisfying Scottish Rite experience to our membership.  If you have difficulty in paying the dues, please, please contact me and I will set-up a plan for payment with you.  Call the office and leave me a message to call you back (706-322-3091) or send me an email: colsec@gascottishrite.org.


The September program for the Lodge of Perfection (September 20th) will be our annual Feast of Tishri.  Our guest speaker will be Right Worshipful Mark Bradley, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Georgia.  The program will be full festive board with the required toasts.  This program is open and we encourage you to bring your lady and any friends, Masonic or not.


We are hoping that we can have a fall reunion.  Currently, at this writing, we do not have any local petitions.  If you know of a Master Mason that would benefit from membership in the Scottish Rite, please approach him (as we can ask Master Masons to join the Scottish Rite).  If you need help, please contact one of the Officers as we would be more than happy to help.  We also have several resources such as booklets, informational leaflets, etc. to help explain the many benefits of Scottish Rite membership.

Warmest Fraternal Regards,

Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH


Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH
European Representative
Valley of Columbus, Ga.

Valley of Washington, DC

European Representative


Dear Brethren,

I hope each of you had the opportunity to take some time this summer to relax and enjoy the season’s warmth. The Davis family took a couple of weeks to unwind at a beautiful Tuscan resort, where we indulged in delicious Italian food, sipped on fine wine, soaked up the sun on pristine beaches, and embraced the laid-back atmosphere. It was the perfect way to recharge and appreciate the simple joys of summer.

In today’s fast-paced world, it can feel like there is always something demanding our time and attention. From professional obligations to personal commitments, the constant pressure to stay on top of everything can leave us feeling drained and exhausted. In the midst of juggling responsibilities, it's easy to neglect one crucial priority: ourselves. Taking time to recharge isn’t just a luxury; it’s essential for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Why Self-Care Matters

At the core of personal well-being is the practice of self-care, which involves intentionally taking steps to recharge and nurture yourself. It’s about recognizing when you need to pause and step back from the demands of life, giving yourself the space to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate. Whether it's a few minutes a day or an entire weekend, dedicating time to yourself helps prevent burnout, improve productivity, and boost your mood.

Neglecting self-care can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even physical ailments such as headaches, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. When you don’t allow yourself to rest, it becomes harder to cope with life’s demands. By prioritizing time for yourself, you not only improve your own well-being but also enhance your ability to support others around you.

The Benefits of Taking Time for Yourself

Finding Time for Yourself

With so many demands on your time, carving out moments for yourself can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. I am discovering more ways everyday but here are some strategies to help you integrate self-care into your routine:

The Ripple Effect of Self-Care

When you make time for yourself, it benefits not only you but those around you. You’ll be more present, patient, and engaged with your loved ones and colleagues. Self-care allows you to show up as your best self, which ultimately enhances your relationships and your effectiveness in all areas of life.

Remember, taking time for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential. When you invest in your own well-being, you’re ensuring that you have the energy and resilience needed to face life’s challenges head-on. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed, remember that it’s okay to step back, recharge, and put yourself first. In the long run, it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself and those around you.

College of Freemasonry

The Journey

by Tarik Eker, 32°, published 17 June 2015, digitally published 13 September 2024 

The title of my paper bears the name "The Journey" and reflects my subjective perception. Because each brother undertakes his own journey in the brotherhood. With this paper, I would like to reproduce my journey, which I perceive as a human being and as a brother.

The impressions in this paper are personal and not complete, because the journey does not end at the end of this paper, but is "interrupted" in an entertaining way.

Before I reach into the main part of my paper, I would first like to ask the question, why do we travel, what do we want to achieve with a trip?

Is it a change of scenery, away from everyday life and stress, soaking up the sun, health, wanderlust...

There are many reasons that each of us has to start a journey. But are these the true motives that drive us to take a journey into the near or far distance?

To understand these motives, a brief detour into the historical development of the journey itself, the sources here are from the Internet (under google.com, wikipedia, linkedin SlideShare and prezi.com):

The majority of researchers believe that travel or tourism is an invention of the 18th century. A clear distinction is made between trips with and without a clear actual purpose. The pilgrims, for example, travel to find their salvation, while the conquerors travel to conquer. 

