Personal Representative's Message
Personal Representative
to the SGIG
We have the honor and privilege of presenting our Degrees to eight Master Masons during our upcoming Reunion to be held on Friday evening and Saturday, May 20 & 21. This is the second Reunion we have held on the last twelve months. I commend you, my brethren, for spreading the Light of Scottish Rite Masonry up and down the Chattahoochee River Valley. We need your help in welcoming these brothers into the Valley of Columbus, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. We need help in the kitchen as we plan to provide dinner on Friday (at 6:00pm) and breakfast & lunch on Saturday, on the stage crew to provide the perfect environment for our emulation of the degrees or take on a part in a degree. Any assistance would be helpful to the Valley, and I guarantee, a benefit to you.
Put the 23rd of September 2023 down in your calendar as this will mark the 100th Anniversary Celebration for the Valley of Columbus, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. We picked this date since we were able to get confirmation that Illustrious James Cole, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry will be coming to Columbus to help us celebrate this august event. We have also gained confirmation from the Deputy Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, Right Worshipful Michael Kessler for his attendance (in the hope that he will be elected to as Grand Master). The plan is to have the Grand Line rededicate the Scottish Rite Temple as part of the festivities. We are looking for a brother to Chair this event. If you have interest or want to serve on the 100th Anniversary Committee, please contact either myself or our General Secretary, Honorable Brother Roger Buterbaugh.
One of my favorite movie lines was given at the beginning of “The Gladiator”. It was prior to the battle with the Germanic tribes when “General Maximus” addresses his troops and states “What you do in life, echoes in eternity” (paraphrase). Granted, Maximus’ Legions were about to embark on a battle that would go down in history. But how simple and how true. Good or bad what we do in our journey through life affects us and those around us. As Masons we are taught to make positive choices. To be upright in our dealings with others and our God, treat all equally and good, and to treat all on the square, fairly and honestly. We have the opportunity to change people’s lives in our community through our work with RiteCare and Scottish Rite Scholarship programs. So, as we progress through life remember that what you do does matter, how you do it does matter, getting involved does matter, and it does echo within your own soul, your family, your friends, and “in eternity”.
I hope to see many of you on Friday and Saturday May 20 and 21 to garner further light during Scottish Rite Reunion.
Warmest Fraternal Regards, Joe
Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 32° KCCH
Personal Representative to the
Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the
Orient of Georgia
Communication from Supreme Council, 33°
Please accept my continued appreciation for your hard work in our Valleys. I know our Fraternity means a lot to you and through your efforts, our members can more fully enjoy their journey in Scottish Rite.
In my view, Scottish Rite is not possible without our Blue Lodge experience. For that reason, I hope you appreciate the attached document.
A few short weeks ago, at the suggestion of Imperial Sir Bill Bailey, Imperial Potentate for Shriners International, Grand Commander Pete Samiec of the NMJ and I joined Imperial Sir Bill to draft a Statement of Principles, indicating the support of our three organizations for our Grand Lodges and for our basic Masonic principles.
I ask that you read this Statement at your next stated meeting and that you publish and distribute it widely.
Please let me know if you have any questions and please accept my continued thanks for your service.
James D. Cole, 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander
Supreme Council, 33° | Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, SJ, USA

Key Notes from the Valley
Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2022 Officers
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Senior Warden Baron Conklin, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH
Expert Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
Assistant Expert Ditmar Chavez, 32o, KCCH
Captain of the Host Russell Ward, 32o
Prelate Dennis Buchanan, 32o
Tyler Scott Lavelle, 32o
Chapter Knights Rose Croix
Wise Master John Ohrt, 33o
Senior Warden Rossie Ross, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Bill Block, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Scott Lavelle, 32o
Expert Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Standard Bearer Jonas Barlow, 32o
Guardian of the Temple Larry Cox, 32o, KCCH
Tyler Richard Luna, 32o
Council of Kadosh
Commander Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
1st Lt Commander Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH
2d Lt Commander Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Harold Culpepper, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Ron Provencher, 32o, KCCH
Tercopiller Jonas Barlow, 32o
Draper Bayardo Reyes, 32o
Junior Deacon Bill Buffton, 32o, KCCH
Bearer of the Black Stand Mark Stillwell, 32o
Bearer of the White Stand Brian Pierce, 32o
Lt of the Guard Jacob Robideaux, 32o
Master of Kadosh Sidney Cooley, 32o, KCCH
Prior Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH
Preceptor Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Russell Ward, 32o
Minister of State Bayardo Reyes, 32o
Prelate Phillip Jones, 32o
Master of Ceremonies Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Expert Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Assistant Expert Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH
Captain of the Guard Matthew Dewinter, 32o
Steward John Adams, 32o
General Secretary
Brethren, I had the honor to award the Scottish Rite Outstanding ROTC Cadet Award to Cadet Marcus Lee of the Cougar Battalion, Columbus State University on April 21. It was part of the ROTC Annual Presidential Review and Award Ceremony held by the Clock Tower. I spoke with him after the ceremony - he is a fine young man who will be an definite asset to the US Army when he is commissioned.
