Personal Representative's Message
Personal Representative
to the SGIG
“To everything there is a season
and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die….
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2
Brethren, one tradition of the Scottish Rite, “The Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal”, is in its simplest form, a beautiful and somber celebration of Life. At our April Valley of Columbus’s meeting, our Chapter of Rose Croix will perform this beautiful tradition. It will be our way of providing a last full measure of devotion to our brethren who have passed the veil and on to that “House not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.”
This brings me to the ancient philosophical thought: “Memento Mori”. Latin for “Remember that you will die”. This is not a morbid, dark, or “surrender to the inevitable” slogan.
Its origins come from the ancient Roman tradition of the Triumph. Upon the return of a victorious military general, a triumphal procession would wind through the streets of Rome. The triumphal general rode in a four-horse chariot, adorned in purple, the color of kings or Caesars, with a crown of victory held over his head. The slave or companion holding the crown would whisper continually “memento mori, memento mori, memento mori. “Remember, you will die”, “Remember, thou art mortal”, “Remember, thou shall die”.
“Philosophers, writers, artists, composers and leaders since life’s inception have meditated on death habitually in order to motivate and inspire. Socrates said, “The one aim of those who practice philosophy is to practice for dying and death.” Shakespeare said, “Every third thought should be my grave.” Michelangelo said, “No thought exists in me which death has not carved with his chisel.” Tolstoy said, “If we kept in mind that we will soon inevitably die, our lives would be completely different.” Moses said, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” And Mozart said, “As death, when we come to consider it closely, is the true goal of our existence.” (The Daily Stoic)
In today’s society, death is a subject to be kept far from the mind or, otherwise, it brings forth scary and terrorizing feelings. But this is not the philosophy behind “Memento Mori”. It is a reminder that “Life is short, so seize the day!” Similar to symbols such as the hourglass, the Scythe, these simple words remind us that God gave us the gift of LIFE. And the gift of choice. The choice to simply live our existence, or the choice to “Seize the Day” and to do works that can improve thyself as well as improve our society, our communities. For those of Faith, living (choosing) a good, noble life was taught to us by the “Master of Nazareth”. The reward…Life Eternal.
So, remember that life on earth will not last forever, so seize the day! And, as we honor our Brethren who have laid down the working tools of life during our Ceremony of Remembrance and Renewal this coming Friday evening, April 15th….please consider attending as we honor our Brethren who have begun their work on the Celestial Lodge above.
Memento Mori!
Warmest Fraternal Regards, Joe
Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 32° KCCH
Personal Representative to the
Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the
Orient of Georgia
Communication from Supreme Council, 33°
Please ensure the Joint Memorandum attached at the link below is read at the next stated communication. Also, please distribute the Memorandum widely to your members, including newsletters, social media, your website, etc
Thank you for all you do for our Rite.
