Personal Representative's Message
I want to welcome you to our first digital newsletter, The Ashlar. In our attempt to strengthen our communication to you, our membership, we developed and plan to provide you with The Ashlar on a monthly basis. This will be one of many tools with the objective of keeping you informed.
Our hope is that it will provide you with all information concerning the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus. This will include focused communication from our Venerable Master, General Secretary, Commander of the Knights of St. Andrew, and myself, your Personal Representative to the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Orient of Georgia. As well as a monthly article on a subject concerning Masonic Education and Light; monthly communication of activities; Committee Reports and other pertinent information concerning our beloved Rite.
I am proud to say, that we now have a RiteCare here in our community. Through the leadership of Illustrious Phil Harris, 33 we have partnered with The Autism Learning Center of Columbus. They serve, on average, 60 to 70 children from our community. We, as Scottish Rite Masons, support the speech therapy needs of those whose families are hard pressed to provide the funding for this valuable need for their children. Be proud of YOUR efforts in attaining this very important philanthropy for the children living in Columbus and the Chattahoochee Valley.
I ask you to get involved. What would you get out of participating: More Masonic Education – we are striving to become the regions “College of Freemasonry” with programs such as articles in The Ashlar, a focus on the Master Craftsman program, a possible Book Club and renewed study of the Truths expressed in our 29 Degrees of the Scottish Rite; More Opportunities for Fellowship – Where you will rub shoulders with fellow Scottish Rite Masons from all along the Chattahoochee Valley. Your wife/significant other is invited to attend most of our Third Friday of the Month Lodge of Perfection meetings. More Opportunities for Service – to serve a broader community than just within our Symbolic Lodge. We are called to serve and encourage men to be self-reliant and independent, and to perform zealously his duties to God, his country, his family, his brethren, and himself. More Opportunities to Practice Charity – help us with our RiteCare partnership. Serve on our RiteCare Committee and/or participate in our programs of support for RiteCare. More Role Models & Mentors – I am proud to say that the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus has some of the most upstanding, knowledgeable and loving Brothers I have had the pleasure to meet on my Masonic Journey. These brothers serve as my mentors by leading lives that reflect what it means to be a true Mason.
Finally, my Brethren, I want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Blessed Christmas and Hanukkah season, depending on where your Faith in God takes you. It is my sincere honor and I am humbled to serve you as your Personal Representative. Again, get involved, please attend our Lodge of Perfection meeting every third Friday of the Month.
Warmest Fraternal Regards, Joe
Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 32 KCCH
Personal Representative to the
Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the
Orient of Georgia
Key Notes from the Valley
Phil Harris, 33°
Venerable Master
As the Valley of Columbus Venerable Master for the Lodge of Perfection and as Chairman of the Executive Committee, I believe this year has been successful in many ways. We have seen an increase in membership and more Brothers are getting involved in the Ritualistic Work.
Developing our relationship with The Autism Learning Center, LLC (ALC) as our Rite Care Center here in Columbus is certainly our greatest achievement for the year. We truly have selected a Rite Care partner that "Helps Children Communicate". As we grow our relationship with ALC and our involvement in supporting them, the community will begin to notice the good work we do and make it less of a chore to ask for and receive financial support.
We have also made a sizable investment in our building by replacing the roof system with a thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) product guaranteed for 20 years. This was a badly needed repair that was financially painful but necessary. Other needed repairs are in the planning phase to make further use of our building for fundraising activities. Needed funds will draw on an Equity Line of Credit with our bank, previously approved by the Brethren earlier this year.
Our Lodge has also made enormous strides in our "Information, Communication and Knowledge Management" system. . . . continue
Tony McCool, 32° KCCH
General Secretary
In life we have Firsts and Lasts. This is my first article in The Ashlar as General Secretary and my last as I retire from this position. My plans are to buy a Motorhome and travel for the next four years. Follow us on our adventure on the YouTube channel Coolest Life. It is bitter sweet as I close a chapter in my life to begin a new chapter. I hope to travel and return to Columbus as we have family and friends in this community.
Being the Secretary has been a great position as it allowed me to serve the craft in a way you can really make an impact on brothers and their family. It has deepened my relationships with many brothers and others. I hope that the changes I helped implement have moved the Scottish Rite in Columbus to a better, more efficient, and prosperous position in the future.
