Personal Representative's Message
Personal Representative
to the SGIG
As we leave Summer behind us and are about to embark upon another Autumn, we enter the season of giving Thanks. Thanks to your God for life, for the blessings bestowed upon you, and the love he showers upon you. It is a time of thanks to your family, especially to your spouse/partner and for all she has done for you over the past year. For standing by you and providing support through good times and bad. Thanks for your children, the frustrations, and the Joys they provide. Thanks for your friends and Brothers. Thanks for their Brotherly Love and Affection.
Traditionally, this is a time where the harvest is culled for the purpose of feeding all. In the United States of America, we celebrate “Thanksgiving” with family and friends. And for the Scottish Rite we celebrate the Feast of Tishri. The following explanation comes from “The Scottish Rite Ritual Guide and Monitor” Third Addition by Illustrious Arturo De Hoyos, 33 Grand Cross.
“The origin of the Feast of Tishri (also known as the Feast of the Tabernacle) is described in the Old Testament where it is said that the Lord spoke unto Moses saying “Ye shall have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the Lord seven days….(and) Ye shall dwell in booths seven days…that your generations may know that I made of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt” (Leviticus 23: 39, 42-23)
Why the Feast of Tishri? The origins and significances of the Feast of Tishri make it the most important Scottish Rite festival. Although originally celebrated as a harvest and gathering festival, no other occasion epitomizes the character and purpose of the Rite more wholly than our historic celebration, held in conjunction with the dedication of King Solomon’s Temple (2 Chronicles 7: 8-10). To marshal the meanings of the feast is to summarize the principal ideals
and traditions of our Fraternity.
First of all, we observe the Feast of Tishri because it is an age-old custom which now has the power of law. Under the Statutes of the Supreme Council, the feast is considered an obligatory observance, as sharing of fraternal spirit.
Secondly, the rich legendry of the Temple’s dedication, held in connection with the Feast of Tishri is an essential part of the Fourteenth Degree. The symbolic details of the Temple’s position, design, construction, furnishings, and decoration carry special meaning as they apply to the metaphorical Temple of Freemasonry built in the heart of every Brother. Through the symbols of the Temple, we learn to recommit ourselves to building Freemasonry “in the hearts of men” and among nations.
Significantly, Solomon, a king of peace and wisdom, built the Temple. The Lord…delivered this responsibility and glory to Solomon whose very name derives from the Hebrew word “shalom” which means peace. Thus, in observing the Feast of Tishri, we reaffirm our dedication to human concord and the brotherhood of all men in a world of peace. As individuals and as Brothers in the Rite, we resolve to build, as Solomon did, through harmony and cooperation, ever seeking peace for all mankind. The consecration of the Temple must be observed at the Feast of Tishri because it teaches the equality and unity of all members of the Rite. The people of Israel, unified under Solomon, were equal in their devotion to the Lord and equal in their sovereignty to all other nations. In the Feast of Tishri, all in the Rite can join at the banquet table and share a bond of fraternal unity.
Yet another reason to keep the Feast of Tishri is that such an observance fosters the sprit of fellowship…. Within the context of the Feast of Tishri, we realize more deeply than ever before the value of our fellowmen/women, without which the individual is lost in a self-imposed prison of human isolation.
Finally, the law, legend, peace, equality, unity and fellowship of the Feast of Tishri combine to make this the Masonic feast of feasts. At the reflection table all – Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and others – join in a common voice of thanksgiving where everyone can share their gratitude and express their sincere thanks to HIM who made all things. The Deity has given us life, the strength to live it fully, and the joy of sharing the beauty of the goodness of HIS creation with our fellowmen. Most of all, HE has given us freedom. The Feast of Tishri celebrates this freedom which the Israelites won with the guidance of Providence, despite the shackles of Egypt and armies of the Philistines.
