Personal Representative's Message
Philip E. Harris Sr., 33°
Personal Representative
to the SGIG
Greetings Brethren,
We have had a very busy September and once again time has escaped me. I am writing this in haste, in an effort to get some information out to you regarding our very successful and equally stressful RiteCare Charity Dove Shoot. This was our 4th year for this fundraiser and we learn more each year in our after-action review. This was also the 2nd year we have had terrible weather, but most hunters know we can’t control mother nature and many of them have said they would be back next year.
Thanks to our Worshipful Brothers Darryl and Philip Jones, both Past Masters of Smith Lodge 85, Richland, for the hospitality and use of their shop building and property for the registration and concessions area and for securing the land from their cousins for us to have the hunt. KSA, Scottish Rite Brother Philip, will be receiving some well, deserved Double Eagle Points along with 31 other Scottish Rite Members, wives and friends who helped make this event a success. We raised over $13,000, this year with Shooter registrations and Sponsorships and made a lot of new friends for RiteCare and even delivered some hamburger and hot dog meals to the field! More information to come and hopefully some photos too.
With regrets, we have had to cancel our Reunion that was scheduled for Friday and Saturday, October 18th and 19th, due to several factors including health issues. Some of the Degree Teams were not able to get the necessary rehearsals in order to feel satisfied that the quality of the dramatization would meet their own standards. I have spoken with other Personal Representatives and one of the Valleys has had to cancel their Reunion due to the recent hurricanes. We may be able to have a combined Reunion sometime early in the new year.
We have two estimates for reinforcing the foundation of the front building. The House was built in 1883 and was moved forward about 15 feet from its original location in 1949, to allow space for the stage, auditorium, dining and robe rooms to be built. After 75 years the building is settling and this costly but necessary decision we will have to be evaluated as well as fundraising opportunities to pay for repairs or the consideration of relocating elsewhere.
Please continue to keep III Brother Roger Buterbaugh and Donna in your Prayers. His strength is improving and his spirts are high. Also, our General Secretary, III Joe Oelgoetz, will be having some test next week. Please keep Joe and Karen in your Prayers too.
LOP Meeting
Since our Reunion has been canceled, our next LOP meeting will be Tyled and important business will be discussed. We will eat at 6 PM and the LOP will open at 7 PM. There will not be a Lady’s program.
Warmest Fraternal Regards,
Key Notes from the Valley
Scottish Rite Valley of Columbus - 2024 Officers
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master Roger Buterbaugh, 33o
Senior Warden Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Bob Lyon, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Ditmar Chavez, 32o, KCCH
Expert Russell Ward, 32o
Assistant Expert Dennis Buchanan, 32o
Captain of the Host Scott Lavelle, 32o, KCCH
Prelate Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Tyler Bayardo Reyes, 32o, KCCH
Chapter Knights Rose Croix
Wise Master Bill Block, 32o, KCCH
Senior Warden Scott Lavelle, 32o, KCCH
Junior Warden Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Jonas Barlow, 32o, KCCH
Expert Larry Cox, 32o, KCCH
Standard Bearer Richard Luna, 32o
Guardian of the Temple Russell Ward, 32o
Tyler John Adams, 32o
Council of Kadosh
Commander Harold Culpepper, 32o, KCCH
1st Lt Commander Ron Provencher, 32o, KCCH
2d Lt Commander Jonas Barlow, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Bayardo Reyes, 32o, KCCH
Master of Ceremonies Bill Buffton, 32o, KCCH
Tercopiller Mark Stillwell, 32o
Draper Brian Pierce, 32o
Junior Deacon Jacob Robideaux, 32o
Bearer of the Black Stand Chris Bagley, 32o
Bearer of the White Stand Steve Smith, 32o
Lt of the Guard Matthew Burgess, 32o
Master of Kadosh Harry Ross, 32o, KCCH
Prior Russell Ward, 32o
Preceptor Bayardo Reyes, 32o, KCCH
Chancellor Torrey Knight, 32o, KCCH
Minister of State Ed Lynch, 32o, KCCH
Prelate Matthew DeWiner, 32o
Master of Ceremonies John Adams, 32o
Expert Rob Grant, 32o
Assistant Expert James Davis, 32o
Captain of the Guard Mackay Carter, Sr., 32o
Steward Rossi Ross, 32o, KCCH
Joseph F. Oelgoetz, III 33°
General Secretary
Dear Brethren,
As we transition into the crisp and colorful days of autumn, I hope this message finds you and your loved ones in good health and high spirits. The changing season reminds us of life's unpredictability, and how we must adapt and embrace whatever comes our way. For this reason, my article will be a bit shorter than usual, but I wanted to take a moment to share some important updates with you as we move forward into this new season together.
