Personal Representative's Message
Philip E. Harris Sr., 33°
Personal Representative
to the SGIG
Greetings Brethren,
As we move into another period of our lives, which we all know is in the hands of Almighty God, we are grateful for the ongoing recovery of III Roger Buterbaugh, 33° and the strength God has given Lady Donna and the family through this trying time. IIl Joe Oelgoetz, 33° has done a magnificent job staying in touch with Donna and keeping all of us informed of the progress III Brother Roger is making. Enough cannot be said of the blessing it was for our Brothers in Europe to be there for III Roger and Donna.
IIl Brother Joe has moved seamlessly into the huge responsibilities of the General Secretary’s duties. He is refreshing our contact information and email listings and implementing a phone messaging system to remind members of upcoming meetings. We are working hard to find new members, restore our past due members, and most importantly, retain current members by continuing to provide the light they sought by becoming a Scottish Rite Mason.
Our Treasurer, Honorable Brother Torrey Knight, 32° KCCH, is in the process of implementing changes in our QuickBooks accounting systems for income and expense coding to conform to a uniform system used by all the Valleys in the Orient. This has been a very time-consuming task as all the Valley’s financials have to be separated from any RiteCare and Foundation contributions and expenses for the past four years.
A big thank you to our new Executive Committee Chairman, III Brother John Ohrt, 33°, for accepting the position and leading our committee. Also, to Honorable Brother Rossi Ross, 32° KCCH, Director of Work, for a successful Reunion and for stepping in as Acting Venerable Master for III Brother Roger, and to all Committee Chairmen and their committee members, who have shouldered the responsibilities of making this Valley successful in the past and will continue to do so into the future.
Honorable Brother Cammron Davis, 32° KCCH continues to work his magic to provide the Valley with timely and concise information and technology. He is developing an enhanced Double Eagle point system to recognize all Brothers in Europe contributing their time, especially in fundraising efforts.
We have just completed a grueling fundraising activity selling TNT Fireworks. This event began Monday, June 24 at 7 AM when three pallets were delivered to the Walmart parking lot on Victory Drive. It was a 24-hour-a-day event until the stand was closed, the inventory counted on the night of July 4, and the unsold inventory returned. The inventory is not insured for theft, and the stand must be watched at night.
The Fundraising Team Captain, Brother Matt Burgess, 32°, was onsite for 11 days, pulling most of the after-hours watch and selling during the day. It takes a minimum of two people to open the stand at any time, and on July 4, approximately six people were waiting on customers until 11 PM. I estimate we will net about $5,800 for the event. While this is a successful fundraiser, it appears we don’t have enough members who can staff the required time slots. This is something we will be reviewing in the after-action report with the Executive Committee. Thank you, Brother Matt, for a job well done.
Our RiteCare Development Committee, including Brother Jim Davis, 32°, and I have identified a specific need for the Autism Learning Center. There is a growing list of children waiting for openings at the clinic. The issue is the number of children that can be served is directly proportional to the staff. One Registered Behavioral Technician (RBT) works one-on-one with a child from the time they enter the clinic until their parents pick them up. Several RBTs and clients are supervised and evaluated by an Applied Behavioral Analyst (ABA) during the day. A Board-Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) evaluates each new child’s needs as they enter the program, develops a therapy plan, directly supervises a limited number of ABAs, and must continually chart the progress of each child under the ABA to determine the needs and limitations of the child. This mission is constrained only by the numbers.
Our RiteCare Development Committee has reached out to a local member of the Board at Columbus State in hopes of founding an RBT Certification program and enhancing the ABA and BCBA degree programs to open up opportunities for more trained and certified staff in the disciplines required for our clinic.
Our Valley is also challenged with a need to make some necessary repairs to our building. The home of the Valley is a house that was built sometime around 1873 and purchased by the Valley in December 1949. It was moved approximately 15 feet forward towards the street to allow construction of the lodge room, stage, and dining hall. In the Eighteenth Degree, the Knights Rose Croix are notified by the Wise Master that “Our columns are shattered.” My brothers, after 75 years on the house’s new foundation built in 1949, we literally find our columns are shattered. A recent assessment revealed we have at least 17 foundation piers under the house in need of repair. This will be a major undertaking as we begin a fundraising campaign to raise money for the Building Fund.