This ancient victory celebrated in the dedication of King Solomon’s Temple is kept forever fresh through our keeping of the Feast of Tishri. It promises to all men that the burdens of tyranny are temporary, that the darkness will yield to light, that knowledge will conquer ignorance, and that the CREATOR intended all men to be free. The message of Tishri comes to us strongly and clearly from across the ages because it has been so preserved in the symbolism and allegory of the Scottish Rite. Through our observance of this great feast of thanksgiving, we, as heirs of Solomon, perpetuate his magnificent Temple of freedom in our lives, our communities, our country and, most of all, in our beloved Rite.” (Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide, Third Edition. By Illustrious Arturo De Hoyos, 33 Grand Cross)
I truly give thanks for our Rite and especially for each and every one of you.
Our Feast of Tishri is planned to occur at our regular monthly Lodge of Perfection meeting to be held on Friday, September 16th, 6:30PM for Dinner; 7:30PM Our Feast of Tishri program will consist of our guest speaker who will talk on the meaning of the Feast of Tishri and followed by the Chapter of Rose Croix, will perform our traditional Feast of Tishri toasts.
We are very honored to have as our guest speaker Right Worshipful and Illustrious Brother Michael A. Kessler, 33, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Georgia.
Please come to this very important Feast within our Rite. It is obligatory. Your wife/significant other and entire family are very welcome to attend. If possible, let the office know that you plan to attend and what number of guests. Come join us in thanksgiving and celebration of the gifts we are blessed with.
RiteCare: Another important event that is happening in the month of September is our second annual Dove Shoot for RiteCare. If you are an avid shooter, one square costs $78.00 and you can sign up on the Valley of Columbus’ website:
If you do not shoot, consider a sponsorship. See the RiteCare section in this electronic newsletter for details.
Our RiteCare Charity Dove Shoot will be held Saturday, September 17, 2022. Location: Canyon Road, off Highway 27, Lumpkin, Georgia
We need volunteers to help run this very important event. It is the largest event that we hold to support our RiteCare program – the Autism Learning Center of Columbus. We help “Children Communicate”. So please consider a donation of a part of your treasure, or time.
Let us give thanks each and every day to HIM who through providence bestowed such wonderful gifts of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness….
Warmest Fraternal Regards, Joe
Joseph F. Oelgoetz III, 32° KCCH
Personal Representative to the
Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the
Orient of Georgia
Statement of Unity
A momentous day at the House of the Temple…not just Recognition but Unity…
Watch this historic moment from the House of the Temple in Washington DC, on September 7th, 2022 as the Grand Commanders of four Scottish Rite Jurisdictions in the United States sign a Statement of Unity.
100th Anniversary Celebration
Mark your calendars for the Centennial Celebration of the founding of the Valley of Columbus, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry – Saturday, September 23, 2023. We have gained acceptance of our invitation to Sovereign Grand Commander, Illustrious James D. Cole, 33°, Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction, who will be in attendance for this event. Additionally, we have gained acceptance to attend by Right Worshipful & Illustrious Michael A. Kessler, 33° who is currently the Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Georgia. Expectations is that he will be the Grand Master at the time of our Centennial celebration. The Grand line will also be in attendance.
