VOL. 3, Issue 8

August 2024

Scottish Rite

The Ashlar

Valley of Columbus, Orient of Georgia

Serving Scottish Rite Masons in the Chattahoochee Valley

Personal Representative's Message

Philip E. Harris Sr., 33° 


Personal Representative 

to the SGIG

Greetings Brethren,

As I address this Body with my second message to you via The Ashlar as the Personal Representative to the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Orient of Georgia, I want to thank Illustrious Ted C. Collins, 33°, our Sovereign Grand Inspector General, for his support by attending our June and July Lodge of Perfection meetings.  In June, he assisted us in welcoming our new Masters of the Royal Secret, 32°.  At our most recent meeting on July 19th, he honored me by recognizing my 50th anniversary of being a Scottish Rite Mason and presented with my patent, lapel pin, and 50-year cap badge.  I am truly honored and humbled.  

The night I received this recognition, I shared the story of why I became a Mason and how it came to be that I would join the Scottish Rite.  God gave me two of the most loving and nurturing parents that anyone could wish for and at an early age I learned my dad was a Mason. Without understanding the precepts of the Cardinal Virtues, I would latter come to realize that he had been teaching me to practice them throughout my life.  Sometime after reaching the age requirement in 70’s, I wondered why I had not been invited to join the Fraternity as my dad sat patiently by, honoring his Obligation. As a young Mason I wanted to join the Shrine so I that I could raise money to help children and have some fun with the Brothers.  At that time in history, you had to be a Scottish Rite or York Rite Mason to be a Shriner and after joining the Scottish Rite, I soon began to experience the true meaning of “More Light”. With each Degree, the allegory and dramatization by some of the best Ritualist in the Craft, made me a better Mason and man. To this day, I am so grateful for the prerequisites in place at that time that led me to this great organization. During my Masonic Journey I have cherished my membership in the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus and the opportunity to have met and worked with many of you and those who have gone before us. It has truly been a privilege and wonderful experience.

I want to congratulate the members and officers or our Knights of Saint Andrew Chapter for putting on a great program of Initiation (Knighting) and Installation of their officers for the coming year.  I also want to congratulate our newest Knights: Brother and Sir Knight Frank Robert (Rob) Bunn, Jr., 32° and Brother and Sir Knight James Waddell, 32°.  Additionally, congratulations to Brother and Sir Knight Jim Davis, 32° as our new Knight Commander and to all of the Officers of our Chapter.  Great Program!

We also had the pleasure of having Brother Mark D. Griffis, 32°, State Director of DeMolay, Brother Rob Grant, Sr. 32°, Chairman of the Grand Lodge of Georgia’s Youth Council, Our Sovereign Grand Inspector General and Past Grand Master Illustrious and Most Worshipful Ted C. Collins, 33°, along with many Senior DeMolays and Members of the Grand Master’s Class of the George Washington Memorial Chapter, to present the Grand Lodge’s William R. Carver, Sr. award which was bestowed on our Illustrious Brother Norm Blankenbeckler, 33° who is also a DeMolay Legion of Honor recipient. Well deserved, Illustrious Brother Norm!!

Also, a big thank you to our fireworks fundraising captain, Matt Burgess, 32°, K.S.A. and his team, for the grueling 12 days and nights spent making this fundraising project for the operational fund a success. Our Valley continues to struggle to raise funds for the day-to-day operation of the Valley, as our membership numbers diminish and cost continue to rise. Notwithstanding the current economic situation, we are also faced with the challenges of maintaining our beautiful and historic Valley home that was built in the late 1800’s.


Brethren, if you have not visited the Valley for some time, I invite you back and ask that you bring a friend, whether he is a Mason or not, and when he learns how RiteCare is “Helping Children Communicate”, he may be ready for some Masonic Light or More Light! if he is already a Mason.  Your Officers are working hard to strengthen the Scottish Rite experience for all of you.  We are going to provide different types of meetings: Educational on the Scottish Rite Degrees and other Masonic topics such as history, philosophy and other esoteric elements; Family Friendly events such our Feast of Tishri, Burns Night (given by our Knights of Saint Andrew), and Holiday programs; and opportunities to make our community a better place to live with our RiteCare support of the Autism Learning Center of Columbus, and our annual Scholarships for the next generation.

