Personal Representative's Message
Personal Representative
to the SGIG
Greetings Brethren,
Outstanding event! From the Friday night welcome dignitary dinner to the Saturday morning rededication of the temple and our 100th monument dedication by the Grand Master and Grand Line, to the Masquerade Gala, everything was done with excellence and panache.
I want to thank our Director of Knowledge Management & Communications, Honorable Brother Cameron Davis, 32° KCCH for getting the word out via emails and via issues of the Ashlar the last couple of months
Friday night, I want to thank Illustrious Phil Harris, 33° in bringing the credit card kit and following up with guests to secure payment for their meals. This was quite helpful.
The Scottish Rite Temple has not looked so good in many, many years. Thanks go out to Illustrious John Ohrt, 33° for work with the stone mason that built our Centennial monument and the vendor for our new paver garden. He also was instrumental in providing mulch that made our “lawn” look outstanding. Thanks to Honorable Brother Harry Ross 32° KCCH and Honorable Brother Scott LaVelle, 32° KCCH for their outstanding work on the building. From buffing the floor of the Lodge room to painting the front of the building. Just outstanding work. And the stage looked outstanding, as well.
Our Master of Ceremonies, Illustrious Roger Buterbaugh, 33°, wrote an outstanding script and delivered it with professionalism at the Saturday morning dedication of our Centennial monument and rededication of the Temple. He also did a great job in directing “traffic” at the Masquerade Ball. A job well done. He and his “Bride” Donna served as chauffeurs for our dignitaries for all three days, including picking up and dropping off the Grand Commander and his wife to and from the airport. This was extremely helpful, and the Valley thanks them.
Thanks go John Adams and Kat Adams (one of our Lilys of the Valley), along with Harry Ross in providing a great lunch after the rededication/dedication ceremony.
What a Gala Masquerade Ball! A big thank you goes out to Honorable Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32° KCCH for his leadership in orchestrating such a wonderful event. He and his team did a yeoman’s job on everything from location, menu, favors and decorations. A special thank you to one of our Lilys of the Valley, Donna Buterbaugh, who, on her own, made outstanding centerpieces for the tables and especially made individual milk chocolate (very good) pieces in the shape of the Scottish Rite, Double Headed Eagle. As a true Lily, she went above and beyond expectations.
Thank you to our court jester, Honorable Brother Chuck Hall, Jr, 32° KCCH for handling the music for the gala. It created a lot of fun on the dance hall.
There are many more of our brethren and ladies that made this event such a success. Thank you to all of you! We received many congratulations on such a great weekend from many of our visitors. Both the Sovereign Grand Commander and our Sovereign Grand Inspector General heaped praise upon our efforts.
Thank you all, so very much, for everyone’s effort.
It is with great satisfaction that I welcome our newest Masters of the Royal Secret, following the AMSRB-NATO Club Reunion on 7 October in Genoa, Italy. Thanks to Honorable Brother Cameron Davis, 32° KCCH for introducing the following members of Mt. Hermon Lodge No. 304 to our Valley - Brothers Arda Çilingir, Tayfun Çilingir, Daniel Jap Lim, Tarik Eker, and Christian Röhrich. I extend my thanks to Illustrious James Barrett, 33°, AMSRB-NATO e.V. (Europe), Personal Representative, Valley of Washington, DC for his approval and agreement to perform courtesy work for the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus and these European brethren.
It is with great pleasure that I announce that we designated four new Lilies of the Valley. Ms. LaVerne Knowles, Ms. Nora Ann Wells, Ms. Mary Ann Cole, and Ms. Charlene Collins were presented with the distinction of being a Lily of the Valley of Columbus. Each were presented with a plaque and Lily of the Valley brooch. They are not only entitled to all of the rights and privileges of being a “Lily” but are esteemed and loved as our sisters in the cause of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
In support of our Centennial, as you know, we have installed a paver garden in front of the Scottish Rite Temple. I want to thank all who have, thus far, invested in a paver. The proceeds of which will go to our building fund to keep our beloved temple in shape for years to come.
We have plenty of pavers still available. Please consider asking your Lodge, your Royal Arch Chapter, Council and Commandery for a possible donation for a paver. These are great ways to memorialize a Family, a brother that has past, a Lodge or accomplishment. A minimum donation of $100 is simply required.
Please consider this in help to support our building fund.