The current overall elements of the celebration event would be the following:
Rededication of the Scottish Rite, Valley of Columbus’ Temple – by the Grand Lodge Officers
Lunch for all attendees of the Rededication
Black Tie Gala – to include Dinner, Presentations and Dancing
The forging of a Centennial Coin, development of a Centennial Program and other keepsakes
We are being led in our planning of this very special event by Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32°. He is looking for others to join the planning committee. Brethren and Ladies are welcome to be a part of the planning of this once in one-hundred years event. If interested, please do not hesitate to contact either our General Secretary: Honorable Brother Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH at, or Brother Bayardo Reyes, 32° at
300th Celebration Silver Coin
300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at
Key Notes from the Valley
Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2022 Officers
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Senior Warden Baron Conklin, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH
Expert Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
Assistant Expert Ditmar Chavez, 32o, KCCH
Captain of the Host Russell Ward, 32o
Prelate Dennis Buchanan, 32o
Tyler Scott Lavelle, 32o
Chapter Knights Rose Croix
Wise Master John Ohrt, 33o
Senior Warden Rossie Ross, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Bill Block, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Scott Lavelle, 32o
Expert Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Standard Bearer Jonas Barlow, 32o
Guardian of the Temple Larry Cox, 32o, KCCH
Tyler Richard Luna, 32o
Council of Kadosh
Commander Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
1st Lt Commander Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH
2d Lt Commander Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Harold Culpepper, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Ron Provencher, 32o, KCCH
Tercopiller Jonas Barlow, 32o
Draper Bayardo Reyes, 32o
Junior Deacon Bill Buffton, 32o, KCCH
Bearer of the Black Stand Mark Stillwell, 32o
Bearer of the White Stand Brian Pierce, 32o
Lt of the Guard Jacob Robideaux, 32o
Master of Kadosh Sidney Cooley, 32o, KCCH
Prior Roger Buterbaugh, 32o, KCCH
Preceptor Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Russell Ward, 32o
Minister of State Bayardo Reyes, 32o
Prelate Phillip Jones, 32o
Master of Ceremonies Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Expert Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Assistant Expert Tony McCool, 32o, KCCH
Captain of the Guard Matthew Dewinter, 32o
Steward John Adams, 32o
Torrey Knight, 32° KCCH
Fraternally yours,
Torrey Knight, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master
Valley of Columbus
Venerable Master
Dear Brethren of the Valley of Columbus,
The Valley continues to move forward thanks to the membership of this Valley. In the next few months, we have some traditionally scheduled events like the Feast of Tishri, a possible fall reunion, and several fundraising events that are aimed at supporting the Valley and Rite Care.
Our next meeting, September 16, will be the Feast of Tishri. We are honored to have the Deputy Grand Master Michael A. Kessler as our honored guest and speaker for the evening.
On September 17, the Valley will be sponsoring a Dove Shoot to raise funds to help us support our Rite Care partner, The Autism Learning Center. We can use your support in several ways. If you are a sportsman and would like to be a part of the shoot you can register at We also can use your help as a volunteer at the event. We need people with trucks to haul materials to the event on Friday, Saturday, and help bring it back Sunday. We need people to help move tables and chair to the event and work the event. Any amount of your time dedicated to this event is greatly appreciated and earns Double Eagle points. We also need volunteers to work at the Dove Shoot. This has been a wildly successful event for the Valley and helps us to support Children with communication needs. If you can help, please contact Phil Harris at 706-527-7126.
The Valley is also raffling off a Benelli M-2 Field shotgun at Model #11147 at the dove shoot. This shotgun is a 12 Gauge with Gore Optifade Timber finish and includes a case and 5 CRIO Choke Tubes. Tickets are $10 a piece or can be bought in packages of 6 Tickets for $50 or 12 Tickets for $100. The MSRP on this shot gun is $1599 or you can get a credit at Barrow’s Gun Shop of $1170. You do not have to be present to win. If you would like to buy tickets online please use the following link:
When we receive your order online, we will contact you via email to see how you would like to receive your tickets.
In December, the Valley will be hosting two fundraisers. The first will be a Christmas play led by Illustrious Brother Dan Dawson. If you are interested in being a part of this production in any way, please reach out to us. We have also been able to secure a Fire Works stand for New Years. This is another great opportunity for the Valley to raise funds to support our work. Several other Lodges and Masonic Organizations are already participating in the firework sale, so it is incredibly important that we ask for your help to man and run the Scottish Rite stand. This fundraiser has been very beneficial for the lodges and organizations that sell these fireworks and has allowed them to fund projects they would not have been able to afford without it. Additionally, the funds raised are not from just our organization but from the communities we live in. The fire work sale generally takes place immediately after Christmas. Please consider volunteering for any of these upcoming events. We are working to make a bigger impact within our community, and you can be a part of this humble effort
Thank you to all the members and families of the Valley of Columbus.
General Secretary
Fall will soon be here and that means it's time for our annual Feast of Tishri observance. Come join us on September 16 for this special occasion. Our speaker will be RWB Mike Kessler, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.