Our next Lodge of Perfection meeting will be held on August 16th.  We share dinner and fellowship at 6:00PM and open the Lodge at 7:00pm.  This meeting will be tyled as the program is a presentation on the Degrees of the Consistory: 31st and 32nd Degrees.  This will be presented by Honorable Brother Harry Ross, 32° KCCH who serves as our Master of Kadosh.  This should prove interesting and enlightening. We ask that you call in and let us know you and your guest will attend so we may prepare enough food for the occasion.  

The program of our September Lodge of Perfection meeting will be our annual feast of Tishri where we give thanks for the many gifts we have been given as well as a feast of several toasts.  Our guest speaker will be Right Worshipful Brother Mark Bradley, Deputy Grand Master of Masons in Georgia.  Your significant other is welcome to attend this open meeting.  In fact, bring friends and non-Scottish Rite Master Masons as our guests.  It will give them a little insight into what the Scottish Rite is all about.

Finally, I cannot end this writing without providing a few words on our RiteCare Program.  As mentioned earlier in this article our RiteCare partner is KNR Therapy, Inc., that owns and operates the Autism Learning Center, LLC, here in Columbus.  We support this very important service through donations from our brethren and fundraisers. 

The Orient of Georgia has launched “The Power of 3” with a very aggressive goal of generating $3 Million in 3 Years.  This is all about “Children. Charity. Community”.  Power of your gift:  $33.33 recurring monthly gift can support multiple children and purchase much needed supplies.  $300 supports a child for one academic year. $3,000 supports 10 children for one academic year.  Every gift, no matter how small or large is very much appreciated.

Four ways to give:

The Scottish Rite Foundation of Georgia, Inc.

P. O. Box 7927

Warner Robins, GA 31095

Importantly, our annual Dove Shoot will be happening on Saturday, September 14th.  We will need help in all aspects of executing this event.  From setting up our headquarters spot for the shoot, food preparation and selling, ticket taking, setting up signage, etc and most importantly ask those business you regularly patronize to be a Sponsor.  It is not all work.  It is a fun experience and a great way to fellowship.  More to come on the event soon. Please let me know if you want to help by cell, text or email at my contact information listed below.  Also, if you know a business that might be willing to be a sponsor, let me or Brother Jim Davis, 32°, K.S.A. know.  This is our key fundraising event for the Valley of Columbus’ RiteCare effort.

Brethren, it is an honor serving you as your Personal Representative and with Faith, Hope and Charity, in my heart, I send to you my warmest Fraternal Regards.

Warmest Fraternal Regards,  

Key Notes from the Valley

Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2024 Officers 

Lodge of Perfection

Chapter Knights Rose Croix

Council of Kadosh


Joseph F. Oelgoetz, III 33°

Scan here for our online petition(https://scottishrite.jotform.com/222923700194957)

General Secretary


Dear Brethren, 



In an effort of improved communication, we have added a Telephone invitation service.  Coupled with our monthly newsletter, the Ashlar, and meeting email blasts, the use of the phone invitation system will provide three ways to communicate the happenings and invitations of the events of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus.  The plan is to send out the “Phonevite” message either the Friday or Monday before the monthly Lodge of Perfection meeting. 


It is critical that we are using your correct phone number.  If you have not noticed that you are getting these informational calls, call the office and leave a message as to your name and the phone number you want to be used.  You can call 706-322-3091 and leave a message, or you can email me at colsec@gascottishrite.org.


We have had a building firm look at the building foundation and they are recommending a rebuild of the foundation in several parts of the building, especially in the front section where the offices of the Personal Representative and General Secretary, and the library are located.  The Executive Committee is in the process of securing a second recommendation/quote.  The cost is in the several thousands of dollars.  You will be hearing more about the details of the issue, cost and fundraising possibilities. The Valley of Columbus Scottish Rite Center means a lot to many of our members.  It holds a lot of history of the Scottish Rite in middle/west Georgia, along the Chattahoochee River valley.  More to follow in the coming months.