On September 29th and 30th the Scottish Rite, Valley of Atlanta will be holding a weekend to invest those of the Orient of Georgia who have been nominated for the honor of the 33rd Degree, Inspector General Honorary. All the Valley’s 33rd Degree members are invited to attend the Degree conferral and the banquet on Saturday, The banquet on September 30th is open to both our 33rd Degree members, KCCH recipients and their ladies. The banquet is to celebrate all honormen. For more information get in contact with the Valley Secretary.
Thanks go out again, to all that assisted in a successful Centennial celebration.
Warmest Fraternal Regards, Joe
Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 33°
Personal Representative to the
Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the
Orient of Georgia
Key Notes from the Valley
Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2023 Officers
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master Baron Conklin, 32o, KCCH
Senior Warden Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
Expert Ditmar Chavez, 32o, KCCH
Assistant Expert Russell Ward, 32o
Captain of the Host Dennis Buchanan, 32o
Prelate Scott Lavelle, 32o
Tyler Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Chapter Knights Rose Croix
Wise Master Rossie Ross, 32o, KCCH
Senior Warden Bill Block, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Scott Lavelle, 32o
Master of Ceremonies Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Expert Jonas Barlow, 32o
Standard Bearer Larry Cox, 32o, KCCH
Guardian of the Temple Richard Luna, 32o
Tyler Russell Ward, 32o
Council of Kadosh
Commander Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
1st Lt Commander Harold Culpepper, 32o, KCCH
2d Lt Commander Ron Provencher, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Jonas Barlow, 32o
Master of Ceremonies Bayardo Reyes, 32o
Tercopiller Bill Buffton, 32o, KCCH
Draper Mark Stillwell, 32o
Junior Deacon Brian Pierce, 32o
Bearer of the Black Stand Jacob Robideaux, 32o
Bearer of the White Stand Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH
Lt of the Guard Chris Bagley, 32o
Master of Kadosh Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH
Prior Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Preceptor Russell Ward, 32o
Chancellor Bayardo Reyes, 32o
Minister of State Phillip Jones, 32o
Prelate Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Expert Matthew DeWiner, 32o
Assistant Expert John Adams, 32o
Captain of the Guard Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH
Steward Rob Grant, 32o
Baron L. Conklin, 32° KCCH
Fraternally yours,
Baron L. Conklin, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master
Valley of Columbus
Venerable Master
Dear Brethren of the Valley of Columbus,
Has there ever been a month like September for our Valley? First, we were honored to receive our Deputy Grand Master (and Presumptive Grand Master soon), Right Worshipful Benjamin Polston, as our guest speaker at the annual Feast of Tishri. Thanks to the efforts of our Wise Master, HB Rossi Ross, and our DOW, Ill. John Ohrt, assisted by the stage crew, it was a great success.
Then, only a week later, we kicked off our Centennial Celebration with a welcome dinner for all our dignitaries at the Marriott. Attendees included our MW Grand Master, Sovereign Grand Commander, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, ME Grand High Priest, and RE Grand Commander, among others. We were also delighted to have Lady Laverne Knowles able to join us. I was able to welcome Ill. James D. Cole with a small gift that had some personal significance to him, which he seemed to find appropriate. I continue to be impressed by his humility and dedication to our Southern Jurisdiction.
The next morning, all those present the night before, and many others, including Mayor Skip Henderson, who read and presented a proclamation, assembled at the northeast corner of the Temple, as the Grand Master, aided by members of the Grand Lodge line, dedicated our new cornerstone. After a lunch in our newly cooled dining room, some rested and others toured, before we reassembled at the Bibb Mill Event Center, for an evening of good food, music, and fellowship.
This month’s Lodge of Perfection will be on the 20th. A program for the evening is still in the works, because due, sadly, to a lack of candidates for the twenty-nine degrees of the Rite, we had to cancel our Fall Reunion. Come for dinner and fellowship with your Scottish Rite Brethren and families at this open meeting!
Roger Buterbaugh, 33°
General Secretary
Dear Brethren,
The Valley of Columbus has been on the run since the end of August. We started off with the KCCH Investiture on August 26 where three of our Brethren were invested with the Knight Commander Court of Honor. Once again, congratulations to Brothers Jonas Barlow, Scott Lavelle, and Bayardo Reyes for receiving this honor. Next on September 2 we conducted our annual Rite Care Dove Shoot fundraiser. I'll let Illustrious Brother Phil Harris, 33°, talk about it more in his article. The event was quite a success.