It's that time of year again when dues notices from the Supreme Council for the 2025 Masonic year should have hit your mailboxes by now. Along with your notice, you have received your 2025 Scottish Rite Dues Card. Please remember, receiving your dues card does not mean your dues are paid. It’s simply a more cost-effective way to get the card to you ahead of time.
You still need to make payment, which can be done easily using a debit or credit card on either the Supreme Council’s website ( or the Valley’s website ( Alternatively, you can mail a check to the following address:
Scottish Rite Center of Columbus
P.O. Box 727
Columbus, GA 31902-0727
Dues are the financial backbone of the Valley. They enable us to continue offering valuable experiences to our membership. If you're having difficulty paying your dues, please don't hesitate to contact me. We can set up a payment plan that works for you. Just call the office and leave me a message at 706-322-3091 or send me an email at
Unfortunately, due to several issues, including health concerns, the Fall Reunion scheduled for October 18th and 19th has been canceled. Some of our Degree Teams were unable to complete their rehearsals to the high standard we strive for, leading to this difficult decision. However, we are exploring the possibility of holding a combined Reunion early next year.
On a positive note, we are thrilled to announce that Brothers Frank Ullmann, Mirel Tolca, Mark Baluran, and Zhivko have become our newest Masters of the Royal Secret, thanks to courtesy work conducted during the Reunion in Sicily, Italy, on October 11-12. Special thanks to our European Representative, Honorable Brother Cameron Davis, 32°, for facilitating this opportunity.
Since the Reunion was canceled, our next Lodge of Perfection meeting will be Tiled for the conduct of some important business requiring our discussion. We will gather as usual for a meal at 6 PM, followed by the opening of the Lodge of Perfection at 7 PM. Please note that there will be no Lady’s program at this meeting.
Let’s continue to navigate these challenges together, keeping in mind the values and commitments that unite us as Scottish Rite Masons.
Warmest Fraternal Regards,
Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH
Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH
European Representative
Valley of Columbus, Ga.
Valley of Washington, DC
Supreme Council has developed a New Master Craftsman program "Ivory Key" designed to help our new Scottish Rite Brothers make the most of the reunion experience. The course remains free for Scottish Rite candidates and Brothers who have received their 32° within the 60 day window. I highly encourage our new Masters of the Royal Secret to enroll immediately.
European Representative
AMSRB-NATO Club Reunion 2024: A Weekend of Brotherhood and Achievement in Sicily
Dear Brethren,
Over the weekend of October 11-12, 2024, the AMSRB-NATO Club held its annual reunion, and this time, it took place in the stunning region of Sicily, Italy. Nestled near one of the most iconic landmarks in Europe, Mount Etna, the event brought together Brethren from around the world to celebrate camaraderie, honor tradition, and advance the Masonic work. Many attendees had the unique opportunity to visit the smoldering volcano, a symbol of both nature’s raw power and resilience. Standing at the foot of Mount Etna, we were reminded of the deep history and strength of Freemasonry, much like the ancient volcano that continues to shape the Sicilian landscape.
A significant highlight of the reunion was the indispensable role played by the European Brethren, who contributed greatly to the success of this year’s gathering. A special thanks goes to Bro. Tarik Eker, 32°, for assisting me with the "communicated" degrees. His dedication and leadership were instrumental throughout the weekend. Additionally, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Bro. Arda Çilingir, 32°, Bro. Tayfun Çilingir, 32°, and Bro. Tarik Eker, 32°, for their exceptional work in assisting me in my capacity as Venerable Master of the 18th Degree, as well as for their integral role in the 29th Degree.