James D. Cole, 33°
Sovereign Grand Commander
Supreme Council, 33° | Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, SJ, USA

Key Notes from the Valley
Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2022 Officers
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Senior Warden Baron Conklin, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH
Expert Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
Assistant Expert Ditmar Chavez, 32o, KCCH
Captain of the Host Russell Ward, 32o
Prelate Dennis Buchanan, 32o
Tyler Scott Lavelle, 32o
Chapter Knights Rose Croix
Wise Master John Ohrt, 33o
Senior Warden Rossie Ross, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Bill Block, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Scott Lavelle, 32o
Expert Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Standard Bearer Jonas Barlow, 32o
Guardian of the Temple Larry Cox, 32o, KCCH
Tyler Richard Luna, 32o
Council of Kadosh
Commander Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
1st Lt Commander Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH
2d Lt Commander Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Harold Culpepper, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Ron Provencher, 32o, KCCH
Tercopiller Jonas Barlow, 32o
Draper Bayardo Reyes, 32o
Junior Deacon Bill Buffton, 32o, KCCH
Bearer of the Black Stand Mark Stillwell, 32o
Bearer of the White Stand Brian Pierce, 32o
Lt of the Guard Jacob Robideaux, 32o
Master of Kadosh Sidney Cooley, 32o, KCCH
Prior Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH
Preceptor Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Russell Ward, 32o
Minister of State Bayardo Reyes, 32o
Prelate Phillip Jones, 32o
Master of Ceremonies Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Expert Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Assistant Expert Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH
Captain of the Guard Matthew Dewinter, 32o
Steward John Adams, 32o
Cameron Davis, 32°
Editor - The Ashlar
Dear Brethren,
I hope this issue of the Ashlar finds you all well and in good spirits. Please accept my humble apologies for the tardiness of this April issue of the Valley of Columbus Ashlar. Yesterday, 9 April 2022 marks the close of the 2022 Annual Communication and 60th Anniversary Celebration of the American Canadian Grand Lodge (ACGL) within the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD). As a member of the Grand Lodge Information Technology Committee, I was tasked with developing the Annual Communication Registration form. Furthermore, I served as the assistant to the Grand Secretary, charged with managing the registration process for all attendees and together with the Grand Secretary and Junior Grand Warden in the coordination efforts with the hotel that hosted our Communication and 60th Anniversary Gala Banquet. In managing the registration process, it included the creation of name badges of all participants, which for the first time, included a QR code that inculcated all information required for attending the various events. For these pioneering efforts and a few other things, I was honored to receive the Grand Master's Recognition Award. As part of the planning and development team for the event, I found myself developing the 60th Anniversary History Tri-fold and even designed the commemorative coin with the Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany (BFG). The BFG also has their 60th Anniversary this year and the coin features a 60th commemorative face of both Grand Lodge's. Throughout the Grand Lodge event, I managed the registration desk during open hours, all while serving as the Junior Grand Deacon. It is my honor to serve as a Grand Lodge Officer, then and now, but it was for the obvious reasons noted above, very taxing of my time. All this in a time when work is abnormally complex in nature with the Russian invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, 24 February 2022. I tell you all this not to give excuses or to present personal accolades but to provide context to my tardiness. I hope you all find it within your hearts to excuse the tardiness of our Ashlar publication as a result of the extreme task saturation of the Editor and not the promptness of the Valley of Columbus Officers.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Cameron Jay Davis, 32°
Director of Knowledge Management & Communication
Editor - The Ashlar
Valley of Columbus
Venerable Master
Dear Brethren and Friends,
If you missed last month's Lodge of Perfection, you truly missed a treat. The members of both Rainbow for Girls and DeMolay visited the Valley and performed some beautiful lectures for all attendees at the March Lodge of Perfection meeting. Ms. Juliaunah Oseguera, Grand Patriotism for the Grand Assembly of Georgia, Worthy Advisor of Columbus Assembly #15 IORG - presented Rainbow The Rose Lecture. Tori Hyder, Grand Love for Grand Assembly of Georgia, Worthy Associate Advisor of Columbus #15 IORG - presented The Lambskin Apron Lecture. Lastly, Nolan Zeigler, State Master Councilor for Georgia DeMolay, Grady T. Bozeman Chapter- presented The DeMolay Flower Talk. Recitation of their ritual by all three was remarkable and beautiful. It was an enjoyable evening by all with the leaders of our future.
As a general reminder, there have been two changes to the Valley of Columbus, Scottish Rite By Laws proposed surrounding a Resolution Building Fund and a Resolution Fees and Dues. Both changes were read for the first time at our last meeting and will be read for the second time at our next meeting April 15, 2022. Following the second reading, the Lodge of Perfection will vote on the proposed resolutions. Please see the General Secretary's section below if you want to know more or you would like to read through the proposed resolutions.