"Cook may not have been the inventor of the package tour, but he was the most successful tour operator," the researchers explain. But Cook did even more: travel guides relieved people of all the burdens, and tourists were able to devote themselves to recreation. In Germany, imitators were soon found who copied Cook's idea of package tourism. This is how the Germans explored their country and the world. The railroad brought many advantages. The trains steamed through the countryside, undeterred by the weather and road conditions, and passengers could enjoy nature from the carriage window.

Historical outline of travel:

Not to be forgotten are the people who are currently driven by pure survival, who are taking on an arduous and life-threatening journey to find a new home.

But what drives us "normal people", what are the reasons for a journey:

I answer this question from my point of view, it is the unknown that takes me away from my current everyday life and gives me a pleasant feeling of "being free", so to speak. I want to experience something I haven't experienced before, so I want to get to know a new life. In doing so, I explore myself through the undiscovered and the new experiences. I'm not talking about the everyday tourist life of being all-inclusive with consumption or other amenities that "paradise" suggests and is served. It's about those journeys in which I arrive somewhere, where I may have bought a city map as a precaution, and try to find my way around. From the booked hotel, I start an exploration tour, while I am busy with myself, with my inner self and the orientation of my surroundings. And in my mind's eye I form the distances, the expanses, when and where I can go. This dialogue with myself and my surroundings brings me more and more to a way of coping and yet a little bit of the feeling of being at home. I could also shorten this process of being at home and book a cultural tour with a guide...

On every return trip, my inner self reflects that I have come to know and appreciate something new. But this feeling is only the surface of the fact that I have actually gotten to know myself anew and new spheres are opening up within me. And every journey is actually a journey into my own self and is only possible through traveling, this dialogue and getting to know myself.

The journey from the profane world to the world of Freemasonry, on the other hand, is quite different from all the journeys I had experienced so far. Because the journey starts in the truest sense of the word "in the dark" and alone with a skull in the room, I am guided by a familiar voice of a person whom I have to trust, because I am "blind", my eyes are tied.

I can't buy a map of the city or read what could happen if I turn left instead of walking straight ahead.

I trust the voice and the hand that holds and guides me by my right hand and arm, and gives me security with a whispering voice. 

On this first journey I learn what it means to trust a "stranger". An unusual feeling that I, as a "blind" jmnd. must be trusted. This was the first lesson of "trust" for me. But trust alone is not enough to make me feel safe, I have to patiently endure this situation. Because trust comes with the hand that guides me and to be "patient" at the same time. Trust your brother and learn to be patient.

In the early days of being a brother, I had a lot of questions about allegories, symbolism and Freemasonry. I learn the "Trinity" for myself:

The development from one degree to another is far from a casual choice and tells us much about the intended nature and philosophy of the Masonic tradition. It shows a peculiar view of creation - The Almighty, geometry and architecture. If I look at this trinity the other way around, I interpret that the material world, in which the Almighty derives from the original truth through the philosophical understanding, and as applied in architecture through numbers, represents its manifestation in the form of geometry. Today, we see numbers as a measure of quantity. But in the past, the numbers were often used to represent a philosophy of universal truth that was untainted by social, cultural, religious, or other human boundaries.

We, as Freemasons, start first with architecture and progress with geometry and then approach the Almighty. As an apprentice, I got to know architecture in order to describe the construction of something lasting, useful and beautiful about the buildings or structures. The philosophical meaning is the "construct" of man. It helps us to develop the "entity" of man into a useful, intelligent and morally upright person.

Therefore, we must first master our daily lives so that we are able to further deepen the knowledge, as represented by the seven liberal arts in the journeyman's degree.

Only then are we ready to start the creative process of further development. This process then culminates in the "Trinity" represented by a building of a perfect human being. As symbolically depicted as the Master approaches the East.

Freemasonry teaches us not only where we came from, but also how to return. All this is achieved without dogma.

In the next section of my drawing, I would also like to reflect on my journey into the advanced degree of "Secret Master":

I am no longer "blind" as in the first three degrees, but a transparent silhouette of grief envelops my face. At first, my mouth is symbolically marked as a "Z" with a white key, later I learn that the material was originally made of ivory. The letter Z, I learn, is the first sign of the password of this degree.

I am now "mute" and I am symbolically denied speech, because I have lost the "word" and that is why I grieve on this journey. I have questions, will I be able to "speak" again, because after entering this degree, my mouth is still closed and not yet "unlocked". Do I have to look for the Word, or is it my Self that I have to search for in order to find the Word and then to be able to speak again?