Our Scottish Rite Spring Reunion is scheduled for May 20-21 at the Scottish Rite Center. Degree captains are always looking for Brethren to take a part in portraying the degrees. Contact IB John Orht, 33o, our Director of Work, if you would like a part. If you don't, come anyway to support our new Scottish Rite Brethren - so far, we have eight candidates. Observing the degree work is good refresher training about Scottish Rite.
The Valley of Columbus will celebrate its 100th Anniversary next year (2023). It will take place September 23, 2023 at the Scottish Rite Center. We invited the Sovereign Grand Commander, Southern Jurisdiction, Scottish Rite, Illustrious Brother James Cole, 33o, and he accepted our invitation. We also invited the presumptive Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, RWB Mike Kessler, and the Grand Line to rededicate our Center. He, too, has accepted. Planning for the event will begin in earnest this fall. Let me know if you would like to be a part of the planning committee.
Fraternally yours,
Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH
General Secretary
Valley of Columbus
Editor - The Ashlar
Dear Brethren,
Form the beginning of human existence with the creation and development of the second brain, individual perspective has played an enormous role in our lives. The subject of this month's College of Freemasonry should be a topic of interest for every man who calls himself a Freemason. "Attacks on Freemasonry are not new to our fraternity. From the early 1700s to Hitler and Mussolini’s persecution of Freemasons in the 30s, Franco’s execution of Freemasons in the 1950s and the Iranian government’s elimination of Freemasons in the 1980s, to today’s attacks by some religious organizations, one thing is evidently clear, Freemasonry has survived the test of time while most of the organizations who have attacked Freemasonry have not" (Broad Ripple Lodge #643, Grand Lodge of Indiana). That, however, does not make the "sting" of such attacks easier to absorb, if such anti-masonic ideals should ever enter your life on a personal or direct level. If you will indulge me to share a personal experience, I admit that my own daughter has not spoken to me since July of 2021 because I am a Freemason. She further publicly accuses me of satanic practices, acts, rituals and worship in accordance with her current religious beliefs. Today, after two weeks, I discovered my daughter gave birth to a health baby girl and my first granddaughter on 18 April 2022. Believe me when I tell you, the anti-masonic sward is quite sharp when it is wielded at the heart and it should be equally as horrific to every Mason when it is thrusted into the soul of our Brotherhood. Today, my daughter refuses to hear anything as counter argument from me so I realize now how much I should have educated myself to better combat such ideas in the past. While there is nothing I can do to change the past, I can always use the past to better shape the future. Every Freemason should take the time to better educate themselves in this subject and to further take every opportunity to correct another (including each other) if found to be in error.
As I lead into this month's College of Freemasonry article, I remind you all that in most cases I try to connect the article to the presentation delivered in the Solomon's Masonic Learning. For the month of May, the presentation outlines "Masonry in Turkey" by guest speaker MW Bro (Prof. Dr.) M. Remzi Sanver, Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Turkey. Due to the political environment and the persecution Freemasons experience in Turkey, the session is not recorded. The only opportunity to hear this presentation is during the live event as expressed in my email to you on 15 April 2022. Please navigate to the website at ( and subscribe now to ensure you do not miss out on future events. If you are not attending Solomon's Masonic Learning (SML), you are truly missing out. The May, SML achieved new heights by reaching 88 Brethren from 53 different Lodges across 15 different Grand Lodges from 9 different countries. If that is not Fraternal diversity, I am not sure what is. Please join us for our next even.