Lastly, the April Lodge of Perfection will host it's annual Remembrance and Renewal Service. Please come join us for this event but be sure to take due notice of the agenda timeline - Remembrance Ceremony starts a half hour earlier from our usual time at 6:00 pm. We will eat following the Remembrance Ceremony and then return to conduct the Renewal Ceremony. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Fraternally yours,
Torrey Knight, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master
Valley of Columbus
Torrey Knight, 32° KCCH
General Secretary
Two changes to the Valley of Columbus, Scottish Rite By Laws have been proposed. Both resolutions are included in this issue. The first, entitled Article I - Fees and Dues requires that dividends from the Perpetual Membership investment account be used each January to pay the Supreme Council per capita for our life members. In the past the dividends were deposited into the general operating account where they were used for the day to day operation of the Valley. We then had to dip into the general operating fund to pay per capita for life members. This amendment to our by laws will ensure that the dividends are used for what they were intended - to pay per capita for our life members.
The second is entitled Article IV - Revenues. It creates a Building Fund investment account. Currently the Valley of Columbus has no designated Building Fund account. Money received for the Building Fund goes into the general operating fund. Though we try to fence off that money for building repair only, sometimes its difficult to identify those funds. By having a separate Building Fund, we will ensure that funds designated for the Building Fund are used for building upgrades and repairs.
Both changes were read for the first time at our March 18, 2022 Lodge of Perfection meeting. We will read them for the second time and vote on them at our April 15, 2022 meeting. If you have any questions you can contact me at I hope that you will join us at our April 15 meeting - in addition to the vote we will also hold our annual Remembrance and Renewal service.
One last note, in the interest of transparency we will begin including the minutes of our Executive Committee meetings in the Ashlar for your information. Anyone can attend an Executive Committee meeting, but only its members can vote on proposals. If you have any questions you can contact the Chair, Executive Committee (IB Phil Harris, 33o) or me.
Fraternally yours,
Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH
General Secretary
Valley of Columbus
College of Freemasonry
On occasion I observe Masons who seem to be upset & discouraged that there is no system in hand whereby he can be trained to be a Mason. Unfortunately these Brethren have not yet discovered that Masonry is a school wherein lessons are taught and the onus is on the pupil to learn and grow. It is my belief that Masonry is a “Personal Spiritual Journey” and our development along that path is an entirely personal matter.
Symbolism of the First Degree
A Short Talk by a Young Master Mason following an Entered Apprentice conferral.
Bro. Brad Chesney, Star of the West Lodge #34. G.L of. Alberta (Canada) SourceFrom the moment we make the decision that we would like to be” made a mason” our Education in the Craft begins.
For some of you, no doubt, that decision was made a long long time ago. For others the journey is just beginning.
Remember, with me, the excitement we felt as the petition was placed in the hands of the Mason who would present it on our behalf.
Also remember the way you felt on your first visit to the Lodge for the mysterious ceremony of Initiation you were about to undertake and the great mysteries of the “Masons” that you were about to learn.
If, like most, you were a little nervous, apprehensive and excited, then I say GOOD.
It is with the same spirit that I myself have found when approaching “Masonic Education” after having been made a Master Mason.
We think we have learned the Secrets, the Handshakes and even some of the History, but, it goes much deeper than that.
If Freemasonry is “a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols” how much have we really learned???
Some of the Brethren present, no doubt, know more about the symbols than you or I, some know more about the allegory and illusions, and no doubt, do not struggle with morality as do others.
We are all called upon to “make daily advancements in the Craft”
It is my role to remind you of that, and to call upon you to remember it with the same earnest zeal that you remember your first journey into Freemasonry.
I wish you well my Brothers, and hope you enjoy your early steps into Freemasonry, and that you will continue to take every opportunity to learn more about our Craft.
Symbolism of the First Degree
Presented by V.W. Bro. Norman McEvoy, 25 April 2010 - Symbolism of the First Degree Being a reprint from “The Builder” The Official Journal of the National Masonic Research Society, Anamosa, Iowa. (circa 1915) SourceIn searching through my Masonic Education Library, I uncovered the attached lecture and was impressed by the fact that the writer’s comments are as valid today as in 1915. I do trust your will enjoy.