Then we had our Centennial Celebration of the Valley of Columbus on September 22-23. Our Personal Representative gives the details in his article. Our headcount showed that we had 62 people at the re-dedication ceremony Saturday morning and 71 people at the Masquerade Ball Saturday evening. We were honored to have Illustrious Brother James Cole, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction join us in our celebration, as well as Illustrious Brother Ted Collins, 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Georgia. And thanks to MWB Michael Kessler, Grand Master of Masons in Georgia, along with his Grand Lodge officers, who conducted the re-dedication ceremony. Mayor Skip Henderson of Columbus joined us and issued a proclamation making September 23 "Centennial of the Valley of Columbus, Scottish Rite Day". We received so many compliments on how well and meaningful all of the festivities were and we couldn't have done it without the hard work of all the Brethren, from working behind the scenes to spruce up the Scottish Rite Center (comments were it never looked better) to decorating for the Masquerade Ball. My heartfelt thanks to all who made this event so successful. The Valley of Columbus was chartered on October 16, 1923 (we celebrated early so the Sovereign Grand Commander could attend).
Our next Lodge of Perfection meeting will be October 20. Since we cancelled the Fall Reunion the Venerable Master is working on a program. In November we will honor our active duty and veterans as we celebrate Veterans Day. In December we will have our Christmas program and installation of 2024 officers. We are looking forward to January, when our Valley of Columbus, Knights of St. Andrew will conduct our annual Burn's Night celebration.
Though the Centennial Celebration is over the pavers are still for sale. It's never too late to buy a paver. You can buy one by going to the Valley of Columbus website and click on the Paver button.
A reminder for this time of year - Supreme Council has sent out the 2024 dues notices. They advanced the Brethren their dues card, but they still have to pay dues! You can pay me at a Lodge of Perfection meeting, mail me a check, or go on to your account at and pay via a credit card.
Looking forward to seeing you October 20, either in person or by Zoom.
Fraternally yours,
Roger Buterbaugh, 33°
General Secretary
Valley of Columbus
Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH
Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH
European Representative
Valley of Columbus, Ga.
Vice President
Valley of Washington, DC
European Representative
Dear Brethren,
It gives me great pleasure to be named as the European Representative for the Valley of Columbus, GA. As a member of both the Valley of Columbus, GA and the Valley of Washington, DC, I am in a unique position to serve our Georgia Masons currently living in Europe. The American Military Scottish Rite Bodies – North Atlantic Treaty Organization Club, generally abbreviated as AMSRB-NATO Club, is officially a German private organization, known as an “eingetragener Verein” (simply abbreviated as “verein” or “e.V.”). While the AMSRB-NATO Club’s history explains far beyond, the Orient of the District of Columbia formally welcomed and integrated the AMSRB-NATO Club and its members into the Valley of Washington in 2013. Since then, the Club has served as an extension of the Valley of Washington in Europe and hosts its Annual Reunions in Italy.
You may be asking, what does that have to do with us here in Columbus, Georgia? Well, today, Georgia Masons are on the rise here in Europe and as some do not meet the jurisdictional requirements to join the Valley of Washington, as Georgia Masons under the jurisdictional purview of Georgia, many have chosen to petition the Valley on Columbus. As I currently serve as Vice President of the AMSRB-NATO Club, my position in both Valleys have afforded me the opportunity to bridge a partnership between the AMSRB, Valley of Washington and the Valley of Columbus. I, however, did not do it alone. Many Brethren have been involved in these efforts and deserve special highlight and gratitude. Beginning with the Sovereign Grand Inspectors Generals (SGIG) of both Orients, Ill. Ted C. Collins, 33° (GA) and Ill. Leonard Proden, 33° (DC), as well as both Personal Representatives, Ill. Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 33° and Ill. James E. Barrett, 33° (AMSRB-NATO Club). On the list is also our General Secretary, Ill. Roger Buterbaugh, 33° and special thanks to the Master of Mount Hermon Lodge No. 304, Columbus, Georgia (and our KSA Commander) Sir Knight Russell Ward, 32°, Lodge Secretary, WB August "Chip" A. Beyer IV, and all the Brethren of Mount Hermon for their regular assistance and support. There are many more I could name and as a result of our combined efforts, spearheading unchartered territory and paving the way for our Georgia Brethren and Scottish Rite Candidates to become Masters of the Royal Secret, 5 Columbus Georgia Master Masons received courtesy work from the AMSRB, Valley of Washington, DC during the 2023 Annual Reunion on 7 October in Genoa, Italy. Congratulations to our newest Masters of the Royal Secret, Bro. Daniel Jap Lim, Bro. Tayfun Çilingir, Bro. Tarik Eker, Bro. Arda Çilingir, and Bro. Chris Röhrich (not pictured below). All 5 are currently living in various parts of Europe and proudly representing Georgia Masonry.