Being a Mason has been something I have enjoyed, the good and the bad. Not all of my Masonic experiences have been good. You will always learn more from your losses than you will your victories. This is true in Masonry, Church, Work, Sports, and in Life. I look back at the great times with my brothers and look forward to even more down the road. A road filled with hills, valleys, potholes and some magnificent memories yet to make.
Thank You for letting me serve you these last almost three years as your General Secretary of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus.
Jonas Barlow, 32°
KSA Commander
It is an honor to be selected as the new Commander for The Order of the Knights of St. Andrew, Valley of Columbus. The Order was created by Robert The Bruce in 1314, to honor sixty-three Knights who came to the service of Scotland, during the Battle of Bannockburn, turning the tide of that battle. Like the original sixty-three knights, your Knights of St. Andrew stand ready to be of service to the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus, wherever and whenever we may be needed. With its rich history and famous origins, it is an honor for me to lead this valiant group of men.
College of Freemasonry
Harmony through brotherly love and charity is the strength and support of the Valley of Columbus

Stained Glass and Freemasonry
Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction - 2021 Open Biennial Session - Illustrious James D. Cole, 33°, Sovereign Grand CommanderBrotherly Love, the First of the Three Great Tenets of Freemasonry
David J. Llewellyn, P.M., Gate City Lodge No. 2, Grand Lodge of Georgia
As Free and Accepted Masons we are taught that the first great tenet of our Fraternity is Brotherly Love. By it we do not mean that we are all of one opinion in all matters, personal and political. By it we do not mean that we are all the same in religion, creed, nationality, race, political opinion, status or fortune. Rather the concept teaches us, in the words of the Georgia Masonic Manual, “to regard the whole human species as one family; the high and the low, the rich and the poor, who, as created by one Almighty Parent and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support and protect each other. On this principle, masonry unites men of every country, sect and opinion, and conciliates true friendship among those who might otherwise have remained at perpetual distance.”
Admittance to our order is not based upon the artificial distinctions created by the human race. Rather it is based upon only those principles upon which all good men agree and which all religions teach. As set forth in the Ancient Charges and Regulations adopted by the Grand Lodge of England in 1722 candidates are “to be good men and true, or men of honor and honesty, by whatever denominations or persuasions they may be distinguished, whereby Masonry becomes the center of union and the means of conciliating true friendship among persons who would otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.” Thus, our traditions and the Masonic Code (Chapter 39-1) only require that a candidate believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, in some revelation of His will, and in the immortality of the soul and that he be a man of at least [18 for the State of Georgia] years, freeborn (i.e. not a born a slave or a vassal) and his own master, in respectable circumstances, able to read and write, capable of learning and performing the intellectual and physical duties of Masonry, and of good reputation. These are our only requirements.
Every candidate at initiation is informed of our purpose: “The design of the Masonic institution is to make its members wiser, better, and consequently happier. We receive none into our ranks, knowingly, who are not moral and upright before God, and of good repute before the world. Such persons, when associated together, will very naturally seek each other’s welfare and happiness equally with their own.”
By binding such men together as brothers Masonry does not intend to make them agree in all respects.
That would be taking the concept of brotherhood much too far. Rather it recognizes and celebrates the legitimate differences between brothers. It seeks to subdue those discordant passions that are within each of us and to so harmonize and enrich our hearts with God’s own love and goodness that we can associate together on common ground as friends and brothers no matter what our other distinctive attributes are.
Indeed, Masonry does not require that we must “like” all of our brothers. But it does require that we respect them and treat them with dignity. Worshipful Brother H. L. Haywood in his book The Great Teachings of Masonry (Enlarged Edition) (McCoy Publishing and Supply Co., Inc., Richmond, 1986) explains,
Brotherhood does not demand of us that we privately like people who are obnoxious to us, or that others should like us who find our company distasteful. Such things are in the domain of one’s intimate likes and dislikes and have to do with private friendship rather than with brotherhood.
If I cannot like this neighbor of mine I can be a brother to him nevertheless. I can give him exact justice in all my dealings with him. I can always refuse to do evil to him or speak evil of him. I can always maintain an attitude of good will to him, and wish for him good fortune and happiness. I can ever stand ready to help him to fullness of life, insofar as circumstances make that possible, and I can always refuse to place any obstacles in his path. If I have a difference with him I can differ with him as one man to another, honestly and openly, without childish petulance. Such an attitude is brotherly spirit, and it can flourish where private friendship is impossible.