These three Brethren from the Valley of Columbus were among those who received their degrees through the AMSRB just last year, thanks to courtesy work extended to the Valley of Columbus. It is truly inspiring to see how quickly they have returned to give back to the craft and assist in helping new candidates progress in their Masonic journey. Their commitment exemplifies the deep bonds formed within our Brotherhood, and their contributions this year underscore their dedication to supporting the Valley of Columbus and the future of Scottish Rite Masonry.
This year, we were also fortunate to witness the elevation of 21 new Masters of the Royal Secret; four of which were Valley of Columbus members who received their degrees once again through courtesy work provided by the AMSRB. Congratulations to Bro. Frank Ullmann, 32°, Bro. Mirel Tolca, 32°, Bro. Mark Baluran, 32°, and Bro. Zhivko, 32°. These brethren join the ranks of Columbus Scottish Rite Masons, committed to the values and traditions we hold dear.
As if the reunion itself weren’t enough, Emirat Shriners held their annual "Cold Sands" event following the Scottish Rite Reunion, providing an opportunity for those Brethren wishing to become Shriners but unable to attend a regular Ceremonial. Bro. Frank Ullmann being a Past Potentate, served as the Acting Potentate for the event, with many others from the Valley of Columbus participating, including myself as the Emirat Oriental Guide, Noble Tarik Eker as the Emirat Treasurer, Ill Sir Arda Çilingir, Past Potentate, Noble Mark Baluran, Noble Mirel Tolca, Noble Tayfun Çilingir and many more. The dedication of these Nobles in continuing the Shriners' mission of brotherhood and philanthropy was evident throughout the event.
This reunion was a powerful reminder of the unity that binds Scottish Rite Masons and Freemasons around the world. The ability to gather in such a historic and beautiful setting, with Brethren from across continents, speaks to the strength of our fraternity. It is this global brotherhood that not only transcends borders but enriches each of our individual Masonic journeys. Together, we continue to advance the light of Freemasonry, with each gathering deepening our bonds and strengthening our commitment to the craft.
In the spirit of unity and shared purpose, we look forward to future reunions where we can once again come together in Brotherhood and continue the noble work of Freemasonry.
College of Freemasonry
Masonic Unity: Building a Unified and Enlightened Brotherhood through the Scottish Rite Degrees
by Cameron J. Davis, 32° KCCH, digitally published 17 October 2024Art by Chris Röhrich, 32°Freemasonry stands as one of the most enduring institutions in the world, a beacon of moral principles and brotherly love. Among the many ideals that form the cornerstone of our Craft, unity is arguably one of the most essential. Unity is not merely a convenient notion for Masons—it is the very essence of what it means to be part of this fraternity. As brothers, we strive for unity both within ourselves and with one another, seeking to form a harmonious whole that reflects the higher ideals of justice, equality, and love. But unity is not static; it is a dynamic force, requiring continual nurturing and expanding understanding. This is where the Scottish Rite, often called the "university or college of Freemasonry," plays a vital role in deepening both the bonds of unity among Masons and the intellectual and moral foundation of the Craft.
The Scottish Rite offers a journey into deeper knowledge, helping to expand our minds while reinforcing the principles of unity. It teaches that unity is not simply the absence of conflict but a purposeful, shared pursuit of truth, enlightenment, and self-improvement. Together, Masonic unity and the expanded knowledge provided through the Scottish Rite form a powerful combination—binding us in brotherhood while also broadening our understanding of the universe and our place within it.
The Foundations of Masonic Unity
From the moment a man first kneels at the altar of a Masonic lodge, he is introduced to the concept of unity. The very structure of the Blue Lodge—the three degrees, the tools and symbols, and the allegorical lessons—instills in him the understanding that unity is not only an aspiration but a necessity. The Great Lights of Masonry, including the Volume of Sacred Law, the Square, and the Compasses, all symbolize unity in various forms. The Volume of Sacred Law reminds us of our shared moral obligations to a Supreme Being and one another. The Square teaches fairness and equality, while the Compasses represent the importance of self-restraint and balance in fostering harmony.