Since we are going into fall, summer attire is also over. We are back to wearing coat and tie for our Feast of Tishri and all subsequent meetings.
We are still selling raffle tickets for the Benelli shot gun. We will pull the winning ticket at our Dove Shoot on September 17. Speaking of Dove Shoot, we have a real nice grill that will be raffled off at the Dove Shoot, along with other great prizes. So, if you are not into hunting, you can still come and take a chance on winning the grill or other prizes.
Hope to see you at the Feast of Tishri next month.
Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH
Fraternally yours,
Roger Buterbaugh, 32° KCCH
General Secretary
Valley of Columbus
Sir Knight
Bayardo Reyes, 32°
Fraternally yours,
Bayardo Reyes, 32°
KSA Commander
Valley of Columbus
Upcoming KSA Meetings, Events, & Important Dates
September 16, 2022 6PM
October 15, 2022 (Saturday) KSA 10:00AM 1st KSA Meeting and Review of Manual
100th Celebration Committee
October 21, 2022 6PM
November 18, 2022 6PM
December 16, 2022 6PM
January 14, 2023 (Saturday) KSA 10:00AM Burns Knight Preparations / KSA Update Manual/Bylaws
January 20, 2022 (Burns Night)
February 17, 2023 6PM
March 17, 2023 6PM
April 15, 2023 (Saturday) 10:00 AM KSA (Can be done by Zoom)
April 21, 2023 6PM
May 19, 2023 6PM
June 16, 2023 6PM
June 24, 2023 KSA Annual Elections - Elections/ Ritual Walk
July 21, 2023 KSA Night 6PM Initiation/Installation
Knights of Saint Andrew Commander
Dear Knights & Brethren,
Prince Charles Edward Stuart was the last Grand Master of the Order of Heredom in Scotland, and exercised his powers in France. By establishing a Chapter of Rose Croix at Arras, and by other acts. And when the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was finally organized, by those in possession of the Degrees of the Rites of Heredom and Perfection, and other Rites and detached Degrees that had been from time to time established in Scotland, France, Germany and elsewhere, the Order of Grand Scottish Knights of Saint Andrew became the 29th of the new Rite, formed by selecting, from different Rites and Observances, seven degrees in addition to the twenty-five of Perfection; and creating the 33rd, as the Supreme and last Degree, to rule the world.
Every cross of Knighthood is a symbol of the nine qualities of a Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland; for every order of chivalry required of its votaries the same virtues and the same excellencies. Humility, Patience, and Self-denial are the three essential qualities of a Knight of St. Andrew of Scotland. The Cross, sanctified by the blood of the holy ones who have died upon it; the Cross, which Jesus of Nazareth bore, fainting, along the streets of Jerusalem and up to Calvary, upon which He cried, “Not My will, O Father! but Thine be done,” is an unmistakable and eloquent symbol of these three virtues. He suffered upon it, because He consorted with and taught the poor and lowly, and found His disciples among the fishermen of Galilee and the despised publicans. His life was one of Humility, Patience, and Self-denial.
This knighthood was for following those same values and qualities. As a Knight of St Andrew, our obligations and oaths taken throughout each degree, that oath taken on that yonder book is reemphasized as a responsibility as to be the example to our fellow masons. That our contributions are never done with expectation of reward or recognition.
About Saint Andrew: It is said to have been martyred by crucifixion at the city of Patras (Patræ) in Achaea, in AD 60. Early texts, such as the Acts of Andrew known to Gregory of Tours, describe Andrew as bound, not nailed, to a Latin cross of the kind on which Jesus is said to have been crucified; yet a tradition developed that Andrew had been crucified on a cross of the form called crux decussata (X-shaped cross, or "saltire"), now commonly known as a "Saint Andrew's Cross" — supposedly at his own request, as he deemed himself unworthy to be crucified on the same type of cross as Jesus had been. The iconography of the martyrdom of Andrew — showing him bound to an X-shaped cross — does not appear to have been standardized until the later Middle Ages. This explains the Saltire cross in our seal. He was an agile and hardy Galilean fisherman whose name means “strong” and who also had good social skills? He brought the first foreigners to meet Jesus and shamed a large crowd of people into sharing their food with the people beside them. Today we might describe him as the Patron Saint of Social Networking! Thus, explaining the importance of our attendance and provide time; not monetary contribution, to support the goals and events of the valley.