In closing, let me say thank you III Brother Roger for the hard work and leadership you have given this Valley. We wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to your return. Also, thank you for the confidence of the S.G.I.G., III Brother Ted Collins, 33°, in asking me to step into this position that was impeccably administered by III Brother Joe Oelgoetz, 33°.
Warmest Fraternal Regards,
Key Notes from the Valley
Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2024 Officers
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master Roger Buterbaugh, 33o
Senior Warden Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Ditmar Chavez, 32o, KCCH
Expert Russell Ward, 32o
Assistant Expert Dennis Buchanan, 32o
Captain of the Host Scott Lavelle, 32o, KCCH
Prelate Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Tyler Bayardo Reyes, 32o, KCCH
Chapter Knights Rose Croix
Wise Master Bill Block, 32o, KCCH
Senior Warden Scott Lavelle, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Jonas Barlow, 32o, KCCH
Expert Larry Cox, 32o, KCCH
Standard Bearer Richard Luna, 32o
Guardian of the Temple Russell Ward, 32o
Tyler John Adams, 32o
Council of Kadosh
Commander Harold Culpepper, 32o, KCCH
1st Lt Commander Ron Provencher, 32o, KCCH
2d Lt Commander Jonas Barlow, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Bayardo Reyes, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Bill Buffton, 32o, KCCH
Tercopiller Mark Stillwell, 32o
Draper Brian Pierce, 32o
Junior Deacon Jacob Robideaux, 32o
Bearer of the Black Stand Chris Bagley, 32o
Bearer of the White Stand Steve Smith, 32o
Lt of the Guard Matthew Burgess, 32o
Master of Kadosh Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Prior Russell Ward, 32o
Preceptor Bayardo Reyes, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Minister of State Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Prelate Matthew DeWiner, 32o
Master of Ceremonies John Adams, 32o
Expert Rob Grant, 32o
Assistant Expert James Davis, 32o
Captain of the Guard Mackay Carter, Sr., 32o
Steward Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH
Joseph F. Oelgoetz, III 33°
General Secretary
Dear Brethren,
First, I want thank you for allowing me to serve this wonderful Valley as your Personal Representative to the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Orient of Georgia for the last three years. It has truly been an honor and a privilege and a high mark in my Masonic journey. I thank those who stepped up, during my tenure, and took roles that made our Valley a better experience for our membership. We did this together. There are just too many to thank, but special recognition belongs to Illustrious Brother Phil Harris, 33° who took on Chairmanship of the Executive Committee and was instrumental in securing the relationship with the Autism Learning Center of Columbus as our RiteCare partner. Honorable Brother Cameron Davis, 32° KCCH who became extremely involved with this Valley and established this newsletter, The Ashlar, as well as instigating our Strategic Planning Process, and establishing a European Club of the Valley of Columbus. Illustrious Brother John Ohrt, 33° and Illustrious Brother Paul Wells, 33° for their well-regarded advice. Illustrious Brother Dan Dawson, 33° and Lady Sandy for the fun we had while putting on our Christmas Radio Shows fundraisers. The team led by Honorable Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32° KCCH that executed an outstanding Centennial Celebration. And of course, Illustrious Brother Roger Buterbaugh, 33° who became our General Secretary. He was my confidant, supporter and kept me straight during these past three years. I cannot thank enough these brothers or all of you that worked so hard in making the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus a great place to continue one’s Masonic journey. Thank You All from the bottom of my heart.
I am so very pleased that Illustrious Brother Phil Harris, 33° has agreed to take the role as Personal Representative. He is well loved and knowledgeable. In fact, he probably knows or is related to most of the residents of Columbus, which will serve him well in this position. Please show him the support you showed me in this very important leadership role of the Valley of Columbus.
It is with great thanksgiving to the Grand Architect of the Universe that at the writing of this article that Illustrious Brother Roger Buterbaugh, 33° has been transferred from Piedmont Atlanta Hospital to Piedmont Rehab Hospital in Columbus. Many prayers, thoughts, actions by our Brotherhood (especially our Brothers in Europe), as well as financial support have brought Illustrious Roger and Lady Donna to this point. I hope that one day soon they can attend a Lodge of Perfection meeting.
This is my first article as your new General Secretary. Illustrious Roger Buterbaugh, 33° was our General Secretary for three years. As Personal Representative, Brother Roger was my right hand, and dear friend. I cannot begin to fill his shoes in this role. But I will endeavor to serve you, our membership, to the best of my ability.