I remember my travels, which taught me that my progress is only possible with discretion, obedience and loyalty. I can make an effort for the Word, but I will not find the "Lost Word", I will find much more the consciousness of myself. So I ask myself, am I aware of myself...

In order to understand this question first, I would like to give a brief outline of neural networks from my time as a student of electrical engineering and computer science (source open.ac.uk and "neural networks"):

In the early days of AI, or with the first neural network programs that were supposed to learn or grasp on their own, I also asked myself this question, can I teach the program, which consists of codes of 1 en and 0 en, to become aware of it.

Neural networks refer to structures of the brains of animals and humans, and they are one of the best. This type of nerve cell makes up structures of the brain. Each neuron consists of:

A human cerebral cortex consists of over 20 billion neurons and they can work in parallel and they also have a strong network (i.e. each neuron is directly connected to about 2000 other neurons).

Against this background, learning is understood as a change in the connection strengths of the neurons. The idea of an artificial neural network is young, having emerged from arithmetic and logical neuron models developed by McCulloch and Pitts in 1943, and in 1958 the first mechanical neurocomputer, Perceptron, was introduced. From 1986 onwards through Rumelhart, the story of the boom phase of artificial neural networks began, which continues to this day.

A fundamental finding from neurobiology is that whenever two interconnected neurons are active at the same time, the connection between them becomes stronger. Because the two neurons fire at the same time, the conductivity of the synapse between them, i.e. the synapse weight, increases. Connections of inactive neurons, on the other hand, always remain weak. This state of affairs forms the basis for any kind of associative learning and is called Hebb's learning rule (1949) after its discoverer.

Neural networks work differently than traditional computers. This difference in information processing will be briefly explained below.

Finally, I would like to address the philosophical consequence of the findings of modern neuroscience. To this end, I quote three leading researchers on it, the Nobel laureate and neurobiologist Francis Crick, the psychiatrist Manfred Spitzer and the philosopher Paul Churchland. 

The astonishing hypothesis is this: people, their joys and sorrows, their memories, their goals, their sense of identity and free will - all of which are really just the behavior of a vast collection of nerve cells and associated molecules (Francis Crick, 1994). 

It can be assumed that every human being is born with a certain basic neuromodulatory endowment. The chemical neuromodulators such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine determine his temperament or they are his temperament. Differences in their presence between individual people thus lay the foundation for behavioral dispositions and ways of reacting. However, we are not completely at the mercy of this genetic fate, these neuromodulators and their effects can also be influenced by our individual learning experiences (Manfred Spitzer, 1996).

The widely reciprocally coupled neural network between the cerebral cortex and the thalamus in the diencephalon exhibits the seven important properties that are also attributed to consciousness (short-term memory, selective attention, ability to integrate polymodal inputs, variable ability to interpret data, cognitive activities independent of sensory inputs, dreaming, deep sleep). In terms of neuroinformatics, we can describe how each of these properties is generated, and it is conceivable that physical structures of our brain also generate them in this way. So my hypothesis is as follows: Cognitive activity emerges in consciousness when and only when it is represented as patterns of electrical signals and synaptic connection strengths (i.e., as vectors) within the neural network (Paul Churchland, 1997). 

The findings of modern neuroscience have obviously overcome the old, occidental dualism of matter and spirit, or body and soul. This also dissolves the dualistic dilemma of the interaction of matter and spirit. Paul Churchland describes the brain as a soul machine, Manfred Spitzer as a rule-recognition machine. 

Conscious experiences are the result of information-processing processes in a dense and complexly structured network of billions of neurons. In this sense, they are system functions of the brain. The question of an immaterial being behind neuronal activity cannot be answered by scientific psychology; but the philosophical point of view shows "Cogito ergo sum" (René Descartes) or else as Augustine argued at the time: 

"Si enim fallor, sum. Nam qui non est, utique nec falli potest. Ac per hoc sum, si fallor. Quia ergo sum, si fallor, quomodo esse me fallor, quando certum est me esse, si fallor?" 

"Even if I'm wrong, I am. Because if you are not, you cannot be mistaken. And so I am, if I am mistaken. Since, therefore, if I am mistaken, how can I deceive myself about my being, since it is certain that I am, even if I am mistaken?"


As in the course of my journey in the advanced degrees, I have become more aware of myself, because the first division of our degrees is called "Ineffable Degrees". As described in the book "A Bridge To Light" by Br. Rex R. Hutchens and hinted at by Br. Albert Pike "Morals and Dogma", it is the light of the Almighty that reflects in us and His divine wisdom that is in us humans.