In the beginning the seeker for truth must be duly and truly prepared. In the usually accepted sense, this talk is unprepared and yet, I spent five years a line officer in the Lodge, observing, thinking about and studying Masonry. It is this study and my later contemplations that are my preparation to speak on the symbolism of the first degree.
It seems to me that the essence of every Masonic lesson is presented in the symbolism of the first degree.
An entered apprentice is a Mason. The second, third and so-called higher degrees are elaborations. All Masonic business was, and in most cases still is, transacted in a Lodge opened only in the first degree.
The Masonic lessons are practical lessons. They have a dollar and cents value. The Senior Warden tells us that he became a mason in order that he might receive master’s or larger wages. That there be no misunderstanding as to his meaning monetary wages, he further says, in order to “better support himself and family.” If we will look honestly into our own hearts, we will see that we paid the price for the Masonic degrees because we hoped to receive the equivalent or a greater return. If we have not received a return equal to our original and annual investment, it is because we have not applied ourselves to the study of Masonry with freedom, fervency & zeal.
But let us understand each other. There is little chance of our making much headway unless we agree on a clear and definite meaning of the terms we use. It is not only good and pleasant, but it is necessary for us to dwell together in unity of thought, if we would arrive at a harmonious conclusion. We should therefore endeavour to clearly define our subject.
The word “symbol” is derived from the Greek, meaning “to compare”. A symbol is the expression of an idea by comparison. Often, an abstract idea may be best conveyed by a comparison with a concrete object. A dictionary definition of a symbol would be, a sign or representation which suggests something else.
Symbolism, therefore, is the science of symbols or signs. It is the philosophy, or art of representing abstract truths by concrete things. Symbolism is suggestion; in sculpture and painting by form and colour, in language by words, in music by sounds. What allegory and parable are in literature; what figurative speaking is in language; the same is symbolism.
The symbolism of the first degree is for the apprentice. An apprentice Mason is one who has begun the study of Masonry. Certain qualifications of a Masonic apprentice are a belief in God, a desire for knowledge, and a sincere wish to be of service to his fellow creatures.
Possessing these qualifications, the candidate follows a course of ancient hieroglyphic moral instruction, taught agreeably to ancient usages, by types, emblems and allegorical language. This is symbolism, and symbolism is universal language. It is the language in which God reveals himself to man. The manifestations of nature are only symbolic expressions of God.
Children learn best from symbols. Blocks and toys are crude symbolic representations of the more complicated things of life. Most of us learned our alphabet and almost everything else by the relationship or correspondence to things with which we were familiar.
We are only children after all. Older children call themselves scientists and make their experiments in laboratories. Each experiment is a symbol of what is taking place in the real outside world.
The apprentice in moral science should give up the rags of his own righteousness and also all precious metals, symbolical of worldly wealth and distinction, and all baser metals, symbolical of offense and defense, in order that he may realize his dependence upon moral forces only.
He should be clad in a garment signifying that he comes with pure intentions to learn the noble art and profit by its lessons, not to proselyte among others, but to develop and improve himself. He is carefully examined to ascertain whether he is worthy and well qualified to receive and use the rights and benefits of Masonry.
Being satisfied that he is worthy and well qualified, he is admitted and immediately impressed with the fact that he must undergo sacrifice and suffering if he would attain the end he seeks. Realizing that the good intentions of the candidate, his own righteousness or even the lodge organization, are not sufficient, we invoke the blessing and aid of God upon our search for knowledge and truth.
We follow the system of symbolism. When we would know the truth in regard to things too great for our minds to comprehend, we take as a symbol that which is within our mental grasp. We know that the truth about the things we cannot comprehend is identical with the truth in relation to the symbol which we do comprehend.