Cameron Davis, 32°
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Cameron Jay Davis, 32°
Director of Knowledge Management & Communication
Editor - The Ashlar
Valley of Columbus
College of Freemasonry
The next SML is: Thursday, 9 June 2022 at 14:30 EST.
Solomon’s Masonic Learning (SML)
Solomon's Masonic Learning (SML) is a virtual learning environment developed by the Solomon Lodge Education Committee to assist the Master with instructing the Brethren in all areas of Masonic education. Using the Zoom platform, the Education Committee will coordinate and schedule Masonic learning presentations and when available, guest speakers to present in a virtual setting.
Visit to see the latest and past SML events. If you do not already receive notifications, you can subscribe to the sml822 email distribution list and receive email notifications surrounding events and Masonic education information HERE.
Responding to the critics of Freemasonry
Masonic Education #20 Anti- Masonry, (26 Feb. 2016) published by Michigan Masonic Museum and Library.
In this video we look at various anti-masonic movements in history.Anti-Masonry 101 - Episode 179, (30 Aug 2017) published by Masonic Roundtable
Throughout the past 300 years, Freemasonry has been the subject of hatred and conspiracies throughout the world, This week, the hosts of The Masonic Roundtable are going to dive headlong into a discussion on anti-Masonry, where it came from, what forms it has taken over the past 300+ years and, perhaps most importantly, what you should do when confronted by an anti-Mason. This video is an interesting discussion if you have an hour to spare. CLICK HERE to watch the video.A Masonic Short Talk from the American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) library.
Reprinted from A Response to Critics of Freemasonry, Masonic Information Center, Silver Springs, MD. A division of the Masonic Service Association of North America, founded by John J. Robinson in 1993. SourceFrom Northern Ireland to Iran, from the Middle East to the United States, religious extremism is a growing force throughout the world. Jarred by the rapid pace of social and cultural change, especially the apparent disintegration of moral values and the break-up of the family, some people within this movement have sought refuge from the complexity of modern life by embracing absolute views and rejecting tolerance of other beliefs.
Simple, easy, seemingly stable answers bring comfort in a rapidly changing world. For example, some churches have responded to the personal anguish of their members by circling the wagons, that is, by strictly defining theological concepts and insisting their members "purify" their fellowship by renouncing any other beliefs.
The next step, already taken by various churches, is to yield degrees of control within their ranks to vocal factions espousing extremist views. These splinter groups focus the congregation’s generalized anxieties on specific targets. The proffered cure-all is to destroy the supposed enemy. Freemasonry has become one of these targets precisely because it encourages members to form their own opinion on many important topics, including religion.
Thus some churches have expressed concerns, even condemnations, of Freemasonry. Generally, these actions are based on misunderstandings. A case in point is the June 1993 report to the Southern Baptist Convention by the Convention’s Home Mission Board. This report defined eight alleged conflicts between the tenets and teachings of the masonic Fraternity and Southern Baptist theology. Let’s briefly look at those areas, as representative of the thinking of some well-meaning but misinformed church members today, and see if the concerns are real or simply a matter of misinformation or misunderstanding.
Most of the issues really deal with language in one way or another. Almost every organization has a special vocabulary of words which are understood by the group. It’s hardly appropriate for someone outside a group, and without the special knowledge of the group, to object to the terms unless he or she fully understands them and why they are used. If someone wants to read the Journal of the American Medical Association. for example, that is his right---but he doesn't have a right to complain if the articles use medical terms. A person reading a cookbook had better know that terms like fold, cream the butter, or soft ball have special meanings--or he'll make a mess instead of a cake. The same is true of a non-Mason reading masonic materials. As to the critique of Freemasonry by the Southern Baptist Convention (which, incidentally, had several positive things to say about Freemasonry), here is a brief explanatory discussion of each point.