Masonic unity is more than simply working together toward a common goal. It is about transcending our individual differences and building a fraternity based on mutual respect, brotherly love, and shared values. This idea of unity is embodied in the allegory of King Solomon’s Temple, which symbolizes not just physical construction but the spiritual and moral edifice that Masons build together. Each member, regardless of rank, is a vital part of the greater whole, contributing to the success of the fraternity through cooperation and harmony.
Yet, Masonic unity is not about uniformity. The strength of Freemasonry lies in its ability to unite men from diverse backgrounds, religions, and cultures, all under the banner of brotherly love. Freemasonry unites men of “every country, sect, and opinion,” bringing together brothers who might otherwise never have found common ground. This unity in diversity is one of the most beautiful aspects of the Craft, teaching us that what unites us is far more powerful than what divides us.
The Scottish Rite: Expanding Knowledge and Deepening Unity
While the Blue Lodge provides the foundation for Masonic unity, the Scottish Rite builds upon this by offering Masons a path to expanded knowledge and a deeper understanding of universal truths. The Scottish Rite consists of 29 additional degrees that go beyond the teachings of the first three, exploring philosophical, moral, and esoteric themes that broaden a Mason’s worldview. This deep intellectual pursuit is not undertaken alone; it is a journey shared with fellow Masons, fostering an even greater sense of unity through the collective search for enlightenment.
The Scottish Rite is often described as the "university or college of Freemasonry" for good reason. Its degrees take Masons on a journey through history, philosophy, and spiritual understanding, offering lessons that transcend time and cultural boundaries. Each degree reveals new layers of wisdom, encouraging Masons to see beyond the mundane and seek out higher truths. For example, the 14th Degree, known as the Perfect Elu, stresses the importance of fidelity, justice, and brotherhood—essential qualities that bind us together in unity. The 18th Degree, the Knight Rose Croix, teaches self-sacrifice and the triumph of good over evil, reinforcing the idea that unity and brotherhood are vital to achieving the greater good.
Through the Scottish Rite, Masons gain a deeper understanding of the universal principles that connect all people, fostering a greater sense of brotherhood not just within the fraternity, but with all of humanity. This expanded knowledge strengthens the bonds among Scottish Rite Masons, as they engage in a shared intellectual and spiritual pursuit. They are united not just by their common experiences in the Craft but by their commitment to a lifelong journey of self-improvement and enlightenment.
Unity Through Shared Knowledge and Experience
One of the keyways in which the Scottish Rite strengthens unity within Freemasonry is through the shared pursuit of knowledge. As Masons move through the degrees of the Scottish Rite, they do so with their brothers by their side. This collective experience of learning, reflection, and growth creates a profound bond that transcends superficial differences. In this way, knowledge becomes a unifying force—bringing brothers closer together as they strive toward a common understanding of Masonic principles and moral truths.
The teachings of the Scottish Rite emphasize that knowledge is not something to be possessed for personal gain, but rather something to be shared for the benefit of all. This ethos encourages Scottish Rite Masons to use their expanded knowledge to uplift their brothers and to promote unity within their lodges and communities. For instance, in the book, A Bridge to Light by Rex R. Hutchens, the 32nd Degree, the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, reveals that unity is the culmination of a journey toward enlightenment, symbolizing the collective effort to unite humanity through wisdom, tolerance, and the pursuit of a universal moral order. It teaches that all of humanity is interconnected, and that true peace and happiness can only be achieved through mutual respect, compassion, and understanding.
The Scottish Rite and the Unity of Humanity
The Scottish Rite does more than simply deepen Masonic knowledge—it also broadens our perspective on unity by emphasizing the oneness of all humanity. Through its degrees, Masons are introduced to a variety of philosophical and religious traditions, each of which provides insights into the universal truths that connect all people. The Rite encourages tolerance, compassion, and an appreciation for the diversity of human experience. It teaches Masons that while we may come from different backgrounds, we are all part of the same human family, bound together by a shared desire to understand the mysteries of life and the universe.