In proportion as a man understands brotherhood and acts in conformity with its demands, he will always work for human unity. In his lodge he will not be a dividing and distracting force. In his community he will be a good citizen who knows that the community has a right to demand many sacrifices on the part of its children He will uphold and maintain the principles of his country, and oppose every influence that makes for its degradation and division. He will everywhere use his efforts to break down racial antipathy, religious jealousies and unjust ambitions, the base intrigues of false statesmen, and the public connivance in public vices, he will everywhere and always oppose. It is his task as a true soldier of brotherhood.
This, then, is true Brotherhood: to act with respect to each other and to always do good to one another, even when we do not “like” each other.
Masonically speaking, “Brotherly Love” means “charity” in the truest sense of the word: benevolent goodwill toward and love of humanity without any consideration being given to those artificial distinctions that are the creation of human prejudice, weakness, and greed. It is the chief lesson of the Entered Apprentice degree. No true Mason can bear ill will toward another, brother or not, unless the other violates the moral law, the laws of the land, or, if a brother, the laws of Masonry. Even then the true Mason must not hate him, but must pray for the miscreant’s reform.
If Masons understand this first great tenet of Freemasonry and follow it in their daily lives, their lodges will be places of peace and the Fraternity as a whole will be an institution where brotherly love prevails and where every moral and social virtue cements us. Moreover, Masonry will be understood and recognized by the profane as a force for human unity and happiness. The constant practice of Brotherly Love will be the primary refutation of our critics and the chief attraction to new candidates. Therefore, Brethren, let us ever so meet, act, and part. Let us never fail to practice Brotherly Love toward all mankind. We can only be the richer for it. So mote it be!
Join the discussion and click the "Discussion Board" button below.
Committee Reports
Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer
The Executive Committee has provided the following Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer Form to help select personnel for the active committees including those outlined in the Strategic Plan. If you are making a nomination, please visit the link below to verify current members of each committee first.
CLICK HERE for the Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer Form
Reports Submissions
As a Committee Chairman for any Valley standing committees, it is your responsibility to keep the Executive Committee Chairman and the Brethren of the Valley of Columbus apprised on all committee updates. Committee reports are due monthly prior to the Executive Committee Meeting held on the third Wednesday of every month. Furthermore, regardless of a cancellation meeting due to legal holiday, the Committee Chairman shall still submit a committee reports prior to the third Wednesday of each month.
Committee report should include but are not limited to any changes in committee members; the status of any actions in the planning process, in the execution progress, or completed since last report; any requirements (financial, volunteer or otherwise); request for information; collected funds or expenditures; and any projected deadlines.
CLICK HERE for the Committee Report Form
Table of Contents
Membership Recruitment
The purpose of the Membership Recruitment Committee is to increase Valley membership by developing active recruiting methods. The committee is charged with developing solutions that address strategic goals. The Chairman of this Committee is Bro. Jonas Barlow who "assists our Personal Representative to the Sovereign Grand Inspector General, and our General Secretary, in all things dealing with membership recruitment and retention. It’s our membership that drives this Valley. Our Valley is very dynamic, so I am always looking for a few good members to add to my membership team. If interested, feel free to contact me in person [or by email at]. My office is located next to the General Secretary’s office, and I am there before every regular meeting. Feel free to drop in!"
Membership Retention
The purpose of the Membership Retention Committee is retain members and reduce membership fall-off and demits. The Committee's focus is to target retention of membership in Arrears to minimum loss to a 75% retention rates. The Committee is also charged with establishing a communication plan to contact members in arrears and develop solutions that incorporate compassion as needed. As of 17 November, the membership status was: 99 Paid in Full for 2022, 84 owe for 2022. 31 still owe for 2021, 17 are active dues exempt, and 59 are paid life members.
Valley Membership Achievement Project (VMAP)
The purpose of the Valley Membership Achievement Project (VMAP) Committee is to establish, execute and provide oversight of the VMAP program, establish Valley participation and monitor progress. The VMAP is tailor-made to help the Valley using a working checklist designed to guide efforts and provide organizational performance reviews. Through the VMAP Committee, the program will provide the best experience for our members. The VMAP follows six specific subject areas and addresses many of the key objectives outlined in our “Vision” and strategic plan. The goal of the VMAP Committee is for the program to serve as our primary industry standards to help each of us carry out our service to the Scottish Rite by providing the very best experience for our members. The Committee will use VMAP data to project our future performance clearly and brightly compare it with our past performance. The VMAP Committee will coordinate closely with the Membership Committees and the Strategic Planning Committee.