Current ways to contribute is to provide a donation via a check or via our website:  scottishritecolsga.com (indicated building fund).  Additionally, we have a brick program.  For $100 you can buy a brick and you can place three lines of type on the brick.  Great for yourself, your family, your Lodge or as a memorial.  Go to our website or look further down in this newsletter to “Buy a Brick”




It is that time again when dues notices for the 2025 Masonic year will be mailed from Supreme Council.  In the mailing you will be receiving your 2025 Scottish Rite Dues Card.  This does not mean that your dues are paid.  It simply is a cost-effective way of getting your dues card to you.  You still must make payment.  Your can do that via debit or credit card on the Supreme Council’s website (scottishrite.org), on the Valley’s website (scottishritecolsga.com) or send in a check to:



Scottish Rite Center of Columbus

P. O. Box 727

Columbus, GA 31902-0727


Dues are the lifeblood of the Valley.  They provide the funding so that we can continue to provide a satisfying Scottish Rite experience to our membership.  If you have difficulty in paying the dues, please, please contact me and I will set-up a plan for payment with you.  Call the office and leave me a message to call you back (706-322-3091) or send me an email: colsec@gascottishrite.org.




The August program for the Lodge of Perfection (August 16) will be on Masonic Education.  There will be a presentation and discussion of the Consistory Degrees - 31st & 32nd Degrees, Inspector Inquisitor and Master of the Royal Secret respectively.  As is stated in the book “Bridge to Light”: “The Consistory Degrees are very different in form and content.  The 31st Degree reveals the dynamic relationship that has existed for centuries between human law as a means of achieving justice and divine justice as an ideal.  It asks all of us to judge ourselves in the light of this knowledge and the lessons of the preceding degrees.  It teaches us that the path to immortality is more than the mere outward appearance of piety.


The 32nd Degree reviews briefly the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection, the Chapter of Rose Croix and the Council of Kadosh.  In it, we learn the very ancient roots or Masonic Truth – in the East.  Symbols seen in previous degrees are here given broader and deeper meanings.  The Royal Secret is explained in this degree and forms the capstone of the instruction of the Scottish Rite.  From this fundamental truth is derived human wisdom and virtue, or right conduct.”


This will be given by our Master of Kadosh, Honorable Brother Harry Ross, 32° KCCH.  Take a look at these two degrees in your copy of “A Bridge to Light” and come prepared to ask questions and contribute to a lively discussion.




We are hoping that we can have a fall reunion.  Currently we do not have any local petitions.  If you know of a Master Mason that would benefit from membership in the Scottish Rite, please approach him (as we can ask Master Masons to join the Scottish Rite).  If you need help, please contact one of the Officers as we would be more than happy to help.  We also have several resources such as booklets, informational leaflets, etc. to help explain the many benefits of Scottish Rite membership.

Warmest Fraternal Regards,

Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH


Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH
European Representative
Valley of Columbus, Ga.

Valley of Washington, DC

Photos by: Brother Frank Ullmann

European Representative


Dear Brethren,

As the summer season unfolds and the days grow longer, we find ourselves reflecting on the wonderful events that brought us together as a Masonic community. While many European Lodges have gone dark for the summer break, our commitment to inclusivity and virtual presence remains strong. We are deeply grateful to belong to a Valley that values participation from all members, regardless of their physical location.

In June, six European Brethren attended the Lodge of Perfection via Zoom, reflecting our dedication to ensuring that every member can participate, even if they cannot attend meetings in person. Our monthly Zoom meetings are open to any Valley of Columbus member unable to attend a Lodge of Perfection meeting. To join, simply look for the email reminder from the Valley and click the Zoom link when it is time for the meeting to begin. This inclusivity strengthens our bonds and upholds the spirit of Masonry, ensuring that no Brother feels left out.

With that, I hope the summer season is treating you well and the heat is not too unbearable. In Germany, while the temperatures never reach the levels of Georgia, it still feels equally hot considering the average climate. Nonetheless, we are always happy to see a little sun. As the days grow longer and warmer, many European Lodges have gone dark for the summer break. However, before we officially closed the Masonic year, we celebrated with a memorable Summer Fest Joint BBQ on the 27th of July.