This emphasis on the unity of humanity is one of the most profound teachings of the Scottish Rite. As Masons journey through the Rite’s degrees, they come to understand that Freemasonry is not just a local or national institution, but a global brotherhood that transcends borders, cultures, and creeds. The Rite’s teachings on universal truths and the interconnectedness of all people reinforce the idea that unity is not just something to be sought within the lodge, but something to be fostered in the world at large.
The Role of the Scottish Rite in Strengthening Masonic Unity
In addition to expanding knowledge, the Scottish Rite plays a crucial role in reinforcing the overall unity of the Masonic fraternity. By providing opportunities for intellectual and spiritual growth, the Rite strengthens the bonds between Masons and encourages them to work together for the betterment of the fraternity and society. Scottish Rite Masons are often leaders within their lodges, exemplifying the principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth, and inspiring others to do the same.
Furthermore, the Scottish Rite fosters unity by providing a space where Masons from all over the world can come together to share their experiences and ideas. This global network of Scottish Rite Masons is a powerful testament to the unifying force of Freemasonry, demonstrating that the principles of the Craft are not bound by geography or culture but are truly universal.
Conclusion: Unity as the Cornerstone of Freemasonry
Unity is not just a principle of Freemasonry; it is its foundation. From the Blue Lodge to the Scottish Rite, unity permeates every aspect of the Craft, guiding Masons in their relationships with one another and with the world. The Scottish Rite, with its focus on expanding knowledge and exploring universal truths, plays a vital role in promoting and deepening this unity. It teaches us that through shared experiences, mutual respect, and a commitment to the greater good, we can build a stronger, more harmonious fraternity—and by extension, a more unified world.
As Masons, we are called to be builders—not just of temples and edifices, but of brotherhoods, communities, and societies. Through unity, we can achieve great things. And through the expanded knowledge offered by the Scottish Rite, we gain the tools we need to foster that unity, both within the Craft and beyond it. Let us never forget that unity, strengthened by enlightenment, is the cornerstone upon which the future of Freemasonry—and indeed, the future of humanity—rests.
If you would like to explore the topic of Unity further through the lens of the Scottish Rite Degrees, I highly recommend that after reading A Bridge to Light by Rex R. Hutchens, you continue deepening your understanding by reading Pillars of Wisdom: The Writings of Albert Pike, also by Rex R. Hutchens. This insightful book delves deeper into the philosophical teachings of Albert Pike, providing greater context on unity and the broader principles of the Rite. The book is available for purchase through the Scottish Rite Book Store at (
Upcoming Events & Programs
HOT Pipe Organ Capital Campaign
Since 1916 the Temple Room at the House of the Temple has had an Organ to make our events even more special with music. The Shantz organ console located behind Lieutenant Grand Commander’s Chair controls the sound from the 1,417 pipes located high above floor level. The acoustics perfectly allow the room to be flooded with sound. Typically, the organ is played by the Grand Organist for various Masonic events and ceremonies. On occasion, guest organists hold concerts in the Temple Room. The public also visits the Temple Room every week during tours at the HOT.
The current Shantz Organ needs rebuilding and improvement. Currently, only about 50% of the keys will produce correct sounds. This is why the Scottish Rite has opened the HOT Pipe Organ Capital Campaign to save our treasured Organ. We formed a committee of members with vast knowledge and experience in Organs to plan this work. We need to keep music as an important part of the ceremonies and rituals of our fraternity.
Our goal is to raise $400,000 to pay for restoration, improvements to the instrument, and provide an endowment to pay for its maintenance and repairs in the future. Members all around the Southern Jurisdiction are giving, and we are making progress, but we are counting on every member’s help – and your help – to reach the goal.