More specifically, the VMAP is a continuous weekly, month, yearly report. The VMAP report is a great tool that helps us stay focused through out the year on the progress of the Valley and its Members. This consists of a wide range from Member Recruitment-Restoration & Reinstatement-Retention & Engagement-Reunions-Community Involvement. Upon the completion of the current 2021 year and all encompassed within it, the report will be finalized. Therefore, the 2021 VMAP report will be completed 30days after the close out of December 2021 and will provide the Valley with a full picture of this past year.
Membership Engagement
The Membership Engagement Committee of the Valley of Columbus has developed the Valley Ambassador program. Ambassadors represent the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus at the Blue Lodge level. They demonstrate exemplary performance and are eligible for special recognition, including Double Eagle points for speaking and representing the Valley during open Lodge. To become an ambassador, contact Bro. Jonas Barlow at If you are already an ambassador, CLICK HERE to download the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus Passport.
College of Freemasonry
The Valley Master Craftsman Class will tentatively begin on 12 January 2022, and subsequently every second Wednesday of each following month for the 2022 year. The approximate time will be between 18:00-1900hrs.
The first course of the Master Craftsman Class is the Symbolic Lodge and Esoterika. The Esoterika book is currently on Back order and was reported to be filled by November 2021, however we are now beginning the month of December and it is still on back order. As soon as the book is available, we will promptly start the class. The Chairman, Bro. Scott LaVelle is looking into the possibility of purchasing the book online to start the class on time.
The College of Freemasonry Committee is also involved in a flagship event that serves as the foundational idea supporting its creation. The Scottish Rite Education Symposium and Festive Board is an Orient wide event currently in the planning process. The current planning Valleys consist of Atlanta, Augusta, Middle Georgia, and Columbus. The primary planning group is meeting monthly and have further divided into two committee – The Education Symposium Committee and the Festive Board Committee. It is early in the planning process, but the Valley of Columbus has two voting members on the Education Symposium Committee, Hon. Bro. Torrey Knight (Venerable Master Elect) and Bro. Cameron Davis (Director of Knowledge Management). The Education Symposium Committee would be responsible for setting the agenda for the Education Symposium and lining up its list of speakers as well as several other smaller tasks. The event is planed as an “in-person” event with some virtual aspects for the summer of 2022. The College of Freemasonry Committee will keep the Valley of Columbus apprised as the planning process develops and solidifies.
The Communications Committee is responsible for developing, updating and monitoring the Valley's communications policies, website, social networking accounts, and electronic discussion groups, as well as recommending new ways for the Valley to communicate with its members and other interested parties through alternative media. The Committee will also develop a comprehensive communication plan for all items noted above including the transmission of a “Trestleboard” newsletter. The Committee is also charged with insuring communication frequency of Valley activities ensuring that the Valley message reaches the maximum number of members with a positive identity to our communities.
See the Knowledge Management Committee Report surrounding the Ashlar, Member Communicator App, Be a Scottish Rite Mason app and RiteCare partner web development.
The Stage crew continues to maintain our curtain drops and equipment. The dehumidifiers seem to be keeping the moisture levels low, keeping our drops dry. Ongoing is what is the best and least expensive way to upgrade our sound system to be user friendly and effective. Now accepting expert recommendations and suggestions. - Bro. Harry Ross
The purpose of the Philanthropy Committee is to develop and implement plans and strategies to assure the fiscal health of the organization through philanthropy development. “It is not the responsibility of the committee for raising money, but to ensure that money is raised.” Additionally, the Committee is charged with establishing and supporting a RiteCare program within the Valley’s area of operation. Under RiteCare, the Committee will work closely with the fundraising committee and develop a Fundraising Plan to secure the required funds for support.
After months of hard work and dedication, the Valley of Columbus has partnered with The Autism Learning Center. The Autism Learning Center did receive $5K from the Foundation at the ribbon cutting and those funds have already been used for communication devices for the children.
Brethren first, I (Bro. Russel Ward) want to thank everyone for helping with the many fund raisers that we have conducted as a Valley. I am happy to report that through your efforts we have raised over $18,000 for our RiteCare partners, The Autism Learning Center here in Columbus. They support many throughout the Chattahoochee Valley to learn essential communication skills needed throughout their life. Some of our fundraising events include a gun raffle, a gift card raffle, a grill raffle (donated), and the biggest one so far was the dove shoot. Stay tuned as there will be more opportunities in the future to give and to help out.