To improve communication the Valley is going to utilize a phone announcement program called Phonevite. This tool will allow the General Secretary to record a message – such as invitation to our monthly Lodge of Perfection meeting – and send this message to all members. We are utilizing phone numbers based on what is in the Scottish Rite database. If a brother has both a home and cell phone this program will utilize the cell phone. Please look for the reminder message we will be sending for our July Lodge of Perfection Meeting.
At our June 21st meeting we issued caps and rings to three of our newest Masters of the Royal Secret. It was a family friendly night in that family members for all three new Scottish Rite Brothers were in attendance. Additionally, our Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Illustrious Ted C. Collins, 33° was in attendance and assisted in welcoming these new Brothers. Congratulations go to:
Robert (Burt) A. Brown, Jr. 32°
Brother Quinn J. Griffith, 32°
Brother James A. Waddell, 32°
We also issued three scholarships ($1,000) each to deserving students. They and their family members attended our Lodge of Perfection Meeting as well as our guests for dinner. We had on hand, as I said above, the Sovereign Grand Inspector General for the Orient of Georgia, Illustrious Ted C. Collins, 33° and Illustrious Gene Jernigan, 33°, President of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Georgia to present the checks. As our SGIG stated: “This is an investment in the future”. It was a proud evening for the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus. The three recipients are:
Dale S. Degonia who is attending Mercer University and plans to study Law.
Robert T. Lumpkin who is attending Abraham Baldwin Agriculture College. He is the Grandson of Honorable Brother Rossi Ross, 32° KCCH and Lady Margie.
Delmas R. Shipman, III who is attending Columbus State University and plans to study Medicine. He is the Grandson of Illustrious Roger Buterbaugh, 33° and Lady Donna.
Please consider joining us on July 19th for our annual Knights of Saint Andrew Chapter meeting. What will occur: opening of the Chapter, Installation of Officers and Knighting of new Knights. This is an open meeting and guests/family are welcome.
Hopefully, we will also provide the Cap & Ring for Brother Phillip D. Redden, II, 32°, as he had a family conflict during our Official Cap & Ring Ceremony during our June meeting.
As General Secretary, the hardest, but most critical, part of my job it to ensure that all dues and payments to the valley are collected. We are a small and cash strapped Valley. In order to continue to serve our membership with what the Scottish Rite can offer we need funds. As Honorable Brother Cameron Davis, 32° KCCH wrote in last month’s Ashlar, “Membership dues are the lifeblood of our organization.” Without faithful support in paying one’s dues we cannot support a place for our meetings, programs for further light, continue with our RiteCare and Scholarship charities, and any and all other aspects in providing a meaningful experience for our membership.
The Brethren who are currently in arrears for 2024, I ask you to consider your continued support of what we do here at the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus. If you need to talk to me confidentially, please contact me via my email:, or call me at the Valley at 706-322-3091. I am here to listen and help.
The Supreme Council will be issuing dues requests for the 2025 Masonic year sometime in August. They will be sending you a dues card and notice to pay 2025 dues of $150.00. Receiving your dues card does not indicate that your dues are paid. They send the cards out to save postage. You are expected to pay your dues once you receive the card. Please consider doing so at your earliest convenience. So, we can continue to provide a meaningful Scottish Rite experience to all of our membership, including you.
Brethren, I come before you to tell you that our building is in need of significant repair. We are in the process of looking at and getting quotes for the repair of the building’s foundation. We will be announcing, in the near future, a fundraising initiative aimed at our Building Fund. In the meantime, please consider investing in our building by purchasing a testimonial brick with your name, in honor of a Brother, in support of your Lodge, etc. The Brick program is explained further down in this newsletter. Please consider as every dollar counts to keep our wonderful 92 year old Columbus Scottish Rite Temple on good working order.
Please consider attending our next Lodge of Perfection meeting, which will be our annual Knights of Saint Andrew Chapter event, on Friday, July 19, 2024.
Warmest Fraternal Regards,
Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH
Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH
European Representative
Valley of Columbus, Ga.
Valley of Washington, DC
European Representative
Dear Brethren,
It gives me great honor to announce that the prestigious Knight of The Double Eagle Award (KDEA) program, which has been a cornerstone for encouraging active engagement and leadership within the Valley of Columbus, has officially expanded to include European activities. This expansion, approved by the Executive Committee on June 19, 2024, is set to retroactively encompass activities from January 1, 2023, and aims to bolster participation among members residing in Europe.