Gifts to this Capital Campaign are tax deductible as allowed by law. Your gift made payable to the HOT Historic Preservation Foundation can be mailed to:
Supreme Council - Development Office
Attn: Caitlyn Kent
1733 16th Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20009-3103
Or you can simply call Caitlyn Kent at (202) 777-3111, tell her your gift is for the “Pipe Organ Campaign” and give her your card payment information to complete your gift. All information will be kept confidential.
You can also make your gift directly online by going to: Hover over “How to Give”, then “Giving Types” and left click on “Cash Gifts”. You will gain access to a secure jotform with blanks in which to type your information.
Select House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc.,
Select “House of the Temple Pipe Organ Capital Campaign”
And continue completing the questionnaire/form.
If you would like more information about this work or the campaign, please reach out to Donor Officer Phil Shortt at (240) 608-7425 or
Help keep our rich music culture alive in the Scottish Rite by helping with this earnest effort.
The January/February edition of the Scottish Rite Journal has greater detail about saving the House of the Temple’s Musical Treasure. Go to for even more.
Paver Program
The Valley of Columbus is establishing a paver garden in front of the Scottish Rite Center. It will start at the bottom of the steps on both sides of the front porch and extend to the end of each side of the building. It will be similar to the pavers at the Masonic Children's Home in Macon. This is a great opportunity to support the Valley of Columbus Building Fund by purchasing a paver, and to honor those people or organizations that have a special meaning to you (to include yourself!). Complete the order form in this issues of The Ashlar or open in a new window HERE.
300th Celebration Silver Coin
300th Anniversary Coin commemorating the first constituted Grand Lodge from 1717-2017. 1 oz .999 Fine Silver Masonic coin. [One side stamped with Square and Compass and Genesis 1-3. Other Side with Appendant Bodies of masonry and coin sequence Number]. Each are serial number stamped 1-150. Can ask for specific number and availability but requires coordination with Bayardo Reyes at
Committee Reports
As a result of our Power of 3 Program plan to raise $3M in 3 years to provide low- or no-cost intervention to help Georgia children with communication disorders find their ‘voice,’ I asked Ryan Gilliam, the Chief Operating Officer of KNR Therapy, how potential RiteCare donations could be used by KNR Therapy at the Autism Learning Center in Columbus. Below is his response:
“Thank you for considering us for your continued generous support. Below, I have provided detailed information regarding our staff, client numbers, the impact of various donation amounts, and our future growth plans.
Current and Projected Staff and Client Numbers:
Current Clients: 60
Current RBTs (Registered Behavior Technicians): 35
Current BCBAs (Board Certified Behavior Analysts): 7
Projected Numbers in the Next Few Months:
Clients: 71
RBTs: 50
BCBAs: 15
Impact of Donation Amounts:
$20,000 Donation: This would cover advanced training materials for staff development or specialized toys/equipment for client therapy, allowing more clients to have PECS communication tools and resources.
$50,000 Donation: Could fund technology upgrades (like tablets for interactive learning) or support a series of parent training workshops, providing essential learning materials or therapy tools for all KNR clients.
$100,000 Donation: This would significantly contribute towards advanced therapy equipment or furnishing a therapy room (sensory room) to enhance the therapeutic environment. We have a room in the clinic that needs a shower and plumbing removed to repurpose the space for our clients.
Potential Funding Utilization Ideas:
Supporting Columbus State University's ABA Program: Establishing a chair at Columbus State University to develop an ABA program aligns perfectly with our mission to grow the BCBA population. This initiative will benefit our clinic and the wider community by increasing the availability of qualified professionals.
Funding for LAMP Devices: Providing funds for Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) devices would directly enhance our ability to offer high-quality therapy to children with communication challenges.
We are committed to using donated funds to make the most significant possible impact on our clients and staff. We appreciate your interest in supporting KNR Therapy. Thank you for your consideration and support.”
I believe the biggest impact that increased RiteCare donations can have is to help get more BCBAs and RBTs certified. There is no shortage of children who need help. Let’s make it happen!
Phil Harris, 33°
Chairman, RiteCare
Valley of Columbus
Vol. 3, No. 10 - October 2024