Held in the picturesque town of St. Leon-Rot, this event was a significant milestone in Masonic collaboration. For the first time, three esteemed Masonic bodies—the American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL), Emirat Shriners, and Scottish Rite, AMSRB-NATO Club—came together for a joint celebration. What many did not realize was that a fourth Masonic body was in their midst. Many members of the Valley of Columbus were in attendance and greatly contributed to the camaraderie of the event. The BBQ featured an array of delicious foods and a vibrant atmosphere, with over 60 attendees enjoying the day despite occasional drops of rain.

Distinguished officers, including our dear Brother Arda Çilingir, 32°, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master of the ACGL, and Illustrious Sir Volker Deussen, Potentate of Emirat Shriners Europe, graced the event with their presence. The Past Grand Master, Illustrious James Barrett, 33°, Personal Representative of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, Valley of Washington, DC, and the Secretary of the AMSRB-NATO Club, also attended, adding to the prominence of the occasion. Brother Frank Ullman, Valley of Columbus Scottish Rite Candidate and Past Emirat Shriners Potentate, served as the informal Master of Ceremonies, ensuring the event ran smoothly.

Children’s laughter filled the air as they played, while adults engaged in enriching conversations, strengthening the bonds of fraternity. The BBQ feast featured an enticing array of meats, vegetables, potatoes, and desserts that satisfied every palate. In addition to the sumptuous food and lively atmosphere, the event featured a small raffle that raised just under 500€ for charity, showcasing the Masonic commitment to philanthropy. Music added a melodic touch to the celebration, enhancing the convivial ambiance.

The Summer Fest Joint BBQ in St. Leon-Rot was more than just a gathering; it was a testament to the power of collaboration, the joy of shared experiences, and the enduring spirit of the Masonic community. As we transition into the summer break, we look forward to more events that bring us together in fellowship and fun. As always, any Brother visiting Germany is encouraged to reach out.

Sir Knight Jim Davis, 32°

Knight Commander


Sir Knights,

The  Knights of St. Andrew held their Annual meeting on June 22, 2024 and elected the following officers for the term ending on June 30, 2025:

The following officers were appointed:

At their 3rd quarter meeting during the July Lodge of Perfection, two petitioners were knighted:

The outgoing Knight Commander, Sir Knight Russel Ward was presented the Past Commanders Medal  in appreciation of his service during the past fiscal year.

As we look forward to the coming year, I am honored to serve as your Knight Commander. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the Columbus Knights of St. Andrew for your unwavering dedication and invaluable contributions to the Valley of Columbus. Your commitment and efforts have been instrumental in our achievements, and I am confident that together we will continue to accomplish great things.

Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.


Sir Knight Jim Davis, 32°
Knight Commander
Knights of St Andrew

College of Freemasonry

The Destructive Power of Hatred: How It Consumes a Person

by Cameron J. Davis, MSSL, 32° KCCH, digitally published 03 August 2024 Art by Chris Röhrich,  32°

Hatred, an intensely negative emotion, can have significant detrimental effects on an individual's psychological, emotional, and physical well-being. This article explores the mechanisms by which hatred consumes a person, examining its impact on mental health, emotional stability, and physical health. Strategies for overcoming hatred and fostering positive emotional health are also discussed, along with counterarguments considering potential functional aspects of hatred and their associated hazards. The principles and values of Freemasonry, including tolerance, are incorporated to highlight the importance of overcoming hatred and promoting harmony.



Hatred is a powerful emotion that, if left unchecked, can profoundly affect an individual's life. It is characterized by intense dislike or ill will toward someone or something. The destructive nature of hatred can manifest in various forms, including chronic stress, obsession, and distorted perceptions, all of which contribute to a downward spiral in mental, emotional, and physical health (Smith, 2019).


Psychological Impact of Hatred 

Hatred keeps the mind in a perpetual state of agitation and stress. This constant tension can lead to various mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. Individuals consumed by hatred experience a cycle of negative thoughts, which can be exhausting and all-consuming (Brown, 2018). Moreover, hatred often turns into an obsession, where the individual continually fixates on the object of their hatred. This obsession can overshadow other aspects of life, preventing the individual from experiencing joy or fulfillment in other areas (Johnson, 2020). Additionally, hatred warps perception, leading to biased thinking and irrational conclusions. It causes individuals to misinterpret neutral or positive actions as negative, further entrenching their negative feelings and isolating them from reality (Williams, 2021).