Did you know that the first Freemason in America was a Scot from Aberdeen, John Skene was born in Newtyle, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. In 1659 he was admitted as a burgess in Aberdeen. He was a Quaker and he left Scotland and settled in West New Jersey where he purchased a 500-acre plantation which he called Peachfield. John Skene was a member of Aberdeen Lodge No. 1.
Did you know that the order is designed to provide service to your valley? In early 1993 the late, Ill. Weldon Good, 33rd of the Tulsa Valley in Oklahoma saw a need for assistance during reunions. He also noticed that Masons were joining the Scottish Rite but not returning to help and participate in subsequent reunions. To rectify this he developed the organization now known as the KNIGHTS OF ST. ANDREW as a service group for the valley.
After the chartering of the first three Chapters in Oklahoma thirty years ago the Knights of St. Andrew grown across both, the Southern Jurisdiction & Northern Jurisdiction, and from coast to coast. Having over 150+ Charters including our Valley of Columbus Knights of St Andrews Chapter Chartered on 16 July 2016.
How much does it mean to have this knighthood? “Knighthood” is more than just a title; more than a class status; more than just a chapter; when mentioning of a knight, the word “Service” is within its scope when knighted. Its by recommendation in how a member becomes a Knight, not just by petition.
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (1871)
Michael T.R.B. Turnbull – A History of St Andrew - Saint Andrew: Myth, Legend and Reality
Gnostic Warrior – Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew | Chapter 29
Knights of ST Andrew - History of the Knights of St. Andrew []
College of Freemasonry
The Masonic Beehive
The Secret Life of the Masonic Beehive
Pamela McDown, Universal Freemasonry, 9 February 2018, original source
“Most people don’t have any idea about all the complicated life going on inside a hive. Bees have a secret life we don’t know anything about.” ~ (Secret Life of Bees)
We don’t have to look far from this quote to find an analogy in Freemasonry. The beehive has been said to be a metaphor for the working lodge with seven bees flying around the hive, making a perfect lodge. Bees are thought to be exceptionally auspicious throughout the world. They have played an important part in symbolism since ancient times. Turns out, a valuable teacher in mother nature has been with us all along.
Is there anything that can be learned from our buzzing friends? What do they symbolize in Freemasonry?
In ages past, people believed that bees were prophetic – that their actions were messages not to be ignored. Bees were regarded by some as an example of a divine intellect woven through nature. In medieval times, one could find many farms that kept beehives and collected honey. In a wonderful text called the Geoponika, the beekeepers would praise the creatures, even read to them.
One of the chapters says:
The bee is the wisest and cleverest of all animals and the closest to man in intelligence; its works is truly divine and of the greatest use to mankind.
I loved reading this. The writing portrayed a scene that I imagine has been played in countless bee farms, between untold numbers of masters and their hives. The work of the beekeeper seems so magical and yet so commonplace. It was all about the watching, the learning, the reverence, and the abiding trust. The desire of looking to nature as teacher seems to me to be one of the elements that is missing from our culture.
Could it be the bees are trying to tell us something, but we’re just not listening?
It is said that Albert Einstein once calculated that if all bees disappeared off the earth, four years later all humans would also have disappeared. Pretty chilling to think about.
Why? Because there exists a global phenomenon today of bees disappearing. Many say that the mystery of the bees disappearing is a warning to all of us. If something is wrong in beehives it means something is wrong everywhere.
Andrew Gough, an expert bee researcher says:
I’ve labelled the three eras of the Bee; Beedazzled, Beewildered and Beegotten for good reason. The question remains, will there be a fourth era, and if so will it be called Beegone?
Sadly, Gough states that modern humanity has become notorious spoilers of nature’s divine harmony. The concept of nature being something “out there” is largely what is amiss with our view of it. Likewise, the bees also seem to be disappearing from masonic workings and in many places today is considered a lost symbol.