The apprentice in his search for Light must start from the North with the Easter Sun in the East, and travel by way of the South to the West, and back into darkness. He again comes out of the North in the East and passes through the same course again and again in his development. Obstacles are met by the apprentice in his progress, so similar that they appear identical. The little occurrences of life may seem unimportant, but they determine whether we will be permitted to advance. The apprentice must ever be worthy and well qualified.
The apprentice must advance on the square by regular upright steps. This symbolism is so common and universal that it is used in the slang of the street.
Obligations are duties assumed. We must assume them if we would advance and having assumed them we are bound by them whether we will or not. Then the Light breaks and we begin to see. We find that others, even the most learned, stand like beginners. The Master is on the level with the apprentice, and extends a hand which is grasped fraternally, and the candidate is raised. There is the key to the Master’s word, an OPEN BOOK, but he may never find the word itself.
Then as before, the apprentice must follow the course of the Sun. As is the greatest, so is the smallest. In the drop of water are all the laws of the Universe. If we study carefully, we will find in the dew drop the particles revolving and whirling in their little circles exactly the same as we find the heavenly bodies revolving and turning in their great orbits, circle within circle and circle upon circle. The seeker after Light always emerges from the North to the East and passes by way of the South to the West and again into darkness, with full faith and perfect confidence that day will follow night. He is continually subjected to tests and trials and always held responsible for what he has learned and for that which has gone before.
God’s Holy Book, His revelation to us, is the guide in our search for light. To the Jew this Holy Book is the history of Israel substantially the Old Testament. To the Christian it is the Old and New Testament. To the Mohammedan, it is the Koran, to the Hindu, the Veda. But whatever book it is, it is the Holy Book of the seeker for Light and that which he believes to be the word of God. The Holy Book together with the square and the compasses are the great lights of Masonry.
The lesser lights are the Sun, Moon and Master of the Lodge. The Sun symbolizes the great active principle, the Moon the great passive principle. This symbolism is so commonly accepted that even the uninitiated refer to the Sun as masculine and the Moon as feminine. The Master is symbolical of the offspring of the great Active and Passive Principles. He is the mediator, the child of the two great forces. He sets the craft to work upon their symbolic studies which is no light responsibility to be assumed by the uninformed. Only chaos and disaster can overtake him who attempts the work he is not qualified to perform. When the apprentice has received his degree he is given his working tools and primary or elementary instructions as to how to go to work.
The working tools of an apprentice are the 24 inch gauge and the common gavel. The gavel symbolizes strength or force. Force undirected is the flood devastating all in its path or the idle puff of the unconfined powder which accomplishes nothing. Undirected force is the gavel without the rule.
But intelligently controlled, and directed along a proper line by the rule of intellect, the force of the torrent grinds the grain and does the work of many men. The force of the exploding powder pries the rock loose so that the work of months is accomplished in a moment.
The operation of universal laws in the moral world is just as ascertainable and understandable as in the physical world. Morals are as susceptible of scientific study as physics.
The lambskin apron, a most ancient symbol, signifies that it is only by honest conscientious toil that the moral laws can be learned and applied, and that this toil must be done in purity and innocence.
In the lectures which follow the ceremony of the first degree, the apprentice is given preliminary information. It would be too tedious to analyze these lectures at this time. Suffice it to say they are very superficial and of little worth in themselves. They must be understood and felt, if they are to be of any value. Briefly we may describe a Lodge as a place to work, a place to study, analyze, and master the moral science so that we may make use of the moral laws and principles in our every-day life. Symbolically, it is representative of the world, our daily working place.
The foundation of the Lodge and its teaching is squareness. It is, however, supported by three pillars, Wisdom, Strength and Beauty. From which we may learn that in every undertaking, when intelligence or wisdom directs, and strength or power works, then beauty and harmony result.
The Lodge is covered with the blue vault of Heaven. Blue is the symbol of equality, it is a proper mingling of all colors, it is perfect concord. It is also symbolical of the universality of that charity, which should be as expansive as the blue vault of Heaven itself. Charity is not the giving of money alone. It is also necessary to have charity toward the weaknesses and mistakes of others.