The KDEA was initially designed to foster personal growth and the recruitment of new members by recognizing and rewarding active involvement in Valley operations. Members who earn this award not only gain a distinguished mark of achievement but also signal their potential for leadership roles within the organization. The European Program now allows members residing in Europe to accumulate points for a variety of activities, ensuring their contributions are equally recognized.
As our member activity continues to expand in Europe for various vocations and reasons, it was evident that our active members residing here had significantly fewer opportunities to earn points. While Zoom has been an excellent tool for participation, it often requires European Brothers to attend meetings during difficult hours, typically between 1 and 3 am. Furthermore, the average resident member of the Valley lives within a 250-mile radius of Columbus, Georgia, whereas, it is nearly 5,000 miles from Germany. This distance makes it impossible for European members to participate in many activities such as Degree Practice, serving on the Degree Conferral Team, or volunteering for various local events and committees.
Despite these challenges, our European Brothers have actively participated in many local Scottish Rite Club meetings and activities nonetheless, consistently representing the Valley of Columbus. They undertake significant commitments, such as traveling an average of 1,177 miles to serve in Degree Conferral Teams or other roles during European reunions, all of which are conducted in Italy. These reunions have successfully produced new Valley of Columbus members on Georgia Masons as a result of courtesy work afforded by the Valley of Washington, DC. As a result, many European Brothers have joined the local AMSRB-NATO Club KSA and have routinely volunteered as Sentinels for the Color Guard at prominent events, including the Grand Lodge and Shriner openings.
Despite their dedication and hard work, it was very difficult for these Brothers to receive the Knight of The Double Eagle Award or any other honor due to distance and were further ineligible to receive anything locally as they are not members of the Valley of Washington. This has never deterred them from giving to our honored fraternity. Therefore, in June, I proposed expanding our point system to include European activities and allowing myself as the European Representative to maintain the points for all European Brothers. I further proposed that we award points for all contributions warranting recognition retroactively beginning January 1, 2023. If we are to continue our growth in Europe from Georgia Masons, it is crucial that we recognize and reward the contributions and dedication of these Brothers.
Under the European system, points will be awarded based on a diverse range of activities that closely mirror the resident point system, which are categorized into different point values per event or instance. Just as the resident system, the European program features the same tiered recognition system, rewarding members as they accumulate points, which highlights their ongoing commitment and participation.
As the European Representative, I am now responsible for recording and reporting all points earned by European members and therefore, urge our European members to always keep me informed of their qualifying Masonic activities.
Switching gears, I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Bro. Chris Roehrich, 32° for completing all courses in the Master Craftsman Online College & Leadership Academy. This comprehensive, online, multimedia learning system is designed by Masons for Masons and mirrors the online learning platforms used by colleges and universities worldwide. Students of the Master Craftsman Online College & Leadership Academy can choose from a variety of Masonic Education & Leadership courses and track their learning progress through a fun and interactive system. The best part is that this learning system is accessible on any device, allowing Masons to improve themselves anytime, anywhere.
If you are interested in participating in the Master Craftsman program, login to the education platform using your current Scottish Rite membership credentials. If you need to set up a Supreme Council account, please click here. Once you arrive in the dashboard, click “Add Course” on the left sidebar. Review the available courses and click the “Enroll” button located in the course details for the course you are interested in. Go through the checkout/enrollment process and start the course!
If my efforts demonstrate anything, it is that remote participation in the Valley is indeed feasible. The hard work and dedication of Bro. Chris in completing the Master Craftsman program certainly elevate him as a Subject Matter Expert (SME). His expertise and commitment should always be recognized and valued, particularly as a potential contributor to the Valley of Columbus' College of Freemasonry Committee.
Lastly, I would like to express the sincere delight of the European Brethren to hear about the selection of Ill Brother Phil Harris, 33°, as our new Personal Representative (PR) to the Sovereign Grand Inspectors General (SGIG), Ill Brother Ted C. Collins, 33°. His dedication and leadership will undoubtedly continue to guide us towards greater heights. We congratulate him on this esteemed appointment and vow to provide the same effort and dedication afforded to his predecessor.