Is a lost symbol in Freemasonry something to be concerned about?
Masonic Speculative Meanings
The early Freemasons incorporated bee symbolism heavily into its philosophy and regalia. It was especially pervasive in masonic drawings and documents of the 18th and 19th centuries. At the heart of its message even today are the concepts of industry and stability, harmony and cooperation, virtues that the craft values highly. The masonic symbol of the bee does not stand alone. It also includes the beehive and the honey.
The following is taken from the monitor of the lodge.
As Masons, we must imitate the bee, be industrious, work with others and for others, take pride in our vocations, obey the rules of our society, and strive to add to our body of knowledge and understanding. Otherwise we are useless members of society.
Other monitors and masonic books give the same type of explanation. Some longer and some shorter but all what I consider somewhat along the lines of virtue and morality.
I believe we are now in an era where it is vital that we take a deeper look at the secrets of the bee symbol. What might those be?
History, Culture and Myth
In the myths and histories of ancient times is where I found some possible avenues for further inquiry. Looking back to various mythologies, bees revealed elements of the mysteries of initiation. In Egyptian mythology, bees were considered tears of the sun-god RA. The sun has been thought by some to be a very mysterious concept in freemasonry related to the initiatory process. For example, the sun’s daily “rising” in the East is the image of rebirth and new beginnings, just as its setting in the West is the image of decay and death leading to transformation.
One of the most interesting mythologies is the Egyptian Goddess of Neith who lived in the House of Bees. Neith was primarily an Egyptian goddess of wisdom, often given the title “Opener of the Ways.” Neith would say to the initiate, “Come look beneath my veil.” Her call was both a summons and a challenge. By the blessing of the goddess, the veil would be lifted. Only then would the initiate perceive the secret workings and patterns of nature. At that moment, when the veil is rent asunder, he can consciously participate in those mysteries, thus becoming a human administrator of the will of the God.
In fact, the initiate at this point fully sees his own inner divinity and the service duties to humanity that such recognition brings. He has become something more than human. To be initiate, one must take nature as his master.
This every Freemason knows. Becoming an initiate is to investigate the hidden mysteries of nature and science. This could mean ruling and governing the hidden forces of one’s own nature accordingly. It can be hard, sometimes embarrassing, to “look beyond the veil,” to admit we do not have all the answers.
I still ponder what aspect of the bee first inspired man to consider it as special and sacred, all those thousands of years ago. Where does the true secret lie? Is it something as simple as a bee’s sting? Is it the honey? Is it the buzzing sound? Is it the honeycomb? It’s impossible to know really, for any one of those traits could easily make it exalted.
“The bee has insights into the secrets of nature, the secrets of creation, and a special connection therefore to the Creator.” ~ (Koran)
Committee Reports
RiteCare Update - September 8, 2022
Our largest fundraiser, the upcoming Dove Shoot, will occur this month on Saturday, September 17, 2022, to raise money to fund our commitment to RiteCare. Registration 10:00 AM shoot starts at 1:00 PM. $75. - Not Tax Deductible. Location: Exit No. 142 off I-75, West 3.5 miles on Hwy 96, where stands will be assigned
We need volunteers, donors, paid sponsors, prizes to raffle off and registered shooters to make this a success. You can donate cash, buy sponsorships and register to shoot with a credit card online on the Valley’s website (plus a $3.00 convenience fee) or just call Illustrious Phil Harris, 33 at 706-527-7126, for further information and/or volunteer.
Additionally, we are running a Shot-Gun fundraiser for support of the Valley’s operations. A 12 Gauge Benelli M2 Field Shotgun with Gore Optifade Timber Finnish; case and 5 CRIO Choke Tubes. Manufactured recommended retail price is $1,559 (or a Credit at Barrow’s Gun Shop, Butler, Georgia of $1,170). Drawing will occur at the RiteCare Dove Shoot on Saturday, September 17, 2022. Ticket cost is $10.00 per ticket, six (6) for $50.00 or twelve (12) for $100. For tickets ask any Scottish Rite Mason or call Illustrious Phil Harris, 33 at the number above.