So it's not the "word" that was lost, but I wasn't aware of myself. Thus, it also goes hand in hand with the fact that God's creation is us humans and that in every human being there is also the divine and thus also something "indestructible" and "immortal"...

With these open questions, I would like to interrupt my journey and report on the progress of this journey...

Upcoming Events & Programs

HOT Pipe Organ Capital Campaign

Since 1916 the Temple Room at the House of the Temple has had an Organ to make our events even more special with music. The Shantz organ console located behind Lieutenant Grand Commander’s Chair controls the sound from the 1,417 pipes located high above floor level. The acoustics perfectly allow the room to be flooded with sound. Typically, the organ is played by the Grand Organist for various Masonic events and ceremonies. On occasion, guest organists hold concerts in the Temple Room. The public also visits the Temple Room every week during tours at the HOT. 

The current Shantz Organ needs rebuilding and improvement. Currently, only about 50% of the keys will produce correct sounds. This is why the Scottish Rite has opened the HOT Pipe Organ Capital Campaign to save our treasured Organ. We formed a committee of members with vast knowledge and experience in Organs to plan this work. We need to keep music as an important part of the ceremonies and rituals of our fraternity.

Our goal is to raise $400,000 to pay for restoration, improvements to the instrument, and provide an endowment to pay for its maintenance and repairs in the future. Members all around the Southern Jurisdiction are giving, and we are making progress, but we are counting on every member’s help – and your help – to reach the goal.

Gifts to this Capital Campaign are tax deductible as allowed by law. Your gift made payable to the HOT Historic Preservation Foundation can be mailed to: 

Supreme Council - Development Office

Attn: Caitlyn Kent

1733 16th Street N.W.

Washington, DC 20009-3103

Or you can simply call Caitlyn Kent at (202) 777-3111, tell her your gift is for the “Pipe Organ Campaign” and give her your card payment information to complete your gift. All information will be kept confidential.

You can also make your gift directly online by going to: www.ScottishRite.org. Hover over “How to Give”, then “Giving Types” and left click on “Cash Gifts”. You will gain access to a secure jotform with blanks in which to type your information.

If you would like more information about this work or the campaign, please reach out to Donor Officer Phil Shortt at (240) 608-7425 or PShortt@ScottishRite.org

Help keep our rich music culture alive in the Scottish Rite by helping with this earnest effort. 

The January/February edition of the Scottish Rite Journal has greater detail about saving the House of the Temple’s Musical Treasure. Go to https://scottishrite.org/media-publications/scottish-rite-journal/the-scottish-rite-journal/ for even more.

Paver Program

The Valley of Columbus is establishing a paver garden in front of the Scottish Rite Center. It will start at the bottom of the steps on both sides of the front porch and extend to the end of each side of the building. It will be similar to the pavers at the Masonic Children's Home in Macon. This is a great opportunity to support the Valley of Columbus Building Fund by purchasing a paver, and to honor those people or organizations that have a special meaning to you (to include yourself!). Complete the order form in this issues of The Ashlar or open in a new window HERE.

300th Celebration Silver Coin

300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at colsm@gascottishrite.org

Committee Reports


As a result of our Power of 3 Program plan to raise $3M in 3 years to provide low- or no-cost intervention to help Georgia children with communication disorders find their ‘voice,’ I asked Ryan Gilliam, the Chief Operating Officer of KNR Therapy, how potential RiteCare donations could be used by KNR Therapy at the Autism Learning Center in Columbus. Below is his response:

“Thank you for considering us for your continued generous support. Below, I have provided detailed information regarding our staff, client numbers, the impact of various donation amounts, and our future growth plans.

Current and Projected Staff and Client Numbers:

Projected Numbers in the Next Few Months:

Impact of Donation Amounts:

Potential Funding Utilization Ideas:

We are committed to using donated funds to make the most significant possible impact on our clients and staff. We appreciate your interest in supporting KNR Therapy. Thank you for your consideration and support.”

I believe the biggest impact that increased RiteCare donations can have is to help get more BCBAs and RBTs certified. There is no shortage of children who need help. Let’s make it happen!

Phil Harris, 33°
Chairman, RiteCare
Valley of Columbus

Vol. 3, No. 9 - September 2024