Before I close, I would also like to highlight the amazing story of Father and Son Duo, MW Bro. Tayfun and RW Bro. Arda Çilingir. It is always amazing to hear when a father has the privilege to raise his son in Masonry but that is not where the Çilingir story ends. Shriner Ill Sir. Arda had the distinct honor to Fez is Father as Noble Tayfun. Bro. Tayfun went on to serve as the Grand Master of the American Canadian Grand Lodge within the United Grand Lodges of Germany ( the same year that his Son served as Potentate of Emirat Shriners Europe ( The Fall Reunion in Genova, Italy marked a new chapter in the Çilingirs' Masonic history as both became Masters of the Royal Secret together and had the honor of capping each other. It was truly an amazing and emotional site to see. Congratulations to these two Masons who now begin a new Masonic Journey together as Father, Son, and Scottish Rite Brothers.
In the end, this event truly marked a beautiful day of unity between our two Valleys serving Scottish Rite Masons in the Southern Jurisdiction, USA. For more information about DC Scottish Rite or the AMSRB-NATO Club, visit the AMSRB websites at or the DC website at Last but certainly not least, should any Scottish Rite Brother find themselves in Italy during the month of October and would like to attend an AMSRB Reunion, please know that you are fraternally welcome. Furthermore, should any Georgia Mason be relocated or stationed on Military orders or otherwise in Europe, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately should you wish to connect with other Masons living and serving abroad. I remain fraternally in your service from Europe!
Sir Knight Russell Ward, 32°
Knight Commander
Knights and Brethren,
I just want to thank those who could attend the first centennial celebration for the Valley of Columbus. You all represented the KSA very well and I have heard several compliments. Our next big event is Burns night in January. Please share your ideas with me on anything that you think that we can do better.
Thanks for all that you do.
Sir Knight Russell Ward, 32°
Knight Commander
Knights of St Andrew
College of Freemasonry
The Fatherhood of God
The Fatherhood of God
by H. L. Haywood, 1921, The National Masonic Research Society
Many attempts have been made to expound Freemasonry's teaching concerning God by recourse to the peculiar phraseology that is employed in the ritual, but these attempts have always broken down because the ritualistic language has been fashioned, not for the purposes of exact theological thinking, but for symbolical and ritualistic purposes. God is not in fact an architect; such a term is very misleading. It suggests a great artificer who made the worlds out of nothing, or else out of crude material, and who went about it as a carpenter might frame a house. Such a Being would necessarily exist apart from the thing He has made, as a machinist is apart from the mechanism he contrives. The modern mind will have nothing to do with such ideas because men have learned that God cannot be conceived of as living and working apart from the universe, but must somehow be involved in that universe. The Masonic thinker can escape from these difficulties by remembering that in the ritual God is known as T. S. G. A. 0. T. U., not because such words describe His nature as Masonry understands it, but because such an appellation is in harmony with the architectural language of the ceremonies.
Freemasonry nowhere offers a definition of the nature and attributes of God, but leaves such matters to each individual to fashion as best he can. It asks of a man only that he believe that God is. It does not even try to prove the existence of God, after the fashion of the dogmatic theologians, but assumes that its candidates already have that belief in their hearts.
However, it appears that while Freemasonry does not define its conception of God certain attributes are assumed by the Masonic system as a whole, and taken for granted throughout it, so that while these attributes are nowhere insisted upon explicitly, they are a necessary postulate of Masonic teachings as a whole.
In its most fundamental sense—the only sense in which Freemasonry teaches it—the Fatherhood of God means that when a human being comes into existence there is somewhat in him (let us not try to define it) that derives immediately from God's own being; and that through all his existence—which we believe to be endless—this man's being remains rooted in God's own being, so that if God himself were to cease to be the man would also, and at the same instant, cease to be. In the language of metaphysics the relation between God and man is ontological. It exists in the nature of things, so that neither God nor man could cause it not to be; and it does not depend upon a man's religious beliefs, or upon any other belief or opinion. All men, whatever be their faith or fortune, from Plato down to the African dwarf, have this relation with God. What God is to any one He is to every other one, and all that God can be to or do for any man, He is to and does for all men equally, and everlastingly. This eternal and universal Fatherhood in Him does not come into existence when we begin to believe it; it is already a fact before we believe it, and remains a fact whether we believe it or not.