Our next fundraising efforts need to focus on helping our operating funds. As many of you know we have an older building, and it takes money to maintain it. This is no different than the house we live in, it is just part of ownership. There are several ideas in the works to help raise funds. One idea is to operate a fireworks stand much like the ones of a few other Columbus Masonic organizations already operate. We have many Brethren already engaged with their lodge or other groups so the key would be to have Brothers who are not working other stands to operate ours. It would require most likely five Brethren per day to operate, which includes one at night to guard. If opted, it would be a twice a year commitment, encompassing the 4th of July and New Year’s Eve. To make this work we estimate that it would require solid commitments from 15 to 20 Brethren.
The Fundraising Committee also hosted a RiteCare Charter program for a minimum $100 buy-in initial donation. The Fundraising Committee hopes to have the Charter Member plaque completed and ready to hang by the December meeting.
The purpose of the Sustainment Committee is to identify, select, execute and manage consistent income streams for the long-term financial viability of the fraternal activities and asset infrastructure of the Valley.
The August Profit and Loss is available for review and the current balances were announced, contact Hon. Bro. Roger Buterbaugh for more detail at During the November Executive Committee meeting, Ill Phil Harris reported that he is working with Wells Fargo to finalize the Line of Credit to support the building repairs.
Knowledge Management
There have been no changes in committee members this month. The committee is working with the Autism Learning Center (Ms. Dayra Diaz-Gonzalez) to update the Centers website. The work is in the planning process with the Center evaluating desired changes and taking new staff photos. There are no Valley requirements to complete this work, but the Center will need to provide all proper access to modify their site before work can begin. The Center website project has no deadline at the moment.
The KM Committee has also developed the Ashlar publication with applicable digital forms for proper reporting. These digital forms include: Committee Report Form, Education Contribution Form, Library Contribution Form and the Autism Learning Center Contribution Form and more. The forms will allow Committee Chairmen and Contributors to submit information at a single source without worrying who or what to send. As for the Ashlar, the Committee added a personalized web domain ( to the publication for easier navigation at a cost of $12 per year (first three years paid upfront by donation). Information sources (PR, ALC, Committee Chairmen) are required to submit their input monthly NLT the 30th of every month. The monthly publication deadline for Valley release is set for the first week of every month. No other requirements are needed for the Ashlar project.
Additionally, the KM Committee has fielded the Valley Member Communicator App. The App will provide quick assess to Valley information and share drive or file resources. Access to Valley resources are restricted by KM management and are not public access. Also, developed for Membership Recruitment is the "Be a Scottish Rite Mason" app. This app is uniquely designed to answer questions, provide information, and contact information for potential candidates. Both apps can be shared through email, text, website, and QR code to name a few. To download these apps, click the following links: Be a Scottish Rite Mason and Member Communicator App or scan the QR code in the footer.
Strategic Planning (Long Range Planning)
As introduced in the KM Committee report, the Strategic Planning Committee will use the Ashlar digital publication and apps to address many of the key improvement areas outlined during the Valley's strategic assessment surrounding the three recommendation categories - refines efforts, more accurately presents situations, and derives future marketing strategy. The Committee has no requirements at this time. To view the strategic assessment presentation, CLICK HERE or visit the Ashlar Resources on the College of Freemasonry page. The presentation is best viewed if downloaded first and viewed with PowerPoint.
The roof repair shows no sign of leakage as of now, however, there are some ceiling tiles that need replacing in the Main Room. As briefed during the Executive Committee meeting, $40,000 of the total cost has been paid with $5,000 held pending final inspection and receipt of written 20 year warranty. The Ladies restroom is in bad shape, the walls need to be cleaned, resealed and resurfaced. Also, the doorways need to be widened to make it handicap accessible. - Bro. Harry Ross
In accordance with the Valley of Columbus By-Laws, Article IX - Auditing, "At their meeting in December of each year, the Executive Committee shall appoint an auditor whose duty it shall be to audit the books and vouchers of the Secretary, Almoner, and Treasurer, and report to the Executive Committee in writing prior to the December meeting." Considering Hon. Bro. Roger Buterbaugh will assume the duties of General Secretary effective 17 December 2021, he asked that an audit be conducted before he assume these duties.
Vol. 1, No. 1 - Dec 2021