“Offensive Titles”
1. Because they do not see specific words in their historic context, some critics complain of the prevalent use in Freemasonry of offensive titles and terms such as Worshipful Master for the leader of a Lodge. The leader of a masonic Lodge is called the Master of the Lodge for the same reason the head of a Boy Scout troop is called a Scoutmaster, an orchestra’s leader is termed the Concert Master, or a highly-skilled electrician is called a Master Electrician. The term arose in the guilds of the Middle Ages when the most skillful workman was called the Master. Much masonic vocabulary dates from that period. Worshipful in Worshipful Master has nothing to do with worship in any religious sense. masonically, Worshipful is a term of honor and, in this sense, it is a term still used in England and Canada today-- to refer to such officials as mayors of cities. Worshipful John Doe means exactly the same thing as the Honorable John Doe. In the same vein, the Mayor of London is addressed as the Worshipful Lord Mayor. Certainly there is nothing irreligious here in the use of Worshipful or Lord. Such terms are a matter of history and tradition, not religion.
“Bloody Oaths”
2. Some critics of Freemasonry object to what they term archaic and offensive rituals or so-called bloody oaths in Freemasonry. There is nothing offensive in the rituals to anyone who understands them. They are ancient, not archaic, since many of them are so old their origins are lost in history. But there is nothing bad in that. The Declaration of Independence is about the same age as the Master Mason Degree, but few complain it is "archaic."
The alleged bloody oaths refer to the penalties associated with the masonic obligations. They originated in the medieval legal system of England and were actual punishments inflicted by the state on persons convicted of opposing political or religious tyranny. Freemasonry’s obligations do not contain any promise ever to inflict any of the penalties or to participate in the execution of them. In Freemasonry, they are entirely symbolic and refer exclusively to the shame a good man should feel at the thought he had broken a promise.
3. Certain critics claim the recommended readings for the Degrees of Freemasonry are "pagan" in origin. "Pagan", as they are using the term, simply means "pre-Christian." The major purpose of Freemasonry is the study of man’s intellectual and moral history for the purpose of developing ourselves morally and intellectually. Such a study has to start with the concepts of man and God as held by early cultures and evidenced in their mythologies. The Greeks and Romans, as well as earlier peoples, had much of importance to say, on many topics. including religion. The idea that a physician must act in the best interests of his patient comes from the pagan Hippocrates, and the concept that the government cannot break into your house and take what it wants on a whim comes from the pagan Aristotle. None of us would want to live in a world without these ideas.
In almost every field—law, government, music, philosophy, mathematics, etc.—it is necessary to review the work of early writers and thinkers. Freemasonry is no exception. But to study the work of ancient cultures is not the same thing as to do what they did or believe what they believed. And no Mason is ever told what he should believe in matters of faith. That is not the task of a fraternity. nor a public library. nor the government. That is the duty of a person’s revealed religion and is appropriately expressed through his or her church.
The Bible as “Furniture”
4. Ironically. some people complain about the Bible used in lodge being referred to as the "furniture" of the lodge. No disrespect is intended. Indeed, just the opposite is true. Freemasons use the word "furniture" in its original meaning of essential equipment. Since no lodge can meet without an open Volume of Sacred Law, (Which in North America is almost always the Bible) the Bible is essential and given a special place of honour as the "furniture" for every regular lodge.
“The Meaning of ‘Light”
5. The masonic use of the term "light' is often misunderstood by non-Masons. This confusion may lead some to think Masons are speaking of salvation rather than knowledge or truth. Nowhere in masonic ritual is "light" implied to mean anything other than knowledge. Light was a symbol of knowledge long before it was a symbol of salvation. The lamp of learning appears on almost every graduation card and college diploma. Fremasonry uses light as a symbol of the search for truth and knowledge. It’s very unlikely that any Freemason would think that light represents salvation.
“Salvation by Works”
6. Freemasonry does not imply salvation may be attained by one’s good works. Freemasonry does not teach any path to salvation. That is the duty of a Church, not a Fraternity. The closest Freemasonry comes to this issue is to point to the open Bible, and tell the freemason to search there for the path to eternal life. Freemasonry does believe in the importance of good works. but as a matter of gratitude to God for His many great gifts and as a matter of individual moral and social responsibility. The path to salvation is found in each Mason’s house of worship, not in his Lodge.