Emotional Impact of Hatred 

The emotional impact of hatred is equally profound. Hatred diminishes one's capacity for empathy and compassion. The person becomes increasingly detached from the feelings and experiences of others, leading to strained relationships and a lack of social support (Davis, 2017). Over time, hatred solidifies into long-lasting bitterness and resentment. These emotions become a permanent part of the person's emotional landscape, making it difficult to experience positive emotions like love, joy, and gratitude (Thompson, 2016). As hatred grows, it often pushes others away. Maintaining relationships with someone consumed by negativity becomes challenging, leading to social isolation and loneliness (Garcia, 2018).

Physical Consequences of Hatred 


The physical consequences of hatred are also significant. The chronic stress and emotional turmoil associated with hatred can manifest in physical health problems. Conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and weakened immune function can all be exacerbated by the constant strain (Lee & Kim, 2019). The agitation and stress that come with hatred can interfere with sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or poor-quality sleep. This lack of rest further impacts physical health and exacerbates mental health issues (Taylor, 2020). Moreover, hatred is emotionally exhausting. The energy expended in maintaining such a high level of negative emotion leaves the person feeling drained and fatigued, impacting their overall vitality and ability to engage in daily activities (Clark, 2021).


Hatred's Blinding Effect 

Hatred also has the power to blind individuals, causing them to dismiss beneficial products, ideas, or processes simply because of their association with a person or group they despise. For example, a manager who harbors hatred towards a particular employee might dismiss that employee’s innovative ideas, regardless of their potential benefits to the company. This not only stifles creativity and progress but also harms the organization as a whole. Additionally, this behavior can perpetuate a toxic work environment, where employees feel undervalued and are less likely to contribute meaningfully (White, 2020). Thus, more than just the person acting with hatred is impacted; generally, everyone suffers from the resulting negativity and lost opportunities (ChatGPT 4.0, 2023).


Freemasonry, Tolerance, and the Rejection of Hatred


Freemasonry, an ancient and honorable fraternity, espouses principles and values that stand in stark contrast to the destructiveness of hatred. Central to Freemasonry are the virtues of tolerance, brotherly love, and the pursuit of truth. As Freemasons, we are taught to regard the whole human race as one family and to act with kindness and understanding towards all individuals, regardless of personal differences. This philosophy of tolerance is crucial in combating hatred and fostering a more harmonious society.


The principle of tolerance emphasizes understanding and respecting differing viewpoints. In a world where it is impossible for everyone to always agree, tolerance allows individuals to coexist peacefully despite their differences. Hatred, on the other hand, thrives on intolerance and division. When hatred is allowed to flourish, it blinds individuals to the merits of diverse ideas and perspectives, leading to a society where innovation and cooperation are stifled. A Freemason who embraces tolerance would approach a disagreement not with hostility, but with a willingness to understand and find common ground.


Overcoming Hatred 

To prevent hatred from consuming one's life, it is crucial to engage in active self-reflection and seek ways to release these destructive feelings. Recognizing and acknowledging the presence of hatred is the first step toward overcoming it. Self-awareness allows individuals to understand the root causes of their emotions (Mitchell, 2019). There are several tools and techniques at our disposal to confront hatred. For example, professional help can provide the needed insight for managing and mitigating feelings of hatred. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other therapeutic approaches can be particularly effective (Anderson, 2021). Practices that promote mindfulness and present-moment awareness can help individuals detach from their negative thoughts and emotions, fostering a more balanced and peaceful mindset (White, 2020). 

Cultivating forgiveness and compassion, both for oneself and others, can be powerful antidotes to hatred. Letting go of grudges and seeking to understand others' perspectives can pave the way for emotional healing (Harris, 2018). Lastly, surrounding oneself with positive influences and supportive relationships can counteract the isolating effects of hatred and provide a sense of connection and belonging (Lopez, 2017). 