We also extend our heartfelt thanks to Ill Brother Joe Oelgoetz, 33°, for his faithful and dedicated service as the outgoing PR. His unwavering commitment and exemplary service have been invaluable to our fraternity. His forward-thinking vision and willingness to challenge antiquated norms have played a significant role in expanding the Valley of Columbus' activities to be more inclusive for our non-resident European members. The European Brethren join me in congratulating Ill Brother Oelgoetz on his new role as the Valley General Secretary and eagerly anticipate his continued contributions in this capacity.
Additionally, we express our deep gratitude to Ill Brother Roger Buterbaugh, 33°, for his dutiful service as the outgoing General Secretary. His tireless efforts and steadfast dedication have greatly benefited our Valley. We send our best wishes for his continued recovery and look forward to his ongoing involvement in our brotherhood.
I close this month’s article in highlighting again, the expansion of the Knight of The Double Eagle Award to include European activities marks a significant milestone in our commitment to global engagement and inclusivity. By recognizing and rewarding the valuable contributions of our European members, we strengthen our fraternity and foster a sense of unity and shared purpose across continents. Let us continue to support and encourage each other as we strive for excellence in all our endeavors.
College of Freemasonry
Freemasonry's Relevance and Appeal in Contemporary Society
by Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH, digitally published 16 July 2024 Art by Chris Röhrich, 32°In an era marked by declining church participation and shifting societal values, Freemasonry faces the challenge of maintaining its relevance and appeal. An organization such as Freemasonry, whose foundations rest upon the belief in a Supreme Being, must navigate a complex landscape to engage with modern society effectively.
Over the past 20 years, there has been a notable decline in church attendance, reflecting a broader trend of religious disaffiliation. For instance, the Pew Research Center reports that the share of Americans who identify as Christians dropped from 78% in 2007 to 63% in 2021 (Pew Research Center, 2021). This shift poses both a challenge and an opportunity for Freemasonry. Unlike religious institutions, Freemasonry's concept of a Supreme Being is inclusive and non-denominational, allowing individuals from various faiths, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, to join. This inclusivity can be appealing in a diverse society where rigid religious dogmas often alienate individuals. By promoting a broad spiritual framework rather than a specific religious doctrine, Freemasonry offers a unique space for those seeking spiritual growth and moral development without the confines of traditional religious structures.
Freemasonry emphasizes that its teachings and practices are intended to complement, not replace, personal religious beliefs. Freemasonry urges each member to remain steadfast in the faith of his religious acceptance. No part of its philosophy is intended to discourage the attendance of religious services. Instead, Freemasonry supports and respects the religious commitments of its members, encouraging them to be active participants in their chosen faiths. Additionally, Freemasonry firmly believes in the importance of the belief in a Supreme Being and the pursuit of spiritual growth as fundamental to personal development.
Furthermore, Freemasonry's focus on personal development, ethical behavior, and community service resonates with contemporary values. Today’s society values transparency, inclusivity, and social impact, all of which Freemasonry can embrace to remain relevant. The organization's historical commitment to philanthropy and community involvement continues to be a significant draw. By actively engaging in charitable activities and addressing pressing social issues such as education, inequality, and social justice, Freemasonry can demonstrate its relevance and positive impact on society.
However, Freemasonry itself has experienced a decline in membership. The Masonic Service Association of North America reported that membership in U.S. Lodges fell from 4.1 million in 1959 to just over 1 million in 2019 (Masonic Service Association of North America, 2019). This decline reflects broader trends of disengagement from traditional fraternal organizations, necessitating a reinvigoration of Freemasonry's approach to attract new members.
Comparing specific states, Alabama and Georgia exhibit higher rates of religious service attendance than the national average. In Alabama, 51% of adults attend religious services weekly, and in Georgia, 43% do so, compared to the national average of 31% (Pew Research Center, 2022). This higher rate of attendance in these states indicates a regional difference in religious engagement that Freemasonry can tap into by emphasizing community and spiritual growth.
Freemasonry’s rituals and teachings, which focus on moral and philosophical lessons, offer timeless principles that can guide individuals in today’s complex world. These teachings encourage members to pursue truth, justice, and personal integrity, aligning well with modern desires for ethical leadership and responsible citizenship.