7. Various critics accuse masonic writers of teaching the "heresy of universalism." Universalism is the doctrine that all men and women are ultimately saved. Freemasonry does not teach universalism or any other doctrine of salvation. Again, that’s the province of the church, not a fraternity. You have to look rather hard to find masonic writers who "teach universalism." Even if you could find one, it’s important to remember that any masonic author writes for himself alone, not as an official of the fraternity. Freemasonry simply does not have a position, official or otherwise on salvation. Since men of all faiths are welcome in the Fraternity, Freemasons are careful not to offend the faith of any. Possibly this in itself may seem to be universalism to some critics. Freemasons call it common courtesy.
Racial Exclusion
8. Some critics, less eager to put their own houses in order than to find fault with others, contend most lodges refuse to admit African Americans as members. Freemasonry today is not a whites only organization as the hundreds of thousands of Black, Native American. Hispanic and Oriental Freemasons can testify. Petitions for membership do not ask the race of the petitioner, and it would be considered completely wrong to do so. At the same time it must be said that Freemasonry, like American society and churches in general, has not lived up entirely to its high ideal of brotherhood in dealing with African-American and other minorities. This is a situation which most Freemasons. like most Americans. are trying to overcome. There is a schism in Freemasonry dating back over 200 years to when "Prince Hall" Masons, who are African-Americans, declared themselves independent. This schism is similar to the division of the United Methodist Church from the A.M.E. C.M.E. and United Methodist Church from the A.M.E., S.M.E. and A.M.E. Zion churches or the National Baptists from the American and Southern Baptists.
In each of these three examples. the organizations are working to repair the damages of centuries of segregation. For each, complete reunification remains an elusive goal hindered by social resistance on both sides, but not by organizational ideals. In the case of Freemasonry mutual recognition between "black" and "white" Grand Lodges has proceeded at a steady pace for nearly ten years, while African-American members are increasingly common in formerly "white" Lodges.
For instance, at the international celebration of the 275th anniversary of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1992 (the most recent masonic gathering of about the same size as the Southern Baptist Convention), there were far more Blacks present than there were at the Southern Baptist Convention in Houston in 1993. Freemasonry’s movement regarding racial matters affirms Freemasonry’s genuine evolution with the rest of American society and churches toward genuine brotherhood among all races.
In summary, looking over the concerns raised in the report, none are tenets and teachings as the report claims. Four of the concerns are merely misunderstandings of masonic vocabulary by non-masons. The complaint that some of the writers whose work Freemasonry studies are pre-Christian could be raised against any study of man, government or philosophy. Almost all areas of study start with the ancient (pagan) Greeks. All members of the Fraternity know that Freemasonry does not invade the area of the church to teach any doctrine of salvation, neither universalism, salvation by works, nor any other. And the objection that Freemasonry is some sort of whites-only club is refuted by the myriad of men of colour wearing the square and compasses.
Freemasonry is simply a Fraternity—an organization of men, banded together to further develop themselves ethically and morally, and to benefit the community at large!
Committee Reports
Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer
The Executive Committee has provided the following Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer Form to help select personnel for the active committees including those outlined in the Strategic Plan. If you are making a nomination, please visit the link below to verify current members of each committee first.
CLICK HERE for the Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer Form
Reports Submissions
As a Committee Chairman for any Valley standing committees, it is your responsibility to keep the Executive Committee Chairman and the Brethren of the Valley of Columbus apprised on all committee updates. Committee reports are due monthly prior to the Executive Committee Meeting held on the third Wednesday of every month. Furthermore, regardless of a cancellation meeting due to legal holiday, the Committee Chairman shall still submit a committee reports prior to the third Wednesday of each month.
Committee report should include but are not limited to any changes in committee members; the status of any actions in the planning process, in the execution progress, or completed since last report; any requirements (financial, volunteer or otherwise); request for information; collected funds or expenditures; and any projected deadlines.
CLICK HERE for the Committee Report Form
College of Freemasonry
Master Craftsman class has read and discussed chapters 1-2. In the upcoming week chapter 3-4 will be read and discussed. Keep up the good work. Ill see you on May 25th at the Scottish Rite Center at 6pm.
Bro. Scott LaVelle, 32°
Vol. 1, No. 6 - May 2022