Counterarguments and Hazards 

While the negative impacts of hatred are substantial and well-documented, some argue that hatred can have functional aspects, particularly in motivating social and political change. Hatred can serve as a catalyst for individuals to take action against perceived injustices. For example, collective hatred towards oppressive systems has historically unified groups and fueled movements for social reform, such as the Civil Rights Movement in the United States (Jasper, 2017). This type of hatred, directed towards systemic issues rather than individuals, can lead to positive outcomes when it results in increased awareness and constructive action aimed at rectifying societal wrongs (Goodwin, 2018). Additionally, some psychological theories suggest that hatred can be a protective mechanism. It can act as a boundary-setting emotion that helps individuals avoid harm and establish clear personal limits (Rosenberg, 2020). Hatred towards abusive behavior can prompt individuals to leave harmful relationships, as seen in survivors of domestic violence who use their hatred as motivation to seek safer environments. In this context, hatred might serve as a powerful signal that prompts individuals to remove themselves from toxic relationships or harmful environments. Additionally, expressing hatred can sometimes provide a sense of relief and a way to process intense feelings, potentially leading to catharsis and emotional release (Greenberg, 2019).

However, while these functional aspects of hatred are noteworthy, it is crucial to balance them against the potential for long-term negative consequences. The key lies in channeling hatred in ways that promote constructive outcomes rather than allowing it to consume and damage one's personal well-being. The argument that hatred can unify groups for social change overlooks the fact that such movements often lead to further polarization and division in society. The Civil Rights Movement, while successful, also encountered significant backlash and violence, highlighting the dangers of hatred-fueled actions (Jasper, 2017). Additionally, using hatred as a protective mechanism or boundary-setting tool can perpetuate a cycle of negative emotions and prevent individuals from moving past their trauma, leading to ongoing mental health issues (Rosenberg, 2020). Cathartic expressions of hatred might provide temporary relief but do not address the underlying causes of these intense emotions, potentially exacerbating long-term emotional distress (Greenberg, 2019).


Freemasonry’s emphasis on tolerance and brotherly love provides a framework for addressing and mitigating the harmful effects of hatred. By promoting understanding and compassion, Freemasonry encourages individuals to seek common ground and to resolve conflicts through dialogue and mutual respect. This approach not only helps to prevent the destructive cycle of hatred but also fosters a more inclusive and supportive community.



In conclusion, hatred is a potent emotion that can consume a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being. By understanding its destructive impact and taking proactive steps to address it, individuals can break free from its grip and cultivate a healthier, more fulfilling life. Balancing the recognition of hatred's potential functional aspects with strategies for mitigating its harmful effects is essential for fostering emotional health and societal progress. Incorporating the principles of Freemasonry, particularly tolerance and brotherly love, further underscores the importance of overcoming hatred and promoting harmony in society.

Questions for Reflection



European Freemasonry at a Glance

Introduction by Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH

In a Turkish Freemason lodge, the term "Tekris" refers to the initiation ceremony or the process of becoming a Freemason. It is derived from the Turkish word "tekris," which means "initiation" or "consecration." This ceremony involves various rituals and symbolic acts that introduce the candidate to the principles, values, and teachings of Freemasonry. The initiation process is a significant and solemn event, marking the candidate's transition from darkness to light in the Masonic brotherhood.

In the Entered Apprentice Degree or "Tekris," the candidate is duly prepared in the usual manner and led through a series of steps that represent different stages of enlightenment and understanding, culminating in the revelation of Masonic mysteries and symbols.

In the Turkish Lodges of the American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL), newly initiated Brothers are required to write and present a thesis on the received degree before they are declared proficient in that degree. This practice ensures that the new Brothers deeply understand and reflect upon the teachings and symbolism of their initiation. The following is the English translated "Tekris" Thesis of our dear Brother Arda Çilingir, 32°, for the Entered Apprentice Degree, presented to the Worshipful Master and Brethren of Türkay Lodge No. 995, ACGL.

Tekris Thisis
Arda Çilingir, 32°
Frankfurt, September 7, 2010


First, I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to me here in the Lodge. I would like to share with you my feelings and thoughts during my initiation on June 22, 2010. Before we proceed to my initiation, I will give you a little insight into my journey to Masonry so you can better understand my feelings before and after the degree work itself.