The broader Masonic family, including Concordant and Appendant Bodies such as the Scottish Rite and the Shriners, further enhances Freemasonry's appeal and impact. The Scottish Rite, known for its additional degrees and deep philosophical teachings, offers members further opportunities for personal and intellectual growth. This body extends the moral and ethical teachings of Freemasonry, providing a deeper understanding of its principles and allowing members to engage with more complex and enriching content. Additionally, the Scottish Rite's RiteCare program exemplifies Freemasonry's commitment to philanthropy. RiteCare provides diagnostic evaluation and treatment of speech and language disorders, significantly impacting the lives of children and their families by offering these services regardless of their financial situation (Scottish Rite, n.d.).
The Shriners, known for their distinctive red Fezzes and emphasis on fellowship and philanthropy, particularly through their support of Shriners Hospitals for Children, exemplify the community service aspect of Freemasonry. The Shriners' extensive charitable work, especially in providing medical care to children regardless of their families' ability to pay, showcases Freemasonry’s commitment to humanitarian efforts and significantly boosts its public image. By highlighting these contributions, Freemasonry can attract those who are passionate about making a tangible difference in the world.
Another aspect of Freemasonry's relevance is its ability to adapt to technological advancements and modern communication methods. Leveraging digital platforms and social media can enhance Freemasonry’s visibility and accessibility, particularly to younger generations. Virtual meetings, online discussions, and digital content can attract tech-savvy individuals and facilitate greater engagement within the organization.
The organization must also address some issues of diversity and inclusion to attract a broader membership base. For instance, Freemasonry can emphasize more its acceptance of members from various religious backgrounds, demonstrating its commitment to religious pluralism and mutual respect. Another example would be bridging any remaining gaps between Regular and Prince Hall Affiliated Freemasonry, continuing the example set forth by the Statement of Unity signing on September 7, 2022, by the Southern, Northern, and equivalent Prince Hall Affiliation Supreme Councils.
In comparison to other fraternal or service organizations, Freemasonry can maintain its distinct identity through its rich history, unique rituals, and philosophical teachings. However, it must also learn from the successes and failures of these organizations to innovate and stay relevant. Emphasizing mentorship, lifelong learning, and community building can make Freemasonry attractive to those looking for meaningful personal and professional development opportunities.
Intergenerational engagement is another crucial factor. Bridging the gap between older and younger members through mentorship programs and collaborative projects can ensure continuity and relevance. By valuing the wisdom of older members and the fresh perspectives of younger ones, Freemasonry can create a dynamic and resilient organization.
Freemasonry has also faced its share of criticism and controversy, often surrounded by conspiracy theories and negative perceptions. Addressing these openly and transparently can improve its public image. By demystifying its practices and being more open about its positive contributions to society, Freemasonry can counteract misconceptions and build trust with the public.
In conclusion, Freemasonry's relevance today lies in its ability to adapt to contemporary societal values while staying true to its core principles. By promoting inclusivity, embracing modern communication, addressing social issues, and fostering ethical development, Freemasonry and its related bodies like the Scottish Rite and Shriners can continue to attract and engage individuals in a rapidly changing world. As church attendance declines, Freemasonry's inclusive and non-dogmatic approach to spirituality, coupled with its strong ethical and philanthropic commitments, positions it as a compelling alternative for those seeking community and moral guidance. Freemasonry’s steadfast belief in the importance of a Supreme Being and the pursuit of spiritual growth underscores its enduring relevance and appeal.
Masonic Service Association of North America. (2019). Membership statistics. Retrieved from
OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (July 16 version) [Large language model]. Available from
Pew Research Center. (2021). Attendance at religious services. Religion in America: U.S. Religious Data, Demographics, and Statistics. Retrieved from
Pew Research Center. (2022). Shares of Americans attending religious services unchanged since fall 2021. Retrieved from
Scottish Rite. (n.d.). RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Program. Retrieved from
Upcoming Events & Programs
HOT Pipe Organ Capital Campaign
Since 1916 the Temple Room at the House of the Temple has had an Organ to make our events even more special with music. The Shantz organ console located behind Lieutenant Grand Commander’s Chair controls the sound from the 1,417 pipes located high above floor level. The acoustics perfectly allow the room to be flooded with sound. Typically, the organ is played by the Grand Organist for various Masonic events and ceremonies. On occasion, guest organists hold concerts in the Temple Room. The public also visits the Temple Room every week during tours at the HOT.