This life is a checkered pavement of good and evil, but in the center is the blazing star which is the seed and the source of all life and eternal life.
The parallel lines have a symbolism analogous to that of the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, which is more fully developed in other degrees.
The point in the center of the circle between the parallels is sometimes compared to the individual member and sometimes to God who is the center of all things. The circumference may suggest the boundary of man’s conduct, or God’s creatures, all equally distant and all equally near to Him. Sometimes the circumference is used to depict the endless course of God’s power and His existence without end. This is all speculation, it is symbolism, the contemplation of which will develop the individual.
If the apprentice pursues his studies in the moral art with freedom, fervency and zeal, he will receive Master’s or large wages, and be thereby the better enabled to support himself and family and to contribute to the relief of the distressed.
Solomon’s Masonic Learning (SML)
The Solomon's Masonic Learning (SML) for April has passed but can be access using the button below. The presentation was delivered by Brother William O'Donnell from Dhahran Daylight No. 55, Grand Lodge of Nevada. Brother William presented an exceptionally interesting perspective of the Symbolism of the First Degree.
The May Solomon’s Masonic Learning, please take due notice that we will shift from our usual day on the second Thursday of the month to Wednesday. Therefore, our May virtual presentation will be on Wednesday, 11 May at the usual time. At that time, I will have the pleasure of presenting the MW Bro (Prof. Dr.) M. Remzi Sanver, Past Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Turkey as our Guest Speaker. To highlight a little about MW Bro Remzi, not only did serve as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Turkey (2010-2013), but he is also an Honorary member of the American Canadian Grand Lodge and holds the golden medals of the United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria, Grand Lodge of Finland, French National Grand Lodge, Grand Lodge of Gabon, and Regular Grand Lodge of Serbia. He is a renowned researcher and presenter and will deliver a presentation outlining "Masonry in Turkey". This will be a closed session, and it will not be recorded. Your only opportunity to hear this presentation will be during our live event. Brethren, you do not want to miss this astonishing presentation. Please navigate to our website at ( and sign-up now to ensure you do not miss out. If you do sign-up, I recommend joining the Zoom call at least 10 to 15 minutes prior to its start.
Committee Reports
Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer
The Executive Committee has provided the following Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer Form to help select personnel for the active committees including those outlined in the Strategic Plan. If you are making a nomination, please visit the link below to verify current members of each committee first.
CLICK HERE for the Committee Nomination or Self-Volunteer Form
Reports Submissions
As a Committee Chairman for any Valley standing committees, it is your responsibility to keep the Executive Committee Chairman and the Brethren of the Valley of Columbus apprised on all committee updates. Committee reports are due monthly prior to the Executive Committee Meeting held on the third Wednesday of every month. Furthermore, regardless of a cancellation meeting due to legal holiday, the Committee Chairman shall still submit a committee reports prior to the third Wednesday of each month.
Committee report should include but are not limited to any changes in committee members; the status of any actions in the planning process, in the execution progress, or completed since last report; any requirements (financial, volunteer or otherwise); request for information; collected funds or expenditures; and any projected deadlines.
CLICK HERE for the Committee Report Form
College of Freemasonry
March 30th 2022 Class was postponed due to inclement weather. I am looking at holding the class on a different date of the Month to improve attendance.
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Master Craftsman course is now available for purchase. CLICK HERE and sign up today! Those who have purchased or are thinking about purchasing the Master Craftsman Course and planning to attend the Columbus Scottish Rite, College of Freemasonry Master Craftsman classes, please CLICK HERE to register and download the the Symbolic Lodge "starter" reading material below.
Bro. Scott LaVelle, 32°
Valley Membership Achievement Project (VMAP)
We are closing up the Month of March. Nothing new to report for VMAP, However the month's to come are eventful.
Bro. Scott LaVelle, 32°
Please visit the RiteCare Page.
Vol. 1, No. 5 - Apr 2022