Next month marks the start of my third year in college and a new phase of life with it. Naturally, when I settled in the new city, I faced new duties and responsibilities. I was looking for friends in a city where I did not know anyone compared to my hometown – my nest for my entire life. In the first weeks and months, many of the people I had just met joined different student fraternities, i.e., “Brothers.” A few months later, some of my cohort suggested that I join them in visiting a few fraternity houses. As I was curious, I said “Yes, of course,” and visited a few houses with them. During these different visits, I noticed one thing: the people who participated in such a "Brotherhood" and I had very different expectations from the word "BROTHERHOOD" or "FRATERNITY." For me, these words signify and bring together Respect, Love, Decency, and Honesty. I could not find any of these in these so-called Brothers.


One night on the Internet, while reading about fraternities in general, I noticed the word “Masonry” (Freemasonry). At the time, I could not make any connection to that word and wasn’t even aware of what it could mean. On the Internet, I noticed something else when researching “Masonry”: almost every page provided completely different information. After a few days, I still wanted to know more about it. I ordered four books, not just one, to ensure I gained as neutral an understanding as possible. Reflecting on it now, while reading those books, I noticed two very important things for me. One is that Masonry’s pillars are based on "Brotherhood," and the second is that the knowledge about Masonry I had gained so far was not enough for me. So, I delved deeper and searched for Masonry in Göttingen, the city where I am studying. I found the Lodge “Augusta zum goldenen Zirkel” and now had a plan to work with. From now on, Brethren of "Augusta zum goldenen Zirkel" Lodge, I was able to join a guest evening. A few visits later and having had wonderful conversations with the Brethren there, my interest in joining grew even greater.


One weekend when I visited my parents, I brought one of the books with me. By the way, here I would like to point out that neither my father had ever mentioned anything about Masonry to me nor did I know that he was a Freemason. One evening, my father walked into my room and noticed the book I was reading. He asked me, "What book is this?" I replied, "It is about Masonry." He then asked, "So what is this so-called Masonry?" I told my father what I had read and what I knew, and at that moment I felt like a walking Wikipedia page giving an elevator pitch. He didn't say anything concrete about it and only commented, "Interesting - Good night, son."


After a few days at their place, he returned to the topic and said, "After you read so much about it, did you notice anything?" I said, "No, what do you mean?" He suggested I should look more carefully next time. That is when I understood what my father meant, and I could see a smile on his face for a moment. I started smiling with him because I knew at that exact moment that this was a good thing.


After a few months and a few meetings with my father, the day of my initiation arrived. The days and weeks before the initiation were quite exciting for me, but I was even more excited on the day itself. It was a thrilling day of joy, with no fear, but respect, as I knew I was about to join the world's oldest Brotherhood. I drove with my dad to the Lodge in Frankfurt. This was a car ride of approximately 45 minutes filled with awkward silence. Once we arrived at the lodge building, I was taken to the preparation room.


While in the room, it felt as if time was standing still, and I had been there for several hours. It felt so long to me, and for the first time, I was face-to-face with the first Masonic symbols. I had never experienced such a prolonged period of loneliness and time for meditation. I sat there and had deep thoughts, reflecting on topics I had never considered before. Death, life, and why I was on this journey. The skull and the hourglass had the biggest impact on me. Now I understand why we call it the " Chamber of Reflection."


When I came out of the Chamber of Reflection, all the metallic substances I was wearing were taken from me, and after a few moments, I was the poor, blind, limping candidate in need of help. I was taken to the outer door. When my eyes were blindfolded, I didn't feel safe for a moment. But when the guiding brother took me by my right hand and gave me the brotherly grip, he instilled in me the trust and confidence I needed at that minute. All my insecurity vanished, which was very important to me for the rest of the initiation. For the first time in my life, I needed someone else's help, and I relied on every Brother.


One of the most significant and impressive moments was when I took my oath to keep all secrets, comply with the by-laws and codes of the ACGL, and always help and assist any Brother of the Craft if within my cable-tow. A little after the break, the blindfold was removed, and I was brought to Light. I noticed that I was surrounded by Brethren and then observed the first details of the Lodge. Everything became clear to me, and I felt immediately welcomed as a Brother. I felt immense joy, happiness, and trust, and it was an extraordinarily moving moment for me. I want to thank you for those feelings, and I'm confident that I will find something very important to me in this Brotherhood: Respect, Love, Decency, and Honesty.