Valley Membership Achievement Project (VMAP)
There are 4 Months left in the year. September we have the Dover shoot and the Shotgun Raffle. October is the Month for the Fall Reunion followed up in November the Cap and Ring Ceremony. December will be Christmas Program. These last 4 months will close out the 2022 V-Map tracker. By February 2023 the remaining V-Map will be reviewed and submitted in completion. Onto another year. Thank you all.
Just a few things to inform everyone,
It appears that our water usage crisis has subsided and back to normal, we will continue to monitor our fixtures and water usage.
We still need some help with repairing some plaster walls in restroom and other locations. Also, need help to replace a few ceiling tiles in the auditorium.
Our deceased Honourmen wall has been extended, still needs a little trim work.
I have been informed there is a small leak in our dinning room that need attention, this part of our building was not done with the recent roof repair over the main building, as it was not leaking at the time.
Any Brother that would like to help or be part of the building committee please let myself our the Valley Secretary know.
College of Freemasonry
Since 2008, the Scottish Rite Master Craftsman program has been providing light in Freemasonry through mail-in and online correspondence courses focusing on Masonic history, ritual and philosophy. Thousands of our brothers have learned more about our ancient craft, and more about themselves through these courses. Now the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction has taken the next step in Masonic Education.
The Master Craftsman Online College & Leadership Academy is a complete, online, multimedia learning system designed by Masons for Masons, and is like online learning platforms used by colleges and universities around the world. Students will be able to select from numerous Masonic Education & Leadership courses and track their learning progress through a fun and interactive learning system. Best of all, the online learning system is available on any device, so you can improve yourself in Masonry anytime, anywhere on a PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. As coursework is completed Masons will receive certificates and lapel pins certifying the courses from which they have graduated and will be recognized at Lodge of Perfection meetings as close to completing the courses as possible.
There are currently 3 courses available:
“Why 33?”, an excellent course that examines the history of the Scottish Rite and costs $5.00
“Master Craftsman Ritual and History Course”, that familiarizes students with the basic structure of Scottish Rite as well as aspects of the rituals and symbols of the 29 degrees and honors of the Scottish Rite. Cost: $40.00
“Master Craftsman Symbolic Lodge Course” that familiarizes students with the development of Blue Lodge Masonry and explores some of its developing symbolism. Cost: $40.00
To enroll in these courses go to, from the homepage click on “Media & Publications” and click on “Master Craftsman” at the bottom of the dropdown box.
For more information, please contact Jim Davis @ and I’ll assist you in learning more about the program and how easy it is to gain more Masonic Light through this new and enhanced Master Craftsman Online Academy program.
The Valley of Columbus has been doing great! We have initiated 8 new members at our last reunion, and hoping to expand our membership in the future. At our last meeting, we had a great Masonic presentation which was open to all members and non-Scottish Rite Master Masons, which was a great way to show how the Scottish Rite is rightfully the College of Freemasonry. With the program for spouses, the event also showcased how much of a family oriented environment the Valley of Columbus is. Moving forward, petitioning will be more accessible, since it can be done online!
Key Points
I have attached a QR code that will take straight to the online petition.
A key to membership in my opinion would be to continue to have presentations, and keeping our members engaged and feeling that they are getting more out of our fraternity.
To become more noticed, i am working on a flyer that i will have done by our next executive committee which will have information about the rite, as well as the QR code to our website/ and QR code for online petition, so that i can pass along and they can be place in blue lodges for information.
I will try to set a small presentation and start traveling to the lodges around to become more noticeable as well as extending invitations so that the brethren can experience what the SR is about.
Annual Dove Shoot

Shotgun Raffle
Don't miss your opportunity to win this Benelli M2 Field Shotgun Model #11147. Contact Illustrious Brother Phil Harris to learn more about how to get your raffle tickets today.
Philip Harris <>
Vol. 1, No. 10 - Sep 2022