The Fatherhood of God is more than a symbol: it is a fact, albeit of a very different nature from human fatherhood. By God's love is meant that our being is rooted in Him, and that He is ever doing for us all that a God can do.
His relation to us is neither purchased nor given but holds in the very structure of life itself. It does not rest on sentiment or emotion but in the nature of things, so that it is a great blunder to suppose that because God is our Father therefore He can, at will, reverse the processes of the universe or set aside the everlasting laws of things. He remains our Father through all our experiences, but not for that reason are we shielded from pain, from loss, and from the extreme horrors into which our own or the world's ignorance, or the vicissitudes of fortune may bring us. Nevertheless, whatever be our lot, it is the great secret of our courage to know that the show and scheme of things is not swirling about us in the winds of chance, but that our lives are rooted in One who thoroughly understands us; and that, whatever betide, the inner stuff of our nature cannot dissolve away into dust, or our beings be brought to extinction. Our belief in God's Fatherhood—so this is to say—does not create the fact, but it makes the fact a power in our conscious thought, and that is a mighty thing.
"The doctrine of Fatherhood in God is a doctrine of faith. It is a belief about the interior mystery of the Infinite supported by much, and opposed by much, in the experience of mankind. It is a belief about the universe, in behalf of our human world, supported by all that is best in that world; it is fitted to elevate, energise, gladden and console human beings; it is the belief that generates and justifies all other high beliefs. If God is the absolute goodness and compassion, our human world is his concern, all righteousness has his approval, all efforts at righteousness are followed by his sympathy, all sin must reckon with his endless enmity, all penitence may count upon his pity, all strivings at reform may be sure of his inspiration, all union in the endeavour to cleanse the earth of moral evil may move in the tides of his Spirit, all grief may find consolation in his infinite love, all loss may hope to become, in the courses of the ages, eternal gain in Him. If Fatherhood in God is the ultimate reality in the Infinite, as the Infinite is related to our human world, that world is glorious with meaning and with hope.”
The Fatherhood of God is not anywhere explicitly taught by Freemasonry but it is everywhere implied, so that the great doctrines peculiar to the Craft demand it for their guarantor, and make inevitably toward it. The Brotherhood of Man could never come to pass if the peoples of the world were by their very nature different from each other; it would be as impossible to bridge over such chasms as it is now impossible to bring our race into a brotherhood with beasts or trees.
So also is it with Equality. It is impossible for us ever to be, as I have already tried to show in this book, of the same fortune or ability, because the conditions in which we necessarily live make for endless variety, and that is of itself a kind of inequality: but there is a region beneath all such differences in which we find ourselves at one. God is to the most ignorant wretch all that a God can be, and does all things possible for him, so that in such matters that wretch is the equal of prophets and kings.
Our hope of Democracy is linked up with the Fatherhood of God. "Always, a new idea of man implies and involves a new conception of God. It was natural for the men who bowed low when the glittering chariot of Caesar swept along the streets of Rome to think of God as an omnipotent Emperor, ruling the world with an arbitrary and irresponsible almightiness. For men who live in this land of the free such a conception of God is a caricature. The citizens of a republic do not believe that God is an infinite autocrat, nor do they bow down to divine despotism; they worship in the presence of an Eternal Father, who is always and everywhere accessible to the humblest man who lifts his heart in prayer. Republican principles necessarily involve faith in the Fatherhood of God. The logic of the American idea leads to faith in a Divine Love universal and impartial, all encompassing and everlasting.”
Upcoming Events & Programs
Paver Program
The Valley of Columbus is establishing a paver garden in front of the Scottish Rite Center. It will start at the bottom of the steps on both sides of the front porch and extend to the end of each side of the building. It will be similar to the pavers at the Masonic Children's Home in Macon. This is a great opportunity to support the Valley of Columbus Building Fund by purchasing a paver, and to honor those people or organizations that have a special meaning to you (to include yourself!). Complete the order form in this issues of The Ashlar or open in a new window HERE.
300th Celebration Silver Coin
300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at
Committee Reports
Valley Membership Achievement Project
The last quarterly VMAP report is upon us. The successful 2023 Dove shoot- The Valley of Columbus 2023 Centennial dedication with a new Monument and pavers along with a Masquerade Ball to celebrate and have sociable fun with Family to end the 3rd quarter was Great. All Scottish Rite Brothers are looking forward to closing out the year with our best work ever! Thank you all.
Bro. Scott LaVelle

Vol. 2, No. 10 - Oct 2023