Thank you!

Your Brother Arda

Upcoming Events & Programs

HOT Pipe Organ Capital Campaign

Since 1916 the Temple Room at the House of the Temple has had an Organ to make our events even more special with music. The Shantz organ console located behind Lieutenant Grand Commander’s Chair controls the sound from the 1,417 pipes located high above floor level. The acoustics perfectly allow the room to be flooded with sound. Typically, the organ is played by the Grand Organist for various Masonic events and ceremonies. On occasion, guest organists hold concerts in the Temple Room. The public also visits the Temple Room every week during tours at the HOT. 

The current Shantz Organ needs rebuilding and improvement. Currently, only about 50% of the keys will produce correct sounds. This is why the Scottish Rite has opened the HOT Pipe Organ Capital Campaign to save our treasured Organ. We formed a committee of members with vast knowledge and experience in Organs to plan this work. We need to keep music as an important part of the ceremonies and rituals of our fraternity.

Our goal is to raise $400,000 to pay for restoration, improvements to the instrument, and provide an endowment to pay for its maintenance and repairs in the future. Members all around the Southern Jurisdiction are giving, and we are making progress, but we are counting on every member’s help – and your help – to reach the goal.

Gifts to this Capital Campaign are tax deductible as allowed by law. Your gift made payable to the HOT Historic Preservation Foundation can be mailed to: 

Supreme Council - Development Office

Attn: Caitlyn Kent

1733 16th Street N.W.

Washington, DC 20009-3103

Or you can simply call Caitlyn Kent at (202) 777-3111, tell her your gift is for the “Pipe Organ Campaign” and give her your card payment information to complete your gift. All information will be kept confidential.

You can also make your gift directly online by going to: www.ScottishRite.org. Hover over “How to Give”, then “Giving Types” and left click on “Cash Gifts”. You will gain access to a secure jotform with blanks in which to type your information.

If you would like more information about this work or the campaign, please reach out to Donor Officer Phil Shortt at (240) 608-7425 or PShortt@ScottishRite.org

Help keep our rich music culture alive in the Scottish Rite by helping with this earnest effort. 

The January/February edition of the Scottish Rite Journal has greater detail about saving the House of the Temple’s Musical Treasure. Go to https://scottishrite.org/media-publications/scottish-rite-journal/the-scottish-rite-journal/ for even more.

Paver Program

The Valley of Columbus is establishing a paver garden in front of the Scottish Rite Center. It will start at the bottom of the steps on both sides of the front porch and extend to the end of each side of the building. It will be similar to the pavers at the Masonic Children's Home in Macon. This is a great opportunity to support the Valley of Columbus Building Fund by purchasing a paver, and to honor those people or organizations that have a special meaning to you (to include yourself!). Complete the order form in this issues of The Ashlar or open in a new window HERE.

300th Celebration Silver Coin

300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at colsm@gascottishrite.org

Committee Reports


As a result of our Power of 3 Program plan to raise $3M in 3 years to provide low- or no-cost intervention to help Georgia children with communication disorders find their ‘voice,’ I asked Ryan Gilliam, the Chief Operating Officer of KNR Therapy, how potential RiteCare donations could be used by KNR Therapy at the Autism Learning Center in Columbus. Below is his response:

“Thank you for considering us for your continued generous support. Below, I have provided detailed information regarding our staff, client numbers, the impact of various donation amounts, and our future growth plans.

Current and Projected Staff and Client Numbers:

Projected Numbers in the Next Few Months:

Impact of Donation Amounts:

Potential Funding Utilization Ideas:

We are committed to using donated funds to make the most significant possible impact on our clients and staff. We appreciate your interest in supporting KNR Therapy. Thank you for your consideration and support.”

I believe the biggest impact that increased RiteCare donations can have is to help get more BCBAs and RBTs certified. There is no shortage of children who need help. Let’s make it happen!

Phil Harris, 33°
Chairman, RiteCare
Valley of Columbus

Vol. 3, No. 8 - August 2024