The current Shantz Organ needs rebuilding and improvement. Currently, only about 50% of the keys will produce correct sounds. This is why the Scottish Rite has opened the HOT Pipe Organ Capital Campaign to save our treasured Organ. We formed a committee of members with vast knowledge and experience in Organs to plan this work. We need to keep music as an important part of the ceremonies and rituals of our fraternity.
Our goal is to raise $400,000 to pay for restoration, improvements to the instrument, and provide an endowment to pay for its maintenance and repairs in the future. Members all around the Southern Jurisdiction are giving, and we are making progress, but we are counting on every member’s help – and your help – to reach the goal.
Gifts to this Capital Campaign are tax deductible as allowed by law. Your gift made payable to the HOT Historic Preservation Foundation can be mailed to:
Supreme Council - Development Office
Attn: Caitlyn Kent
1733 16th Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20009-3103
Or you can simply call Caitlyn Kent at (202) 777-3111, tell her your gift is for the “Pipe Organ Campaign” and give her your card payment information to complete your gift. All information will be kept confidential.
You can also make your gift directly online by going to: Hover over “How to Give”, then “Giving Types” and left click on “Cash Gifts”. You will gain access to a secure jotform with blanks in which to type your information.
Select House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc.,
Select “House of the Temple Pipe Organ Capital Campaign”
And continue completing the questionnaire/form.
If you would like more information about this work or the campaign, please reach out to Donor Officer Phil Shortt at (240) 608-7425 or
Help keep our rich music culture alive in the Scottish Rite by helping with this earnest effort.
The January/February edition of the Scottish Rite Journal has greater detail about saving the House of the Temple’s Musical Treasure. Go to for even more.
Paver Program
The Valley of Columbus is establishing a paver garden in front of the Scottish Rite Center. It will start at the bottom of the steps on both sides of the front porch and extend to the end of each side of the building. It will be similar to the pavers at the Masonic Children's Home in Macon. This is a great opportunity to support the Valley of Columbus Building Fund by purchasing a paver, and to honor those people or organizations that have a special meaning to you (to include yourself!). Complete the order form in this issues of The Ashlar or open in a new window HERE.
300th Celebration Silver Coin
300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at
Committee Reports
As a result of our Power of 3 Program plan to raise $3M in 3 years to provide low- or no-cost intervention to help Georgia children with communication disorders find their ‘voice,’ I asked Ryan Gilliam, the Chief Operating Officer of KNR Therapy, how potential RiteCare donations could be used by KNR Therapy at the Autism Learning Center in Columbus. Below is his response:
“Thank you for considering us for your continued generous support. Below, I have provided detailed information regarding our staff, client numbers, the impact of various donation amounts, and our future growth plans.
Current and Projected Staff and Client Numbers:
Current Clients: 60
Current RBTs (Registered Behavior Technicians): 35
Current BCBAs (Board Certified Behavior Analysts): 7
Projected Numbers in the Next Few Months:
Clients: 71
RBTs: 50
BCBAs: 15
Impact of Donation Amounts:
$20,000 Donation: This would cover advanced training materials for staff development or specialized toys/equipment for client therapy, allowing more clients to have PECS communication tools and resources.
$50,000 Donation: Could fund technology upgrades (like tablets for interactive learning) or support a series of parent training workshops, providing essential learning materials or therapy tools for all KNR clients.
$100,000 Donation: This would significantly contribute towards advanced therapy equipment or furnishing a therapy room (sensory room) to enhance the therapeutic environment. We have a room in the clinic that needs a shower and plumbing removed to repurpose the space for our clients.
Potential Funding Utilization Ideas:
Supporting Columbus State University's ABA Program: Establishing a chair at Columbus State University to develop an ABA program aligns perfectly with our mission to grow the BCBA population. This initiative will benefit our clinic and the wider community by increasing the availability of qualified professionals.
Funding for LAMP Devices: Providing funds for Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) devices would directly enhance our ability to offer high-quality therapy to children with communication challenges.
We are committed to using donated funds to make the most significant possible impact on our clients and staff. We appreciate your interest in supporting KNR Therapy. Thank you for your consideration and support.”
I believe the biggest impact that increased RiteCare donations can have is to help get more BCBAs and RBTs certified. There is no shortage of children who need help. Let’s make it happen!
Phil Harris, 33°
Chairman, RiteCare
Valley of Columbus
Vol. 3, No. 7 - July 2024